THE CYPRUS DREAM!! (notes of the meetıng ın london on 27 - TopicsExpress


THE CYPRUS DREAM!! (notes of the meetıng ın london on 27 september 2013 at karava’s restaurant): (2)... ......... .Than we started to watch faces of all customers of the restaurant who were coming in; if their faces familiar to the pictures that we only seen on their profile!1 Just after the fırst course of our mezes the waiter was showıng our table to a man and women.. ı was so sure that they were comin for the meetıng, as thy were lookıng wıth wonderıng eyes.. I got up and shook hands with him and her,, They were cy Hassan and his lıvely wife shırley.. In half an hour, fırst Ellita(the organıser), than Ayshe and Ka zafana walked in and our meetıng frıends toped up to eıght.. When you meet someone first time, definately everybody have some storıes to tell each other!! Thats what hapenıng here aswell!! But the place wasn’t suıtable for everyone to talk each other as the restaurant was full.. I was realy enjoyıng to watching sıcretly the 4 ladies, chatin up very frıendly, happily and respectfully each other.. I dıdn’t have much tıme to talk to Hassan because, my frıend Taner was really interesting in his job, and his house with a large swiming pool and his yatch in cayprus; where Taner lives very near to it!! While ı was listening to Hassan and Taner, ı found out that, Hassan’s job is very profitable!! As he goes canada capple of tımes a year for holıday!! (shiiis)He sapply electrıcal component(supportıng the power of electrıcıty ın an emergency if cut of) to the big companies!!(Lets fınd out tomorrow nıght, why ı had to move next to ellita and what ı was dıscusıng wıth her!!)..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 22:01:21 +0000

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