THE DEMISE OF CV ...A PROPHETIC LOOK Isolationism is what was - TopicsExpress


THE DEMISE OF CV ...A PROPHETIC LOOK Isolationism is what was used in certain countries such as North Korea and even today in China through the control of the internet. This also can describe the group known by us here as CV and all its other permutations such as Cannot Voice. This name is a prophetic account on what will happen in that group. The fact they have become a closed group has mean technically they are hidden from the public and can correctly be described as an Occult group. Occult meaning hidden. The policy of not allowing others to see their page by Thomas or whoever is the chief there, will back fire on them. The Demise is happening as we speak. The Homeland Security Act came into existence to protect the American public from the outside terror threat. Well we really know what that act did was completely Draconian. It made the people inside USA have many of their god given rights taken away and destroyed many aspects of the Constitution all in the name of freedom. I believe Thomas not your Thomas but Thomas Jefferson said is so apt to describe what is happening in CV.. A nation that limits freedom in the name of security will have neither. A group that limits freedom in the name of security will have neither. This is what has happened in that group. They (CV) have become closed so that outsiders cannot see in also this is primary reason in my humble opinion why this was done, to get members to tow the party line which is what Thomas/Chloe the new overmasters want in that group. Soon it will come very apparent those members will realise that even if they have an opinion that does not match exactly to what those at the Top believe in, they will be booted out. This will eventually mean those who express an opinion or have misgivings about anything even so slightly different that what is the status quo they will be thrown out. They have made CV into a virtual prison. and the group members dont realise they are prisoners. Some are now as we speak dissenting and realising what is happening they are starting to wake up and smell the coffee. Also anyone who has a different view those at top will be describe as Time wasters trolls of shills and even a wait for it DISTRACTION! A few who were good men cant handle the truth. If this was all legit and above board, then this behaviour would not occur and there would be no closing of such a group. Whatever happened to Freedom Thomas? People in that group have been attacked because they were guilty by association? I was. Dont you love it when the very thing they claim to believe in they do the opposite of (think 1st amendment). I believe Thomas is upset because people are showing to the outside what really has been going on in the inside and they want to Cover it up and make it Occult. Occult is a good word to use or is it CULT? . They ,CV are attempting to make the group Cult status. In fact they have started this behavioural format by telling people WHO TO BLOCK and the certain members at CV have done just that going along with their new overmasters! Tell me if I am wrong but is that what you claim to be escaping from and want change is not to be controlled? They the new masters of the group have told the membership not go to this Group and some have just exactly that and even blocked us. True freedom is knowing that others dont exactly agree with you but being able to accept their differing views with grace and respect. Can you see where this is going? Folks in CV do you really need someone else to tell you what to do, are you not acting like sheep to follow the new shepherd, also you are not making your mind up by yourself? Do you really need Thomas et al to tell you what to do, and who to watch, what sites to look at and who to be friends with and who to block? Dont you all have a mind of your own YOU ARE NOT SHEEPLE? Or are you? It time for you to make your mind up. . youtube/watch?v=pACePi441ds
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:48:08 +0000

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