THE JOURNAL OF MARXISM-NKRUMAISM IS OUT - GET YOUR FREE COPY (Click the Following to Read or Download: https://consciencism.files.wordpress/2014/12/journal-of-marxism-nkrumaism.pdf) HERE WE ARE For decades now, the thought and practice of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah have been categorized simply as ‘Nkrumaism’, following his own initial usage. This affords reactionary forces the world over an opportunity to empty the concept of its Marxist content. Nkrumaism is, in those circles, so emasculated that Dr. Nkrumah is no longer seen as the socialist Pan-African Revolutionary that he is. So abused is the ‘Nkrumaism’ concept that we are now required to use ‘Marxism-Nkrumaism’ for definiteness. That reactionary and compromised view of his thought and practice system is used essentially to create the false impression on the masses of the African people that the pursuit of his ideals is on the agenda of those neo-colonial forces seeking or holding political power; while what is intended or is in practice is the neo-colonial and unscientific negation of that system to service and reproduce the archaic capitalist neo-colonial system and superstitious modes of thought. The Journal of Marxism-Nkrumaism sets out to emphasize the Marxist fundamentals and foundation of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s thought system. In his compilation of the book Revolutionary Path, Dr. Nkrumah’s overriding concern is the exhibition of his consistency in Marxist applications not only in his writings but also in his political activities right from the 1940s to the last moment of his breath in life in 1972. His introductory pieces to each item in the compilation attest to this. In publishing the Journal of Marxism-Nkrumaism as its annual theoretical organ, the Centre for Consciencist Studies and Analyses (CENCSA) seeks, first, to restore the Marxist premises to the interpretation and understanding of Dr. Nkrumah’s thought system; for, without this the scientific concerns of that system are lost in any interpretation of his theoretical efforts to demystify superstition in traditional African thought processes so as to install the reign of scientific modes of thought. Secondly, CENCSA seeks to demonstrate Dr. Nkrumah’s applications of Marxist principles in theory as well as political strategy and tactic formulations. Demonstrations of this nature are found in the paper On the Question of Who Founded Ghana, for instance. Here, Dr. Nkrumah’s application of revolutionary pragmatism, as a principle in Marxist revolutionary praxis, is exhibited to show how he goes pragmatic without abandoning set objectives but rather for their realization. Thirdly, the effort is made to show that he is not dogmatic but creative in his application of Marxist principles to the African reality. In this regard, importation of the results in other people’s application of such principles in their peculiar conditions is abhorred. He insists on such applications to the African reality in deriving results therefrom as the scientific attitude. Hence, he does not call himself a Marxist-Leninist or Maoist. By this he renders Afrocentricism (the African-centred approach) scientific. This buries within it no suggestion of not learning from the experiences of other people under different climes and conditions. It is rather held that the utilization of foreign experiences in our endeavours must first be validated through an analysis of our own African conditions. Hence, the uncritical import of ideas without subjecting them to local validation amounts to the unscientific mode of mechanical or metaphysical thinking. Such lazy resort to solution-finding is always resisted without let. With these three objectives, CENCSA aims at developing a critical mass of African professional revolutionaries with their hearts, minds and eyes set on the concrete analysis of African society on the lines of scientific thinking and practice. In this respect, the African is encouraged to eschew mystifying modes of thought in the manner of the physical scientist’s practice. Principles of Marxism, just like those of the physical sciences, are universally applicable anywhere to achieve local results. In this spirit, CENCSA prefers Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s reported use of ‘Marxism-Nkrumaism’ (by June Milne) in its characterization of his thought and practice to that of ‘Nkrumaism’ which has been corrupted to mean something other than the Marxist ideology and philosophy that it is. Where ‘Nkrumaism’ is used instead of ‘Marxism-Nkrumaism’ in the pages here it is the latter that is meant; just as the use of ‘Leninism’ elsewhere implies ‘Marxism-Leninism’. In this first edition of the Journal of Marxism-Nkrumaism, we publish articles, papers and extracts of a manual, previously written and published by the Director of the Centre for Consciencist Studies and Analyses (CENCSA), Lang T. K. A. Nubuor, to provide a definition of the content and orientation of Marxism-Nkrumaism. Topics treated range from issues of philosophy through history to those of political economy and development in areas like creating collective co-operatives as basis of the socialist mode of production in the spirit of Revolutionary Pan-Africanism. ‘Practice without thought is blind; and thought without practice is empty.’ The dialectic is herein observed. Be Focused, Determined and Bold! Forward Ever! Onward To The African Revolution! December 31, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:53:08 +0000

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