THE PENGUINS OF NESTEVINA ROSSI ADVENT CALENDAR 2014 DAY TEN Quiz - Competition time! A special one today - If you go to https://facebook/pages/The-Penguins-of-Nestevina-Rossi/1389171987999247 page and look up day ten you can take part in the The penguins of Nestevina Rossi quiz, the first person to post the ten correct answers in the comments section will win a signed copy of Flightless Fugitives and you have until the end of January to play, so if you not read or ordered your copy yet now is the chance - Good luck! THE PENGUINS OF NESTEVINA ROSSI QUIZ Question one - How did Bobby Fackrell chose the name of the vicious aliens the Teiak? A) It is an anagram of Katie B) He stole it from Doctor Who C) He played a little game using a pair of dice and a pen and paper Question two - The prologue to The Penguins of Nestevina Rossi is inspired by which Charles Dickens novel? A) Great Expectations B) A Christmas Carol C) Oliver Twist Question three - At the beginning of the novel Morris (Attenboroughs long suffering cameraman) is looking forward to leaving Antarctica and going home to what? A) A turkey vindaloo B) A foot massage from his Persian long haired cat called Jeffrey C) The annual cheese rolling competition in Snowdonia Question four - How does God describe himself to Kingston? A) The eye in the sky B) The Top Dog C) Satans opposite number Question five - What were Captain Chins and Lt Traps original Akaran names? A) Thomas and Hardy B) Felton and Fenton C) Gelton and Jelton Question six - What is Kingstons age by the final part (The Ultimate Fear) of The Penguins of Nestevina Rossi? A) 23 Dog years B) 503 and a half C) As old as the dolphins Question seven - Which species of shark appears in The Penguins of Nestevina Rossi the most number of times? A) Tiger Shark B) Great White Shark C) Bull Shark Question eight - The short Christmas story The Happy Penguin (see Day Nine) is a parody of the short story The Happy Prince by which author? A) Oscar Wilde B) George Orwell C) Stella Gibbons Question nine - Which part of Australia has Kingston not been to? A) Magnetic Island B) Perth C) Townsville Question ten - How fast can Gena swim underwater? A) Up to 25 miles an hour B) Up to 50 miles an hour C) Up to 75 miles an hour Please post all answers on the original link
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 22:39:47 +0000

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