THE NEXT – Boom Boom I heard the first muffled Boom around - TopicsExpress


THE NEXT – Boom Boom I heard the first muffled Boom around 9:39 in the morning. I was taking a break from my morning drawing, hours after breakfast. I wondered what it could be. It seemed to come from everywhere. Right after I turned on the show Outnumbered on FOX, I heard the Boom again, a little louder than the first, but more like a big, slow, low frequency vibration than a sound, more felt than heard. I turned off the TV. It was ten or fifteen seconds later before I felt the next one, even bigger, then three more Booms just a few seconds apart, getting bigger, closer, each time. It stopped again. I stood up. I waited, reaching out with all of my senses. What could it be? Where was it coming from? It was a cold morning, woke up to see snow on Mount San Jacinto. The snow level down to around two thousand feet, temperature here on the valley floor not expected to go out of the low fifties today. I had heard and felt that sound before. But that was a different place, a different time. I wondered if I should go outside, see what it might be. A couple more BOOMS and I went into the living room to look out the windows. It was at least a mile high, in the form of a giant woman, smooth and shiny with no clothing to cover the curves, the contraction and expansion of her smooth muscles as she walked into the valley, towering above the hills on either side of her, squishing everything in her path, sparks flew into the air. The clouds parted in her path. She had no nipples. At exactly ten oclock the Twilight Zone marathon started on the SyFy channel. I went back into the other room, where Id left my coffee. I turned on the TV. It was time. You unlock this door with the key to imagination. Beyond it is the other side. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!xxx
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:49:50 +0000

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