THE GREAT I AM PART I There is none who can equal HIM, None - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT I AM PART I There is none who can equal HIM, None who can Love as HE Loves. None who Sacrificed as HE did, None who Arose, a Glorified SAVIOUR. LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO YESHUA Ha MASHIACH JESUS The MESSIAH As the LAMB of GOD, YESHUA/JESUS is also the GOOD SHEPHERD, As ISAIAH said, All we like sheep have gone astray.ISAIAH 53:6 Sheep have a tendency to wander off, and get in thickets or fall off rocks, and wander into other dangerous situations. They are prey for wild animals to snatch away and kill. If they fall in even a small amount of water, they can drown because their coat gets so heavy with the water, it can pull them under. A Shepherd had to be Diligent as he cared for his sheep. We are like sheep in our wandering away from the SHEPHERD. We have to be continually brought back into the fold, to Safety. YESHUA/JESUS gives the Analogy of a Shepherd caring for HIS Sheep, for that is what YESHUA/JESUS does for those who belong to HIS FOLD. HE CARES FOR HIS OWN Lovingly and Tenderly. Verily, Verily I say unto you, He that entereth NOT by the Door into the Sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a Thief and a Robber. But HE that entereth in by the Door is the Shepherd of the Sheep. To HIM the Porter openeth: and the sheep Hear HIS VOICE: and HE calleth HIS OWN Sheep by Name, and Leadeth them out. And when HE putteth forth HIS OWN Sheep, HE Goeth Before Them, and the sheep Follow HIM: for they KNOW HIS VOICE. And a Stranger Will They NOT FOLLOW, but WILL FLEE from him; for they KNOW NOT the Voice of the STRANGERS. JOHN 10:1-5 Most of us have a pet, that we take care of and love. This pet should be able to tell our voice, when we call it to come. If this pet goes with any voice it hears, anyone could steal it. This is why it is so important for EVERY CHILD OF GOD, to be able to Hear The Voice of GOD , and recognize it; for the Strangers could come along teaching all kinds of FALSE DOCTRINES and we Would NOT Know the Difference. When one stays IN THE WORD OF GOD; He or She will Learn the Voice of GOD. Just as a sheep does not Know the Shepherds voice the first time, daily as he becomes more intimate with HIS SHEPHERD, he will NOT FOLLOW Any Other. It is so Important for us to LEARN the Voice of the GOOD SHEPHERD. This parable spake JESUS unto them, But they Understood NOT what things they were which HE spake unto them. Then said JESUS unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I AM THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP. ALL that ever came Before ME are Thieves and Robbers; but the sheep did Not Hear Them. I AM THE DOOR: by ME IF any man Enter In, he shall be SAVED, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The Thief cometh NOT, but for to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy: I AM COME, THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE, and That THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. JOHN 10:6-11 There are many Thieves and Robbers out there, who would steal your very soul and take your life. It is hard to tell who is the REAL THING sometimes; the REAL ONE WHO LOVES and CARES FOR YOU, WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE YOU. HE WILL NEVER LEAD you down a PERILOUS PATH. HIS HEART IS TOTALLY COMMITTED TO YOU: IF YOU BELIEVE and TRUST IN HIM. I am sure many of you have seen game shows where you pick which door has the prize. We get to PICK which DOOR we want to CHOOSE; Which Pathway we want to go down.....IT IS ALWAYS OUR CHOICE. We Will NOT BE FORCED to Choose YESHUA/JESUS. HE WILL NOT MAKE us go down a certain PATH. IT IS ALWAYS OUR CHOICE; WHICH DOOR and WHICH SHEPHERD WE CHOOSE. I have heard testimonies of people who have literally chosen the evil one. They have walked the Path he Chose for them; and they liked it at first and then after a while, it was a LIVING NIGHTMARE. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, BUT AS FOR ME AN MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. FATHER, I pray that All my Family and Friends will CHOOSE YOU....and ...YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, YESHUA/JESUS. Give us a heart that loves YOU above all else. A heart that with every beat seeks and serves YOU. Give us a Discerning Spirit as we Study YOUR WORD and Seek YOUR FACE each day; to Discern the Good from the Evil. Bless the Sick, Afflicted and Bereaved, Comfort the Broken Hearted and Protect the Oppressed. Thank YOU, FATHER that YOU hear our Prayers and answer them. IN THE BLESSED NAME OF YESHUA/JESUS. Amen. YOU CAN KNOW this GENTLE SHEPHERD, INVITE HIM INTO YOUR HEART TODAY. SHABBAT SHALOM....Have a Wonderful and Blessed Weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:37:24 +0000

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