THE FOLLOWING IS NOT IN DEFENSE OF JANET NAPOLES. In our rage and haste to condemn the queen of all scams, one that she has earned totally, we are forgetting [or starting to forget] the other important element in the equation: the partners of Janet in the senate, congress; in the executive and other agencies of the government including those who wear the uniform. We now know how pork gets transferred from a lawmaker to the Budget Secretary to the NGO or point agency and finally to the pockets of Janet and partners. Pork does not move on its own, we know this. It needs the initial endorsement of a law maker, we know this too. So even the best laid plan cannot be executed without the equation being complete. If Janet is the architect of the plan and also its best salesman, she is indeed no less than brilliant with a capital B! Can you imagine she hatched the best laid plan and brilliantly peddled it - she was able to convince her partners to join her: that is no mean feat. That is the work of a genius. But I go back to my original thought. Janet would not have been successful with her disdainful activities if she had no wiling partners riding with her. Remember, it always takes two to tango. Even Christ Himself could not have turned water into wine without a willing partner, water; or could not have multiplied fish and bread without these as His willing partner. While we turn our guns, anger and hatred on this despicable creature called Janet Napoles, we must never ever forget that she was only a success at what she did because she had partners along the way who supported and protected her. Without them, there would be no Janet Napoles who we are now condemning to the bowels of hell!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 08:57:17 +0000

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