THE LAST TIME I POSTED THIS… FACEBOOK LOCKED DOWN MY OLD ACCOUNT !!! There is a lot of speculation in the scientific community that Comet Ison (which will pass closest to earth on December 26, 2013) might actually be the Great Comet of 1680. If so then the comet has a repeated period of 333 years. With a little simple math, we can follow the comet’s course back through history… 333 years at a time. The comet’s arrival in 1680 marked the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa, which 200 years later would kill over 36,000 people in one of the greatest volcanic events known to man. The sound of the 1883 eruption was heard 1000 miles away in Australia! There were so many dead bodies and so much floating pumice stone, that mariners had to abandon nearby shipping lanes for several weeks… until all the debris could settle to the bottom of the ocean floor. Prior to 1680, the comet appeared in 1347 - the same year the Black Death entered Constantinople, capital of the eastern Roman Empire. Before that, the comet approached earth in 1014.. about the time the Vikings were ravaging Europe. Prior to 1014, the comet passed in 681.. marking the rise of Islam. Earlier, the comet approached earth in 348, when Christianity was becoming the official religion of Rome. And before that… the comet passed in 15 A.D. Now, it must be noted that a comet with a long… elliptical orbit doesn’t have an exact period but can alternately lose or add a few years with each pass. So, 15 A.D. is only a close approximation. However, due to the date’s close proximity to the birth of Christ, there is a VERY GOOD probability that we are privileged to be witnessing the re-appearance of the Bethlehem Star… which matches the “Magi” account of Matthew 2:9, “And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, WENT BEFORE THEM, till it came and STOOD OVER where the young child was.” Now, since a “real” star is a fixed object in the night sky that does NOT change it’s position in relation to any other heavenly body, it makes perfect sense to assume the wise men were following a comet… which the ancients already viewed as being a divine messenger, suddenly appearing and then disappearing, to herald either great events or terrible tragedy! In addition to the account of the Magi, we need to consider Christ’s words as He spoke of an unusual event meant to foreshadow His SECOND return, “And then shall appear the SIGN of the Son of man in heaven…” Matthew 24:30. It must be noted that Christ never said this initial indicator would be his bodily arrival… but a SIGN leading up to his physical appearance. So, what has traditionally been the “SIGN of the son of man throughout history?” To find that answer… we must look all the way back to the time of Moses, God’s first great deliverer. In the book of Numbers a prophecy is given pointing to the Advent of Christ the King, “There shall come a STAR out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel!” Numbers 24:17 Hmmmm…. There it is again... A STAR! Although there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to predict the time interval that might elapse between the “sign of the Son of Man” and His actual physical appearance on earth, yet God’s Word has always used a STAR to signal the Advent of Jesus! But although it’s exciting to speculate, still we will simply have to wait and see, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!” Luke 21:28
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 03:22:09 +0000

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