THE CULTURED OBLIVIOUSNESS OF WHITE PEOPLE: Here below is a recent exchange with an oblivious white woman doing WRONG and committing violence in Rwanda (and outside of it) under the banners of HEALING through a program they call PROJECT LIGHT. This woman Lori Leyden exemplifies WHITE SUPREMACIST BEHAVIOR in the project she has created, in the continued pursuit of the goals and programs she has pursued, and in her response to me. Presented with a challenge seek and realize the truth she chooses to remain oblivious and do exactly what she wants, no matter the violence involved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: keith harmon Snow 12/18/14 Dear Lori Leyden of Project Light I am a huge advocate of tapping (EFT). I have also been training in holotropic breathwork, and have much experience with healing modalities etc etc etc. I also worked for the UN as a genocide investigator in Africa. You can read about me through my links at the signature line if you are so inclined. A friend sent your Project Light film to me and I watched it and have these comments. If you wish to make a difference in RWanda, you absolutely need to educate yourself and immediately correct the political narrative in the film. Best to remove that political narrative entirely. It is wrong, and it effectively supports genocide against the Hutu people. You appear to be completely unaware that your project is being used by the criminal government of Rwanda to help advance their power interests. The narrative you have used, with misplaced photos that have nothing to do with the spoken narrative (when the appear), and some typical racial stereotyping that speaks to white people of privilege in the white western world, are inherently violent and only demonstrate your lack of understanding of the history and nature of violence in Rwanda (and central Africa more generally). There will never be peace, and there will never be reconciliation, in Rwanda, as long as projects like yours help to support the violent propaganda narrative and the violent criminal regime in power. This is because your project is exclusive: it serves only Tutsis, and you make no distinction between Tutsi victims (French speakers) and Tutsi perpetrators (English speaking)-- for example. Strip the wrong false establishment political narrative from the film and do the good work you are trying to do. Blessings keith harmon snow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Lori Leyden 12/31/14 (10 days ago) Hello Keith, I appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns about our film as well as the time you took to view it. Heres to keeping hearts open and healed in our world. Happy blessed new year to you. _________________________________ Lori Leyden, PhD, MBA (805) 636-1077 Videos: When I Was Young Movie Trailer Project LIGHT Rwanda Tap into the LIGHT Project LIGHT Rwanda: The beginning https://youtube/watch?v=GxEHjOnZ_kI& Websites: Project LIGHT Rwanda Create Global Healing The Grace Process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: keith harmon Snow 9:29 PM 01/10/2015 Hello Lori Leyden: Given the gravity of the issue of working with a nasty dictatorship and supporting the violence that I levy against your project, your reply is unacceptable. What I wrote is not a matter of my opinion. Have you seen the Human RIghts Watch report about disappearing in Rwanda in 2014? Your continuing to pursue the program you have going in Rwanda will amount to willful support for terrorism. Your behavior is typical of white people -- imperialists -- who are so immersed in their own whiteness that when confronted with such a challenge as mine to you they choose to remain oblivious and pursue their own selfish goals. This is the worst kind of racial imperialism. keith harmon snow
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 02:51:54 +0000

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