THE GREAT TRIBULATION February 21, 2008 These are the Words of - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT TRIBULATION February 21, 2008 These are the Words of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. These Words are what they have said regarding the Great Tribulation. These Prophetic Words have been compiled from the Prophecies spoken and written through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. These are only excerpts from Prophecies that mention the Great Tribulation. Please click on the Prophecy number and title to read Prophecy in its entirety. We pray you hear the voice of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Updated with new Prophecies on August 14, 2010 starts at Prophecy 95 Prophecy 8 Will You Prove You Love ME? May 28, 1997 Do what I have called you to do, and put your hand to the plow and do not look back. But look forward. Keep running the good race to the mark of the high calling. Be not deceived, theTribulationhas not begun yet. Pray you will be spared this, for theTribulationis not for MY Bride. Why would I beat up and abuse MY Loving Bride? Why would I kill MY Spouse, MY Bride that awaits her groom? MY Bride with all her jewels on and finely adorned and who worships only ME, lives for only ME. I would not. I tell you anyone that says I am going to allow you to go through theGreat Tribulationdoes not speak MY words. They speak words of fear and deceit. I am coming for MY Bride to tenderly carry her away and lovingly protect her. She is not worthy of MY wrath, for she loves and obeys ME. She trusts ME. She is relying on ME to save her. Do not fear what so called experts say, and they say you will be here for the wrath of Almighty GOD YAHUVEH. For this is not of ME. I love MY Bride, MY children, above all else. I gave MY life so you would be spared. Prophecy 21 Are You Ready For A Shock? August 7, 1998 The ones not expecting ME, not believing I will come rescue MY Bride, the ones believing MY Bride will have to go through theGreat Tribulationand Great Wrath, sad to say, you will have what you believe. But this does not mean you wont be saved. It only means I wanted to spare you but you werent ready. After the 40 days I will take MY Bride home and we will feast at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. MY Glorified Bride will fight the evil army of the dead while they are on the earth. For they know the power of the cross. Prophecy 22 Beloved, Dont Become Your Own Worst Enemies! August 7, 1998 I have chosen you but the time is so short, no more time for self pity. Pity those that are not ready for MY coming. Pity those that dont believe I will provide for them in theGreat Tribulationand save them from the great wrath that is to come. Pity those that think they are saved because of a religion and not a relationship with ME. Self pity is one of your greatest enemies; rebuke it today in MY NAME. Get back to feeding MY sheep as I have commanded you to do. This day you have heard MY voice, now heed to it. Prophecy 24 part1 Beware The Ark Door And Book Of The Gentiles Is Closing! November 15, 1998 It is true Gabriel has already blown his horn. The sound waves have been blocked by the war in the Heavenlies but Gabriels horn will be heard and the sound waves unblocked. Your bodies shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The dead in YAHUSHUA (Christ) shall rise first and you which remain will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air. But you shall walk in your glorified bodies witnessing for ME, warning NOT to take the Mark of the Beast for 40 days. Then you shall be the greatest witness of MY Word. Yet for the ones not changed they will grieve for they will know they must go through theTribulation. Then you will come with ME to meet ME in the air and together we shall meet in the air. MY Bride is not appointed unto MY wrath. Satan shall be cast down to earth in great fury with his demons falling from the sky. Woe be unto the inhabitants of earth. MY BRIDE WILL REJOICE AT MY APPEARING! Those believers who have spoken and believed that YAHUSHUA will not rescue HIS BRIDE before theGreat Tribulationwill be surprised as YAHUSHUA comes when they least expect the Groom to come for HIS Bride! The ones that are determined they must go through theGreat Tribulationwill be asleep as MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and elopes with his Bride in the midnight hour, changing mortal bodies into immortal bodies. Call unto ME now in YAHUSHUAs NAME. I am a Heavenly Father that will not cast out those who listen to these words and receive them and obey them. For MY Glory alone I have spoken to you, thus you cant say YAHUVEH did not warn you. There is but one intercessor, one ARK of safety and it is the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! As Noah was above the waters of MY Wrath so believe and you also will be above MY Wrath watching from Heaven safe fromTribulation. The ones that insist on testing ME and believing I will not rescue MY Bride before theTribulation, believing I will not count anyone worthy to escape the hour of temptation, there is hope for you also. Believe I will protect you as I did LOT and OBEY ME and you will also see Heaven. I warn you in that time you will walk by faith and not by sight more than any other time in history. No one who is lukewarm in faith will survive MY wrath. If you find it hard now to have faith, how much harder you will find it to believe that I will rescue you and yet the majority of faith will die and they will willingly give their lives as a martyr, prefer this to continue living by faith alone. They will be beheaded for their beliefs and prefer death over suffering. Yet all those who refuse the Mark of the Beast in theTribulationshall be saved. Prophecy 24 part 2 Beware The Yeast of the Pharisees! November 15, 1998 Satan comes to steal your belief that I will protect those that are MINE and provide a way of escape for MY Bride! Just Believe! That the Heathens woes are not MY Children woes! Just believe I am a GOD that rewards those that diligently seek after ME! My rewards are with ME! Just as in the Days of Noah you