THE DOCTRINE OF ABSOLUTE PREDESTINATION, JEROME ZANCHIUS (SWRB AUDIO BOOK OF 10 FREE MP3s) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will (Ephesians 1:5, If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanter) The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination ( was translated by Toplady at the age of nineteen and held from publication for some time. It was later requested by Dr. Gill that it be released to the public. After good circulation in North America and overseas, John Wesley attempted to circulate a few mutilated extracts from the book, signed with the initials of Topladys name. This forgery of Mr. Wesley caused Toplady to issue another edition, and this is the edition that we have reprinted, notes Atherton in the introduction. Furthermore, Atherton calls this one of the best, if not the best book ever issued on Absolute Predestination. He also notes that in our day so-called Protestants not only deny and reject these truths, but very zealously support the popish theory of free-will. There is one thing all history testifies to, namely, that what the world calls Calvinism is the only doctrine that produces civil and religious liberty, pure and undefiled religion, national independence and prosperity, whilst all other systems produce superstition, worldliness and national decay, only to end in lawlessness, Bolshevism and destruction. It is forgotten that only the pure truth of God can make a nation great or save a sinner. To our Triune Covenant Lord be all the praise and glory. A Letter to John Wesley Relative to His Pretended Abridgment of Zanchius on Predestination by Augustus Toplady Election and Predestination by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon (9 Free MP3) For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive a must. - Dr. Steven Dilday A Crook in the Lot, The Sovereignty of God in the Trials, Tribulations & Troubles of This Life by Thomas Boston A Crook in the Lot, The Sovereignty of God in the Trials, Tribulations & Troubles of This Life by Thomas Boston includes several sermons on the sovereignty and wisdom of God as it is displayed in the afflictions of men, together with instruction on maintaining a strong Christian testimony under hardship, pain and trouble. Spurgeons Sovereign Grace Sermons by Charles Spurgeon VIDEO: Dr. Steven Dilday Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive - YouTube The common Christian can now have a world-class Presbyterian and Reformed library at his fingertips, for only pennies per volume. - Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive (Pastor, Author, President of The Matthew Poole Project, Founder or Liberty & Grace Seminary, etc.) God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established. - Westminster Confession of Faith, Of Gods Eternal Decree, Chapter 3:1, 1647, Original Edition (emphases added). Commentary On the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), Truths Victory Over Error, by David Dickson (Free Audio Book: 12 MP3s) and Much More! The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. - Pastor W.J. Mencarow Why God Wills The Church Be Persecuted, The Sovereignty of God, Predestination and The Will Of God, How The Church Of The Apostles Was Hijacked By Rome (A History Of Apostasy And The Growth Of Antichrist), Gods Will For Worship, The Victory of the Reformation Prophesied In Revelation, Islam In The Bible, Assurance of Salvation, The Peace That Passes Understanding, Christianity Versus Humanism, Key To the Ten Commandments, The Lord Rejects Religious Toleration And Humanistic Egalitarianism and Much More By Pastor W.J. Mencarow, John Calvin, Paul Washer, Dr. R.C. Sproul, John Owen, Dr. Steven Dilday, Greg Price, Matthew Henry and Others (Free MP3s, Videos, Etc.) Gods Absolute Sovereignty (Predestination) and Mans Full Responsibility and Free Agency (In the Bible) - Free Reformation Resources (MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.) Election and Mans Responsibility Before God by Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, Dr. Joel Beeke, Dr. Ferrell Griswold and Others (Free MP3s, Free Online Sermon Text, Etc.) The Puritan Hard Drive is truly a technological marvel! - J. Fernandez, Film Producer, IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America (which won Best Documentary at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival) Gods Absolute Sovereignty (Predestination) and Mans Full Responsibility and Free Agency (In the Bible) - Free Reformation Resources (MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.) Best sermon we have heard harmonizing Gods absolute sovereignty with mans complete responsibility, as it is revealed in the Bible. Regarded by many as Jonathan Edwards greatest work, The Freedom of the Will examines the nature and state of mans will, explaining that mans will is fallen and in need of Gods grace for salvation. In 1754 Edwards published The Freedom of the Will, which although it was written long before the modern debate over Open Theism, thoroughly answers and demolishes the errors of this view. The full title of Edwards great philosophical work is, An Inquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame. His text was Romans 9:16, It is not of him that willeth. One of the authors that he was refuting was Daniel Whitby, an Arminian minister in the Church of England. Whitby was known for being strongly anti-Calvinistic, and later gave evidence of strong Arian and Unitarian tendencies. In 1710 he had written his Discourse on the Five Points [of Calvinism]. What Edwards interacted with most was the fourth discourse on The Liberty of the Will of Man in a State of Trial and Probation. Whitbys statement, It is better to deny prescience [foreknowledge] than liberty. Is from that section. He also said that it is better to say that God does not know the future, or that God both does and doesnt know the future. One can see the Openness of God theology in these statements three hundred years ago. Edwards responded in The Freedom of the Will that man freely chooses whatever seems good to him, but that what seems good to him is always based on an inherent predisposition. That inherent predisposition has been foreordained and predestined by a sovereign God who does not inhibit mans ability to freely choose from a limited menu. For Edwards the issue regarding a totally free will is a simple one: either contingency and the liberty of self-determination must be run out of this world, or God will be shut out. (from Monergism Books) Pelagianism has a death grip on the modern church. Perhaps the most important refutation of this distinctive is Edwards Freedom of the Will. I believe this is the most important theological book ever published in America. - Dr. R.C. Sproul In this book, Edwards annihilated false views of the will that prevailed in his century and in ours, in order that men may know how to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. This profoundest of all Edwards works is essentially and intentionally an evangelistic tract. - John H. Gerstner Human Responsibility in Light of Gods Sovereignty (Against the Grain) by Phil Johnson (Free MP3) Against the Grain has a two-fold meaning, both of them relating to our spiritual growth. First, we want to challenge you to live against the grain of this fallen world -- and thats where the subtitle comes in. Vanity Fair is the name of the entertainment-mad, pleasure-driven city depicted in John Bunyans Christian Classic Pilgrims Progress. Could it be that Mr. Bunyan was envisioning our fair city, the city of Los Angeles? During our own pilgrim journey toward the Celestial City, we want to cut a path through the enticements of the culture and defy its encroachment into our church. Second, Against the Grain has everything to do with your personal fight against the fallen nature, the temptation to follow the path of least resistance. Jesus said, If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me (Luke 9:23). As our pastor, John MacArthur has so often said, following Christ is the end of self. You must go against the grain of what comes easy, laboring to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. So sharpen your blade -- the cutting starts now! Responsibility and Sovereignty Work Together by Dr. Curt D. Daniel (Free MP3) Any lover of Puritan literature will find a treasure trove in the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 02:14:55 +0000

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