THE CROWN CHAKRA ( seventh) I hope you will find this article - TopicsExpress


THE CROWN CHAKRA ( seventh) I hope you will find this article informative. The 7 Chakras are the energy centres in our body in which energy flows through. Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so its important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. Please read.... The Crown Chakra energy is located at the top of the head, slightly to the back of it. Its central concept is spirituality and is associated with the colour purple or violet. It is the gateway to the spiritual world, tradition says that the soul leaves the body via this chakra. Famous examples of people with strong crown chakras include Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II. The Crown Chakra rules the brain, especially the right side of it, and is also associated with the central nervous system. In individuals with a misaligned crown chakra there may be such problems as multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, hallucinations, Parkinsons disease, epilepsy, Alzheimers, bipolar disorder, or some other kind of severe mental disorder. This chakra also rules clinical depression. Tradition suggest that the Crown Chakra rules the right eye, and such things as varicose veins and the skin. It is also associated with rashes, eczema, warts, moles, bacteria, and probably also skin cancer. The Crown Chakra rules the interconnectedness of everything, everyone else on earth as well as the Universe. It symbolises faith and trust, along with the ability to pray and to know God will lead us in the right direction. *A person with a strong crown chakra looks forward to the future with optimism, and a strong crown chakra is also associated with joy, happiness and peace of mind. They are kindhearted and may be somewhat self- sacrificing. They can empathise with others to the extend that they almost feel their pain. They are highly intelligent. They understand their purpose on earth and can see the best way forward. However, their values and their choice of pathway are spiritual rather than material, so they choose not to join the rat race. The crown chakra rules faith, trust, prayer, meditation and wisdom. It brings a sense of balance and spiritual awareness. Oddly enough, feelings of loneliness, isolation can be linked to this chakra even when its strong, causing the person to turn inward to contemplate the spiritual side of life. Even though they have a strong sense of responsibility, making a lot of money is not a priority. They are ethical; they always try to do a good days work in exchange for a good days pay. These honest and decent individuals cant stand people who take advantage and liars. *A person with too much Crown Chakra typifies those who are too involved with the world of Spirit to be able to function in the real world. These individuals need to be grounded. They may pray all the time. They take themselves very seriously, and they may be religious bores who have no ordinary interests and no other topic of conversation. They may be judgemental and have a self- righteous attitude that makes others feel uncomfortable. They also consider themselves superior to those around them. *A person with not enough Crown Chakra are full of fears and phobias, so they cannot enjoy life or look forward to the future with optimism. They fear death. If their lives are difficult, they find it hard to make changes, improve their situation, or move on. They have no faith in God or in the future, so they often feel blocked and unable to progress. At worst, they might be money minded. At best, they may be wonderful moneymakers, and they probably value other people by measuring the money or processions that they have. They may be completely taken up with the idea of wealth and processions, so that they become materially rich but lack compassion or soul. Note: This Chakra carries memories of a Fathers love. The connection with the father suggests that an overly strong or overly weak Crown Chakra is allied to a poor father- child relationship, where either the father is a bad parent or the child is bad to his or her father.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:50:05 +0000

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