shall be watching the destruction from above MY wrath. It was too late when the Ark door closes and no matter how the heathen beat upon the Ark door they couldnt get in. When I take MY Bride home, all left will be forced to go through the time of theTribulation. Depending on the faith of those that call upon ME to save them will determine whether they die or are able to escape the Mark of the Beast. Only hearing MY voice and obeying ME will determine this. Prophecy 25 America, MY Hand Is Set Against You! December 2, 1998 For those that say they cannot trust me now to save them, for you lack the faith, you will have to walk in faith or you shall DIE. You shall walk a path that I should not have you walk. You will walk where MY Bride will not walk. You ask where you shall walk? You shall walk in a path ofTribulationand only through walking by faith and not by sight shall you survive. I call to you today, come in quickly before its too late. I want you to have faith today. I want you to have faith. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms. Prophecy 31 Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells March 30, 1999 Then there are others who are worthy of being MY BRIDE (I believe this addresses the 7th Day Adventist beliefs) and yet satan has deceived you to make you think you are doing ME a favor to stay in theGreat Tribulationto stay to minister to the people. Your faith is your saying, I will stay here and miss this great wedding day so I can be a help to others! Where your faith is so shall you also dwell. Dont you think that I can raise up others who need this chastisement to get them ready for Heaven? Do you really think I need to leave behind MY Beloved Bride who I said in MY Holy Scriptures pray you will be counted worthy to escape the wrath that is to come. Yet you say you are counted worthy and take pride in being left behind. Be warned where your faith is so shall you dwell. Some will walk in the times ofGreat Tribulationbecause they so chose it. Not MY choosing but theirs. I will do as they believe and protect them as their faith allows ME to do. So much suffering would have been unnecessary if they only now repent for speaking and thinking this. All those that desire a PASSOVER from MY wrath then I give this commandment that has never changed, observe and pray for your PASSOVER to come. HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and pray you will be counted worthy to escape MY wrath andTribulationthat is to come. Prepare a flee bag in case you need it before your MESSIAH comes for you. There are those that are reading this that will walk through the fire of MY wrath andTribulation. Some will do this and I will shelter them in a way you think not. When you Passover to the other side will it be Heaven or hell and curses? When your Passover comes, will you experience Rapture orGreat Tribulationunlike this world has never known or never will know again. What will you do with this prophetic message from I AM? Will you Passover it and forget it dismissing it as foolishness or folly? Or will you prepare for your Passover whose NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Pray today for all those reading this and dont know how to be ready without spot or wrinkle. Write this Pastor. She will introduce you to the true Passover lamb that was slain and arose again from the dead on the 3rd day. Who willingly laid his life down for you so you could be saved by having all your sins washed away with the perfect Blood of the true Passover perfect sinless lamb of GOD, Son of I AM whose name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH HE alone is your MESSIAH for those that accepted I AMs Passover gift at Calvary. Prophecy 35 Betrayed With A Kiss May 16, 1999 OH REPENT you wicked generation for I spared you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you scoff and mock MY Sons coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time ofTribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and the catastrophe doesnt come, you then label that prophet false. There are many false prophets but if that prophet or apostle lead you towards salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they be false? Prophecy 36 I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday, Today, But Tomorrow, Even In The Darkest Hour! August 10, 1999 All pastors, spiritual leaders, political leaders who did not, I call now an ABOMINATION UNTO, I AM! You take your pretense of holiness and you take your pretense of worship and I say, AWAY FROM ME! I will hear you not in the day of calamity. You will answer to ME when I take MY true Bride home to be with ME and you spiritual leaders will sit in your congregations and face them and try and explain why their church is still there to endure theTribulationto come. It is because you have been bought with a price a small price that will cost you your soul if you dont start speaking out now! REPENT NOW! THERE IS YET TIME! SMALL TIME! OH if only you who think MY Sons coming is afar off could see just how close it is, closer than your breath when you breathe out cold air. How many spiritual leaders are warning of this? How many will even acknowledge the same GOD that spoke out of prophets in times of old is the same GOD that is doing it again? Prophecy 37 Bless And Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem October 19, 1999 Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out in the soil now and speaks I did this for you, will you forever reject ME? Will you forever curse MY NAME? When will you see I am your only sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again? When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame? Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence MY HOLY NAME! