THE MISSING STORY FROM THE JAMES HOFFA CASE ?(sic) This incident in my life occurred in the early morning hours of August 1975. I had left my girl friend’s house and started driving home in my Corvette, down the Southfield Freeway, south. It was about 1:55 am and I was listening to Peter Werbe on the FM station WRIF. The news came on, at 1:55 am and I heard an interesting development, in the James Hoffa disappearance case, from a week before, that evening. It was reported, on the WRIF News, that the car wash owner of the business, that Charles ‘Chuckie” O’Brien, had his infamous Cadillac washed, after the disappearance of James Hoffa, had committed suicide. As the story was related on the news, the wife of this man (the car wash owner) was waiting for her husband to finish showering, because they were going to go out to eat. The wife, then suddenly heard a gun shot, from inside the shower stall and ran to the door, to see what was happening. According to this woman, she had insisted that her husband would have never committed suicide and he had no mental or depression problems. I then waited, to the next day, to see, if the story was in the newspapers. It wasn’t and the story never appeared on television. I thought that this was quite odd, since I heard the story broadcast on the radio, the night before, on WRIF. Once I was following the revival of the case on WXYZ TV and they never mentioned this incident. Perhaps this story is buried at the request of the family of the car wash owner, perhaps not. If the wife felt, that her husband was not in any depressed mental state, in order to commit suicide, then why wasn’t this death fully investigated by the authorities? It may, very well have been investigated, but because, this story appears to be squashed, does the public have a right to know the full details, of any investigation, into this matter? Again, this incident may have been written off, right away, by the authorities, again this is all conjecture. Sherlock Holmes once said, “Crimes are not only conceived in the mind but also solved in the mind!” My own personal feelings on this matter are that Hoffa was never found and there is the one bullet theory, on the Kennedy assassination, need I say more! In any event, another reminder of this incident, is the fact that Frank Fitzsimmons, had a bomb placed underneath his car, about a week before Hoffa disappeared. Again, this is all conjecture, which needs to be supported by fact, not fiction. James Hoffa was a very menacing figure around the country in his “hey day.” Many unsubstantiated stories rose around him, being the president of the Teamsters. One such story was that, during the infamous 1942 Riots in Detroit that Hoffa supposedly, offered a fifty dollar bounty, on African-Americans rioting and the upshot of this is, that there were many dead African-Americans shot by people and their bodies strung over fences. If anyone can confirm or deny this story, then please correct this. I hope that I am wrong, but because I heard this story from two different, unrelated sources, I feel, that there might be some credibility, to this incident. As far as Hoffa, I hope that he is having fun playing Canasta with Judge Crater, Amelia Earhart and Will Rogers. Have a nice day, with something new, to think about! Robert Brosch
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:57:13 +0000

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