THE HEART OF MEN - PT 1 A young Man ask me man of God, what - TopicsExpress


THE HEART OF MEN - PT 1 A young Man ask me man of God, what have i done to deserve pains by the witches that is making me surfer? i laughed, why? Replying him does witches and powers of darkness has any reason to kill, destroy and fight any person? Have you forgotton the bible said the thief come but to steal, kill and destroy, John10:10, the work of satan and his agents is that, they came to steal, kill and destroy, that is their duty, they dont have good reasons becus it is their duties, their hobby, they enjoy doing it, becus it gv them joy, if you read carefuly the book of Job 1 for verse 1 down God ask satan when the sons of God gather before God, satan came and God ask him a question satan where are going? What did he replied? He said i dnt have any direction, which mean satan is a scalar quantity, which has no direction in physic, hmmm, he replied God saying i am walking up and down the earth, remember the book of 1 peter says satan is like a roaring Lion looking for whom to devour, so your enemy that is fighting you are so close to you, the book of micah 7:6 says Mans enemies are members of his House, they could be your wife, husband, mother inlaw, father in law, sisters, brothers, cousins, anuty, uncles, you need to pray, that is why i always tell people that anyone to me is a suspect, i dnt trust any man, i only trust my God alone, jeremiah 17:9 told me that the heart of men are decietful above all things and desperately wicked and no one can know it even the bible knows that mans heart is so decieving, A man was sleeping and the wife went to the kitchen and took a knife and stab him at his chest to death, it happen here in Nigeria, can you see that? A young girl marry a man, after the wedding from the recieption the man took her from the receiption to his occultic Alter and killed her before the Alter with a cutglass, that was wickedness, i wonder why people still ask oh what have i done? Why are witches and wizard after me? You dont need to ask becus i called that foolish question, the book of Mark 10 said we are sheep among wolves, we are zionite living with babylon in this world so we need to be very careful, a young lady was given prophesy by my father in the Lord that her mother in law will visit and poison her own food, meaning this young lady will cook n served her mother inlaw and the mother inlaw will poison the food and say it was the young lady that poison it, if she try to argue people will say she should eat it and if she does then she will die and every one would think she did, just to kill the Lady, and she was advice to watch closely whenever she comes to visit, truely as the prophecy says she came and she did ask her food to be served and the lady was watching closely and the woman took a parcel from her cloth and add the coucotion into her food and shouted people come ooh this my sons wife has poisoned me as people gathered the lady opened up and said she saw when the mother inlaw took out a parcel and added a substance into her food if she think she is lying let her be check and after people have checked her it was found and the lady open up the prophecy before then and the mother inlaw was crying and shearing crocodice tears, it was the devils work, what a wicked heart? Most time i called people devil why? Becus they act as one, if not for God that lady would have been dead, whatever you are passing through might be cause by a close person, friends could be the one, a young man sometime ago was poisoned by his mate because he got a German visa to travel out, they became jealous and killed him by poisoning his drinks, the Heart of men, I declare the Death and Obituary of your enemies this Night in Jesus Name Amennnnn prayer/counseling watsap +2348179603682
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:51:18 +0000

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