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal sacrifices appease MY Fathers anger or MINE only by accepting ME, YAHUVEHs Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalems soil for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA sit at the right hand of YAHUVEH as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, will you be saved. Only by calling upon MY NAME YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during the comingTribulationwill you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get ready for what is to come you will not survive if you dont call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all kindreds and tongues he gave HIS only SON to this nation so you would have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short of YAHUVEHs Glory! Prophecy 47 TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! April 21, 2001 TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! For those who believe that Hell is not real, they will soon taste the infernal fires of Hell that is like no fire on earth. It is indescribable in its horror, as is Heaven is indescribable in its beauty. For those that believe that they shall walk in theTribulationand I will not make a way to spare them, where their faith is theirtribulationshall be. In all ways remember this It is impossible to please YAHUVEH without faith. Prophecy 49 Beware! You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter! October 2, 2001 Woe be unto MY Churches and Temples, not leading the people to pray against war in America, this World War III will affect every nation in the world. If youre not doing this dont call yourself a church. Dont call yourself MY Pastor, Prophet, Apostle, Teacher, for youre not hearing from MY anointing if you cant hear this now. Spiritual leaders, you will answer to I AM YAHUVEH for not leading the people to pray against ID cards and other invasions of privacy. You will be held accountable for not speaking out against your freedom and privacy being taken. Freely you are giving it away. Doesnt America realize what price they had to pay to get this freedom, to keep this freedom? For you will not see it returned again until YAHUSHUA comes again after theTribulation. Prophecy 60 Hide Yourselves MY Children, For Just A Little While Longer! August 31, 2002 How long, how long, how long must you try the patience of the Creator? How long must you try the patience of the Redeemer? I shall stomp MY foot on the ground and everything that can be shaken will be shaken; everything that can be uprooted will be uprooted. I shall shake up your politicians and I dont care what country youre in, youre no longer going to look to a government to provide. MY Childrens going to know there is but One provider. Its the same One that poured water from a rock, that put manna on the ground. It is the same One that says I will supply all of your needs according to MY riches in Glory [Phil. 4:19]. And I have no lack in Glory. In MY fury I breathed upon not only the United States but in various parts of the world MY hot breathe. Temperatures rose as MY temper rose. Droughts came as MY Living Water was refused. Did anyone listen? Did anyone wonder why? I stand by and I watch mans inhumanity to man. Know this MY children; you will not go through theGreat Tribulation, those that can trust ME. But this does not mean that you will not taste the tribulation of man, mans inhumanity to man. Man that is power hungry and greedy and evil to the core, that wants to wipe righteousness off the face of the earth, that wants to wipe MY Son YAHUSHUAs NAME off the face of the earth. Prophecy 71 WHAT HAS BEEN SEALED IS NOW REVEALED! November 1, 2003 California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before theGreat Tribulation. Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3) Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The earth travails in pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH birth theGreat Tribulationthat will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark 13:8) Not one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH then will I forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it shall be again. Prophecy 73 JUDGMENT! JUDGMENT! JUDGMENT! June 2, 2004 But I have a few, oh so very few, who I call MY Children and MY treasure, who weep and who wail before ME, who say, Let not this sin be counted against us. And just as surely as I spared Noah and his family, just as surely as I spared Lot and his family except one, just as surely I will provide a way of escape, a way to bless, a way to hide MY Beloved Ones. Go and hide yourselves, MY Children. You had better crawl underneath the shelter of MY Wings; you had better make sure the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA is covering every sin. For MY wrath is mighty, as mighty as MY NAME and theGreat Tribulationthat is to come is not so very far away. Prophecy 76 Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself for Your Bridegroom Doth Come! September 12, 2004 The Bride of YAHUSHUA will be the first fruits redeemed from this earth before the great day of YAHUVEHs wrath called theGreat Tribulation. You who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA are eternally faithful and true to your MESSIAH and Groom. You the Bride of YAHUSHUA will also have the gift to translate anywhere in the world and will have no need of earthly transportation. Need I remind you of how some of MY disciples of old did not have a glorified body and yet they could do the same? (Acts 8:27-40)The Bride of YAHUSHUA can have different appearances as I, YAHUSHUA did after MY resurrection. MY own Apostles did not recognize their Master. MY Bride, you are scattered all over the world right now. MY Bride, you consist of the first fruits as mentioned in Revelation 14. You are the best fruit I will redeem from the earth before theGreat Tribulation. MY Bride, you only boast in who you serve and you remain humble, never fully understanding why I, YAHUSHUA would choose you, but feel honored you have been chosen and yet do not take it for granted and still pray youre counted worthy to be called MY Bride. MY Bride understands the importance of observing the Holy Days her Jewish Messiah Groom kept. MY Bride, you have laid everything down on the altar of sacrifice and hold nothing back and will follow your MESSIAH and obey all I say. Your cry on your lips is Holy.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:06:53 +0000

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