THE DAY HE WAS BORN-NOV 12, 2009 Hendrixs birthday is fast - TopicsExpress


THE DAY HE WAS BORN-NOV 12, 2009 Hendrixs birthday is fast approaching and Art and I are a little nervous and scared as to how we will handle it. He would be turning 4. We know it will be a time of reflection and this may be difficult as we miss him so much every single day. However, we are finding more times to smile and laugh as thoughts of him enter our daily routines. We find ourselves repeating things he said and did and using his little voice and slight childlike slur with certain words in times we want to be extra sweet to one another. This always brings a smile or a laugh. We try to remind ourselves how fortunate we were to have him, even for the brief glimpse that it seems like. Just last night as we stopped to get gas in the car, I said the word anything, and Art said, thats where he got that word. Remember when he would say, I cant see anything. He had that little bit of slang to the word and would put the emphasis on the an part and draw it out just a bit. We both smiled and laughed as we could hear his little voice in our heads. I could remember him putting the sleeping eye mask over his face in the UCSF hospital and saying, I cant see ANYTHING. When Hendrix was sick he loved to hear the story about the day he was born. He loved certain parts of it, and began to repeat them and would interject and fill in the parts that he liked a lot. So, I figured I would tell it again for him, for me, and for you. You were inside Mommys tummy and you had passed the day you were supposed to come out. Mommy went to see her doctor, Dr. Mason, and he said, this is a big baby, and you are now a week passed your due day. Its time for this baby to come out. But you said, no, I like it in here. Its so warm and cozy. But Mommy went to the hospital by our house, the big white one that we drive by every day. Daddy and I took the elevator up to the second floor. Everyone else came to the hospital too. They were so excited to meet you. Everyone was there. Nana, Papa, Tia Kat, Tia Kelsey, Uncle Tyler, Grandma Michelle, Grandpa Greg, Yia Yia, and Uncle Gary. They had to give Mommy medicine to make me sleepy, just like you have to get sometimes. The doctor made a little cut and pulled you right out. He then brought you over so Daddy and I could see you and you know what he said? Its a boy!!! Daddy and I started crying because we were so happy. You were so beautiful and had big dimples in your cheeks. You wanted to breastfeed right away and you liked your milk, even then. We finally got to take you to our room, and we could see outside, and guess what? It had started to rain. It was so pretty. You had brought the rain to water all the beautiful flowers so they could open up before you got home. You were such a big baby too... 9 pounds 12.9 ounces and 21 inches long. Everyone came to visit you in the hospital and everyone wanted to take turns holding you. Mommy and Daddy loved holding you. You know the day you were born was the best day of mommys and daddys life. We love you. Hendrix loved this story. He would light up and sometimes when I would ask him if he wanted to read a book or hear a story, he would say, A story, the one when I was born. During the story he liked to put his hand on my tummy and say, I liked it here because it was warm and cozy. He would also say, Its a boy!!! and Daddy cried because he was so happy. I can feel his little warm hand on my belly and hear his voice right now as I write it down and it makes me smile. Gosh, I love him so much. We have found that for upcoming days, holidays, etc, it is better to have a plan, to help get through them. So Nov 12 is a Tues this year. This is our plan so far. Art and I will likely spend some time by ourselves at the cemetery in the morning. Then we have decided to spend his birthday this year serving lunch to the parents on the oncology floor at our local Childrens hospital. We know all of the staff there, and it has become a real home for us. Somehow helping other families will help us get through the day. We then plan to come home and have birthday cake with our family at home. If we are emotionally up for it, we will then make/have his favorite foods...Ms. Pattys chicken noodle soup, soft white rolls with butter, tangerines, strawberry fruit roll-ups, and of course, chocolate milk. Then we plan to turn on some good tunes, light up the foam glow sticks, and dance, dance, dance. That boy loved to dance. One of my ultimate favorite memories is when it was just the two of us at home and we were sitting in the living room and it was getting close to the time we had to leave for clinic for his chemo, and he just asked, mom, do you want to dance with me? I said, Sure, as a big smile crossed my face. We turned on the music and just laughed, danced, twisted and twirled together in the soft white light beamed through the windows. It was perfect and I think about it now as something like out of a movie. I knew we would be late for clinic, but I just didnt care. I was having way too much fun. Finally, after 20 or 30 minutes, he was worn out. I asked, are you ready to get dressed now?. He said, Yeah. We walked together down the hall toward his room to get his clothes and he lightly grabbed my hand and held it and looked up at me and said ever so sweetly, Mom, I had a really good time. I said, Me too my sweet. This year to help us celebrate Hendrixs birthday, will you send us a photo, or an email, text me, or send a quick note or thought about how you knew Hendrix or heard of his journey/story and how it has effected you and/or your family. Knowing he is not forgotten will help us tremendously. If you will also set your phones/alarms/etc to remind yourself to spend 5 minutes to dance with your children or loved ones on Tues evening and remember him, we will be forever grateful. The day Hendrix Gregory Wille was born was the best day of our lives, and will remain so, as our lives move forward. Please help us celebrate Hendo : ) Thank you for your continued love and support! Our contacts,emails and address: 559-341-8325, rozannehug@yahoo, agwille@me 3238 Duncan Ave, Clovis, CA, 93619
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:26:42 +0000

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