***THE MOST POTENT WEALTH SPELL YOU HAVE EVER SEEN!!!*** THIS SPELL IS A PHENOMENAL ACHIEVEMENT AND THERE ARE ONLY A FEW EVER CAST. This spell is one of the things I have been so excited about lately. My last visit to England to visit with Madam Crawley I witnessed some incredible things. Some incredible and phenomenal occurrences!! I was invited to a Coven meeting and although I was not allowed to sit in on the entirety of the ceremony, I was introduced to some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my whole life!!! I am a changed person!! I understand much more about the Coming of the New Age, and the various aspects and steps involved. I am so overwhelmed by my Magickal experiences that I hardly know where to begin! Over the coming weeks I will be introducing these items and concepts. As Madam Crawley expressed—“The time is approaching, and we are ready to take the next step.” I get chills just thinking about it. Stunning green Onyx Apple with a Crystal Leaf. Set in Sterling Silver and on a lovely sterling silver chain. Approx 24 long. The Apple is approx 3/4 High. The photos dont do it justice! On to this AMAZING SPELL. In true Magick, the timeline is different than in our physical world. Things are perceived much sooner on. This terrible recession has been prophesied by numerous Magickal folk for hundreds of years. It’s not the worst thing that has happened, or will happen, but for us who are around now... TODAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF OUR LIVES. So even though this economical recession may seem trivial in the big picture, it has quite an impact on US WHO ARE EXPERIENCING IT. The Coven Of Union is home to the most powerful witches in the entirety of Europe. It even has honorary members from around the world. It is extremely secretive and the Witches including the Honorary members are THE MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD. In anticipation of this economical crisis, they created a spell, devised from an ancient medieval ABUNDANCE spell. It took the combined efforts of the Coven members over 5 years to cast these items with the spell. The spell is very powerful, and is confined in its power, meaning only FEW ITEMS CAN BE CAST WITH THIS SPELL. In order for it to maintain it’s potency, the way this spell is devised keeps the spell STRONG but there’s more than that-- MORE THAN THAT—IT KEEPS IT GROWING STRONGER AND STRONGER, BEARING MORE AND MORE RIPENING FRUIT, YOU’LL BE REAPING THE HARVEST FOR EVER!!!!!! The OWNER OF THIS SPELL HAS A FATE AT HAND—THEY ARE INTENDED TO BE EXTREMELY WEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS. WITH THEIR WEALTH AND PROSPERITY THEY WILL SOW THE SEEDS OF GOODNESS AND FAIRNESS. THIS WILL HAPPEN AUTOMATICALLY—YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS ASPECT OF IT. I am truly excited about THIS MONEY APPLE. It is the fruit of abundance and the beginning of an ORCHARD OF A HEALTHY WEALTHY CHOSEN ONE who will use Magick as their means for acquirement and betterment. These are the leaders we shall look up to. You can own more than one—this is up to destiny’s will, and not human conjecture as to fair and unfair. If you feel this is the lifetime you are supposed to shine and grow and taste the fruit of abundance and success—if you are really ready for that type of excitement and good fortune, then please dont wait. Add it to your Basket. Good Luck to you and may the warmth of the SUN TEND YOUR GARDEN FOREVER MORE. The Energy placed upon this piece is ASTOUNDING. I can’t explain everything here, but suffice to say, that this listing is EXTRA, EXTRA SPECIAL, and RARE, AND POWERFUL. The lucky owner will witness all kinds of incredible occurrences, other than the listed attributes of the Spell-Cast Vessel itself. You may find you have acquired ROYAL FAE or you may find you have ESP ABILITIES THAT YOU NEVER ANTICIPATED, or you find YOUR SKIN IS BEAUTIFUL OR YOU LOOK YOUNGER, etc. etc. This item will be going to its INTENDED new owner, so rest assured whatever it is you’re getting IT IS MEANT TO BE!!! YOUR DESTINY HAS JUST UNFOLDED TO A NEW DIMENSION! Good Luck and Many, Many Blessings. These are exciting times indeed. https://etsy/listing/212800951/recession-bender-money-apples-never-be?ref=shop_home_active_12
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:55:46 +0000

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