THE DAWN OF THE ERA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. OUR MANIFESTO. The quest for quality representation that will bring to fulfilment the yearnings and aspirations of the Igbide people anchored on goodwill have triggered the passion in me to serve my people selflessly. It is my belief that this selfless service will usher in the much awaited dividends of democracy if I am given the mandate to serve my people as the Councillor representing Igbide Ward 07A in the forth coming PDP primaries and the October 25th, Local Government election in Delta State. If elected, my administration shall critically oversee three (3) fundamental agenda geared towards the enhancement of the living standard of our people. Periodically, we shall expand these areas under review to accommodate the very dynamism of human wants and nature. Basically, we shall give special attention to: (a) Educational Advancement (b) Youth Empowerment (c) Peace & Security. EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT. As an erudite scholar who believe in the tenets of education as the key to the sustainable development of any nation, our administration shall embark on practical educational programmes that will not only see to the advancement of the teaching learning process but will also activate the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain of learning of the Igbide child. We shall give special preference to award of scholarships to both brilliant and indigent students, provision of textbooks, notebooks and other learning materials to stimulate and boost the dwindling reading and learning culture in our schools. About 80 percent of the targeted goals in the educational advancement shall be undertaken by the Prosper Edo Educational Foundation (PEEF) in harmonious partnership with renowned world educational establishments, multi-national companies, public and private organisations, respected individuals etc. As a beneficiary of Late Abiegbe Akporido Educational Foundation for academic excellence in 2005, and as a former National President of Federated Union of Igbide Students (FUIS) who understands the enormous financial challenges of undergraduate students, my administration shall undertake the payment of school fees for two undergraduates yearly. This scholarship shall run for the three years duration of my administration. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. An idle mind is the Satans workshop goes a saying. As a young man who have spent over 15 years living in Igbide, I have a better understanding of the problems confronting the youths. To this end, we shall embark on massive orientation and re-orientation of our youths on the need for self reliance through skills acquisition. This sensitisation shall be fully backed up with the training of our youths (females inclusive) in the areas of hair dressing, bead making, fashion designing, motor mechanic etc. We shall subsidize the cost of these programmes and also purchase equipments for participants at the end of the programme. We shall encourage and support programmes that will enhance youth participation that will in turn generate employment and skills acquisition. We shall also contribute the best we can to assist our mothers in the provision of farming seedlings, cassava stems and key into any micro-agricultural scheme that will help boost agricultural output. PEACE & SECURITY. As a youth representative of the Local Peace & Security Committee of Isoko South L.G.A and Isoko South L.G.A Coordinator of Africa Initiative Against Terrorism & Other Social Vices, I shall partner with relevant security agencies across the nation to ensure the protection of lives and properties in Igbide. We shall also liaise and work harmoniously with the traditional institution in power, Igbide Union, the Vigilantee, the women wing and all governing authorities to advocate for peace and security. I present myself as a humble servant with a burning desire and passion of service to motherland. A mandate given to me to serve as the Councillor representing Igbide Ward 07A is indeed the dawn of the era for sustainable development. Together we can make this dream come to reality. The dawn of the era is here!!! Yours in service Prosper Iwoma Edo.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 07:39:13 +0000

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