THE MISSING VIRTUE. Like stew without salt and tea without - TopicsExpress


THE MISSING VIRTUE. Like stew without salt and tea without sugar, there is something that can make life worthless if missing. What Is That Thing? Have you gotten everything, and yet lack something? Youre rich, famous, educated, professionally and politically outstanding, yet still lack something? All for Nothing will be a life lived without Christ. To start with: There was this well known surgeon who lived in one of the highly and globally respected countries in the early Part of 19th Century. This man was popular because of his great career attainment in the medical profession. He was a surgeon with a distinction during his own time. Consequently, he became very wealthy and philanthropic which made him to be admired by all and sundry. Shortly after his 50th birthday anniversary, he suddenly took ill. Several medical tests were conducted on him without a clear diagnosis of his ailment. This problem became a serious concern in the medical arena. As a result, a consortium of best doctors from his country and some parts of the globe were commissioned to put him under close examination. He was then admitted and eventually billed for a surgical operation. Two successive operations were carried out on him without remarkable improvement. His condition became worse. One day, as he was lying on his sick bed, a young boy came to hand over a Tract to him with the Title: TRY JESUS. The rich man threw it aside without bothering to read the content. Two weeks later, the young boy came back to pray for him and inquired if he had read the Tract. The man in annoyance turned the boy down leaving him sad and disappointed. This young boy decided to go back home and intensify his prayers for the man. Three days later, the boy came back to the hospital only to be told that last night, the man was wheeled to the theatre for another major operation during which process he passed away. The young boy in sorrow and tears lamented what a missing virtue in the life of a great man!. What a pathetic story! The man died without knowing Jesus. The .Bible says in Mark 8vs36-37 For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?. The man had all but lost his soul. Are you like that too? Do you value or care for things of this world more than your soul? What do you care for? wealth, power, position, property etc. All these are perishable virtues which are not as precious as your soul. Jesus Christ told Martha in Luke 10vs41-42... Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things; But one thing is needful and Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. The only thing that cannot be taken away from man at death is his soul: all other properties: cars, money, house, positions shall be taken. Hey Reader, Friend, have you that one needful thing? it is never too late to repent of your sins and turn to God. You do not know your last event on earth before death comes knocking. Thats why you need not Procrastinate as the Message is coming to you this day. Procrastination, its a silent killer of time. The door of grace will soon be closed. Remember: its a call to salvation from our Lord Jesus- Isaiah 1vs18. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches. Peace.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:38:09 +0000

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