THE ONE THING WE ALL NEED: CHUTZPAH! Today, much of what we - TopicsExpress


THE ONE THING WE ALL NEED: CHUTZPAH! Today, much of what we hear is NOT about what we DO know about God, but rather what we DONT know. Commentators everywhere harp that we really dont fully know Gods heart or will about things, so that we shouldnt boldly proclaim that we do. To do so makes us arrogant, judgmental, and presumptuous. These commentators tell us to put on humility and declare we know very little definitely and directly about God, therefore we can really be certain about very little when it comes to His purposes in the earth. And this is so very subtle. Anybody that has a clear, confident and certain word from or about the Lord ends up getting stoned with accusations of arrogance from despising mobs. Could this be right? Are we to be so humble that we essentially declare nothing about Jesus with any zeal, guts or certainty? Do we just going around shrugging our shoulders about Jesus Kingdom? Do we admit to knowing little to nothing of His sure purposes, His sure power, His sure revelation? Do we drop the word sure from our vocabulary altogether? Does it really make us more look more spiritual to go around preaching a Gospel of uncertainty? Does this really honor God, children who can tell each other very little if anything about their Heavenly Father? It may make us look gentle and humble to others, for which we may get the glory, but does it help anybody find Gods CERTAIN glory in the here and now? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Spirit and guts! Spirit and guts! The righteous are to BE bold as lions! Proverbs 28:1. It is ALWAYS good to be zealous affected in a good thing! Galatians 4:18. If any of you lack wisdom , let him ask of God , that giveth to all men liberally , and upbraideth not ; and it shall be given him . But let him ask in faith , NOTHING WAVERING . For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed . For let NOT that man think that he shall receive ANYTHING of the Lord . A DOUBLE-MINDED man is unstable in ALL his ways. James 1:5-6. No wavering. This is the principle: He who believes is definite. A definite faith brings a definite experience and a definite utterance. Smith Wigglesworth. God wants you to burn outwardly with boldness, call on His name confidently, and display your faith daringly. Wigglesworth often declared, I am on the plan of daring, acting in the Holy Ghost. The Hebrews called this quality chutzpah. It essentially means guts, or perhaps better put, epic guts, or perhaps perfectly put---- ridiculously epic guts. It is a supernaturally charged energetic valor that doesnt turn away from fear of anything or anybody. David displayed chutzpah repeatedly during his life. He had it when he fought Goliath armed only with a rock of faith to sling into the forehead of humongous evil. He had it when he danced nearly naked in the streets of Jerusalem to honor the arrival of the Ark of the Covenant. Benaiah, one of Davids valiant mighty men, also demonstrated chutzpah when he slew TWO LIONLIKE men of Moab, and THEN jumped down IN a pit and ON a snowy day in order to kill a literal lion. 1 Chronicles 11:22. Man, that is chutzpah. These guys werent shrugging their shoulders in fake humility when they did these things. No, they were certain of their courage, certain of their purpose, and certain of their ability to do great exploits in the name of the Lord. Where has our chutzpah gone? Why has it gone? How do we get it back? Where has our chutzpah gone? It hasnt gone anywhere. Jesus own chutzpah lives in you HERE and NOW! The same chutzpah He displayed when He daringly defeated death, when He valiantly disarmed all principalities and powers, and when He boldly lead ALL captivity captive as He emptied the power of Hell--- ALL His powerful passion and clarity of purpose lives in your spirit-man. Why do we not now display our chutzpah? Because we have been deceived to stop believing we are called to it by the Lord. But, now, after reading the above, we know better dont we? We ARE called to it, gloriously called to it! Reach down into your spirit and pick up your chutzpah and put it on. It will fit you like a glove. Put it on over your heart. Put it over your thoughts. Put it on over your body. You will be a new creation as you move in the momentum of miraculous faith, the Jesus kind of faith, the David kind of faith, the chutzpah kind of faith!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 22:19:07 +0000

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