THE IMAGE, THE FIRST AND SECOND DEATHS The first death is the - TopicsExpress


THE IMAGE, THE FIRST AND SECOND DEATHS The first death is the death of the natural body of man. The natural body was lifeless at creation. The natural body became a living being when a heavenly spirit was put in the natural body. When the spirit departs from the natural body it returns to its lifeless state called natural or first death. The life of the body is the blood when the spirit is present in the natural body. The spirit of man departs from the natural body when it becomes irreversibly dysfunctional due to trauma, ageing or natural disease. The source of life for the metalic body of a car is the fuel when the driver starts the car. When the car is dysfunctional due to accident, wear or mechanical fault the driver leaves the car. The image of the Invisible and Immortal God is natural man. The image of the visible and mortal man is mechanical car. The LORD God Almighty has Spiritual Body and Holy Spirit. The natural man has natural body and spirit. The mechanical car has metallic body and driver. The LORD God Almighty lives forever in Body and in Spirit. The natural man suffer the death of the natural body but the spirit lives forever in the unseen. The mechanical car suffer destruction of both the metallic body and the driver. The natural man has been given rebirth of the natural body. The natural man will be revealed on the last day, that great and dreadful day of the LORD God Almighty as spiritual man. Mankind will be revealed as angels on that great and dreadful day of the LORD God Almighty to be like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the Second Adam was caused to fall into spiritual deep sleep and his spiritual body was used to give rebirth to all mankind who will be revealed on the last day as angels. Angels are spiritual men. They have spiritual bodies and spirits. Mankind will be like angels on the last day because of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our natural bodies were replaced when the only beloved Son of God fell into the spiritual deep sleep. There is therefore resurrection of the dead and transformation of the living to take spiritual bodies created for them from the nature of Christ. Angels live forever in body and in spirit because they are spiritual sons of God. Angels are immune to natural death. Angels can only suffer natural death when they lose the blood in their spiritual bodies. However the body of an angel will not see decay and within 72 hours the body will regenerate the lost blood to regain his life. Angels can only suffer the second death. The second death is the death of an immortal man. The second death is eternal torment of an immortal man in the lake of fire. The devil and his angels are immortal men and sons of God. They are bound to suffer eternal torment in the lake of fire. They will suffer the second death on the last day, that great and dreadful day of the LORD God Almighty. Mankind have been given rebirth to become angels on the last day hence many who have become angels of the devil because of the false prophet(s), pleasure and power to create like God will be thrown into the lake of fire to suffer the same punishment as the devil and his angels who were in heaven. There was the first death for mortal men and women. The first death was nullified through the death and resurrection of the Saviour of mankind our Master, Lord and King Jesus Christ, the one and only beloved Son of God. The first sin was nullified with its direct consequence of first death by the grace of God. Mankind have become angels hence we live forever. Natural death have become a spiritual deep sleep for the dead hence they will resurrect on the last day to face the final judgment. The dead will resurrect to face eternal condemnation in the lake of fire with the devil or they will resurrect to live eternally on the new earth. The second death is real and the only way anyone can be saved from it is through faith in Jesus Christ expressing itself as love. Flee the second death, have faith in Jesus Christ as the only beloved Son of God; express your faith by loving your neighbour as yourself; receive the seal of the Holy Spirit baptism; inherit the new earth into eternity. Christianity is not religion of myths, fairy tales, superstition, human wisdom, confusion and philosophy. Christianity is the only religion acceptable to God the Father and she will soon be free from doctrines of confusion to manifest the love of the Most Gracious and Compassionate God to all the afflicted in the world. She will experience the great revival to lead the elect of God to the presence of the Invisible and Immortal God. Those called and chosen will see the face of God. Hear the Tithist. These are trustworthy sayings and the elect of God will read and understand. Hear the Tithist, live like Christ. All secrets belong to the Unchangeable God. To the Most High God belongs eternal glory. Amen Let those who have eyes see and those who have ears hear for the revelation of the Great King and Judge, the only beloved Son of God, is at hand. Come Lord Jesus Christ! To the Eternal Father and his Holy Spirit who have crowned the only beloved Son Jesus Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords be eternal praise, adoration and honour. Amen and Amen Message from ICO Lord Jesus ICO Lord Jesus: The Voice to revive faith in the LORD God Almighty ICO Lord Jesus: Fishing for the Boaz who will be crowned eternal kings and lords to the glory of the LORD God Almighty. Hear NKA the Tithist
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:45:03 +0000

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