THE FORGOTTEN LINK IN THE WAR OF NORTHERN AGGRESSION Michael Gaddy “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” ~Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, Monday 4 March, 1861 The great debate on whether the so-called Civil War was fought to free an enslaved people or to collect an oppressive, confiscatory tariff will continue as long as there are people who seek to justify the destruction of the South and the deaths of over 700,000 Americans in order to cover for an avoidable, unnecessary war in which the principle of “consent of the governed” was destroyed and became instead mere words on parchment. Almost totally forgotten are the American Indians and their role of resistance in this great crime against humanity, initiated and managed by a man who very possibly violated our Constitution more than any other president in our history. This [Lincoln’s] amazing disregard for the Constitution was considered by nobody as legal. One man was the government of the United States, wrote historian Clinton Rossiter, who also referred to Lincoln as a “great dictator.” History shows that if you are a bold enough leader to violate multiple tenets of the Constitution, wrongfully imprison those who disagree with your planned invasion and subjugation of a people who wished to peacefully separate from a government they saw as being oppressive to Liberty, the tyrannical government you led will place a large marble monument and statue in your honor and glorify your crimes as just in the pages of history. Within days of his death, Lincoln’s life was being compared to Christ. Lincoln destroyed the office of president as intended by the founders and converted the office into a virtual monarchy, blatantly suppressing both Congress and the courts. For those who coveted a stronger central government which would allow the enslavement of all the people, Lincoln’s actions were indeed seen as an act of God. Children in the Public Fool System and members of the Republican Party have been worshipping Lincoln ever since. What part did the American Indians play in this drama, you ask? First of all were the Five Civilized Tribes who joined the Confederacy, with the exception being one small band of Creeks who sided with the Union. Below is an excerpt from the Unification with the Confederacy document written by Cherokee Chief, John Ross. Please pay special attention to the reasons the Cherokee joined ranks with the South. Nowhere can be found a better description of the atrocities visited on the South by Lincoln’s criminal hordes. Please bear in mind these words came from the pen of a man of color, not some White slave-owner. “…Disclaiming any intention to invade the Northern States, they [Confederacy] sought only to repel invaders from their own soil and to secure the right of governing themselves. They claimed only the privilege asserted by the Declaration of American Independence, and on which the right of the Northern States themselves to self-government is formed, of altering their form of government when it became no longer tolerable and establishing new forms for the security of their liberties. Throughout the Confederate States, we saw this great revolution effected without violence or suspension of the laws or the closing of the courts, The military power was nowhere placed above the civil authorities. None were seized and imprisoned at the mandate of arbitrary power. All division among the people disappeared, and the determination became unanimous that there should never again be any union with the Northern States. Almost as one man, all who were able to bear arms rushed to the defense of an invaded country, and nowhere has it been found necessary to compel men TO SERVE, or to enlist mercenaries by the offer of extraordinary bounties. But, in the Northern States, the Cherokee people saw with alarm a violated constitution, all civil liberty put in peril, and all rules of civilized warfare and the dictates of common humanity and decency unhesitatingly disregarded. In states which still adhered to the Union, a military despotism had displaced the civil power and the laws became silent amid arms. Free speech and almost free thought became a crime. The right of the writ of habeas corpus, guaranteed by the constitution, disappeared at the nod of a Secretary of State or a general of the lowest grade. The mandate of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was at naught by the military power, and this outrage on common right, approved by a President sworn to support the constitution. War on the largest scale was waged, and the immense bodies of troops called into the field in the absence of any law warranting it under the pretense of suppressing unlawful combination of men. The humanities of war, which even barbarians respect, were no longer thought worthy to be observed. Foreign mercenaries and the scum of the cities and the inmates of prisons were enlisted and organized into brigades and sent into Southern States to aid in subjugating a people struggling for freedom, to burn, to plunder, and to commit the basest of outrages on the women. While the heels of armed tyranny trod upon the necks of Maryland and Missouri, and men of the highest character and position were incarcerated upon suspicion and without process of law, in jails, in forts, and prison ships, and even women were imprisoned by the arbitrary order of a President and Cabinet Ministers; while the press ceased to be free, and the publication of newspapers was suspended and their issues seized and destroyed. The officers and men taken prisoners in the battles were allowed to remain in captivity by the refusal of the Government to consent to an exchange of prisoners; as they had left their dead on more than one field of battle that had witnessed their defeat, to be buried and their wounded to be cared for by southern hands.” Anyone care to wager whether Cherokee Chief Ross’s Declaration has been read or mentioned to the students down at the local high school---ever? Have you read of this declaration before? The Confederacy promoted a man of color, Cherokee Stand Watie to the rank of General. At no time was a man of color given such high regards and rank in the Union Army. In fact, the majority of Black units in the Union Army during the war were commanded by White officers and enlisted Blacks in the Union Army were paid less than their White counterparts performing the same duty. Neither should we ever forget the largest execution of American Indians (Santee Sioux) whose guilt was entirely in doubt on 26 December 1862; an execution ordered by the so-called Great Emancipator. 39 members of the Santee Sioux were hanged with their trials lasting less than 10 minutes each. Our history continues to be distorted and great men such as Stand Watie are unknown to many simply because those who destroyed our Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to implement a Marxist form of government could only do so with lies and an unholy ascension to the moral high ground. Yesterday, our country celebrated President’s Day, a holiday for two former presidents; one of whom led this country to freedom, the other who destroyed consent of the governed and implemented a Socialist regime at the point of a bayonet. He issued worthless paper money, instituted an income tax and created the IRS. Karl Marx wrote to Lincoln complimenting him on his destruction of the South and Hitler praised Lincoln’s justification of war against the South in Mein Kampf. Can there be any wonder why he is worshipped by big government idolaters? When is the next Lincoln Day dinner? Have you bought your tickets yet? In Liberty mike -- Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children. —Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Posted on: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 10:41:50 +0000

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