THE FIGHT TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF FIGURE SKATING I just posted the following comments at Figure Skating Universe in the thread - Requesting the resignation of Ottavio Cinquanta - in response to many posters there who dont like (for whatever reason/excuse/agenda) either of the two petitions and who say they wont sign them. As if Cinquantas rediculous proposals arent reasoned enough, stupid enough and dangerous enough for the future of the sport. I wasnt going to laden the petition with all his past idiodic deeds to try and satisfy every possible demand from possible signatories. This is not about the need to satisfy every potential signer, it is about those who do sign sending a message to their respective NGBs that skating fans are FED UP WITH OTTAVIO CINQUANTA. I started the petition with the goal to spread the unhappiness about Cinquanta to Skating Officialdom. I know full well Speedy doesnt give a shit about us. So sign if you want or dont sign for whatever damn reason/excuse/agenda you have. I could care less. With that out of the way, I will back up Sylvias confirmation that Dick Button not only supports both petitions, he has signed Bill Feuvers sponsored petition calling for Speedys resignation. So those here who doubt that can rest be assured his signature is indeed on that document. I am trying to stir up the skating community base in the U.S. from Club level up to take this fight to the USFS Governing Council in a couple weeks and get the delegates to bring up the topic of the petitions and make the elected officials and Board of Directors acknowledge our disgust with Skatings Leadership and even get them to recognize the need to deal with Cinquanta and these foolish proposals. Bill Fauver has posted with challenges to former and current Olympic and World Team figure skaters to get behind not just the petitions but a general effort to spread the word on the need for NGBs to deal with Speedy. Today he challenged the PSA and USFSA Board Members as well. Here is what he wrote: Do they see the issues with Mr. Cinquanta? Are they bold enough to step out and sign the petition, and then do more to make create change? Clearly (20) years of Mr. Cinquantas leadership has taken us far away from success and close to oblivion. I would think as a PSA or USFSA Board Member it is crucial to have a clear view of figure skating and the challenges facing our sport and to be able to articulate action rather than responding, It cant be done that way, that is not how the ISU works, it is political. We are so far past the time for that political response that it is insulting to hear it. Be Bold Board Members, and then back it up with action. Finally, anyone with a brain knows that the latest disastrous proposals from the Speed Skater are born from the critically troubled financial state that faces the ISU. The past policies that members refused to block have contributed to the critical state of skatings financial condition and public affairs nightmare that has reduced the sports popularity to near death. Though many helped bring the sport to its knees, it has been Cinquantas incompetence as a business leader, his corruptible and unaccountable lack of ethics in managing skatings international governing body and his use of threats, blackballing and intimidation that is inexcusable. These alone are reason enough for NGB delegates to the June ISU Congress to seek his resignation. I have no illusions this will happen, but at least I am not just sitting around on my ass complaining. I am trying to do my small part to make something, anything positive happen for the future of the sport I love so much. - Peter Murray
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 05:51:01 +0000

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