THE PERFECT STORM IS APPROACHING. WILL YOU STAY IN THE BOAT AND SURVIVE OR ABANDON SHIP AND BE DASHED AGAINST THE ROCKS AND DROWN? If you are involved in the deliverance ministry plan on satan concentating all of his artillery on you to stop you from going forward. Deliverance Ministry is WAR. No one said it would be easy and you can expect to go thru the valley of the shadow of death before its over but you will fear no evil for God is with us. Deliverance Ministry is where the saints of God collide with the forces of darkness with the prize being liberation of those who are in enemy POW camps right now. You might lose everything for picking up the Cross of Jesus Christ and obeying Jesus Christ and for joining the fight and attacking the hosts of hell but remember what Job went thru and if we will keep a cool head and not panic and not go AWOL God will restore us and there will be a reward waiting for all those who will make a stand. No matter what happens and how desperate the situation looks and you feel that all is lost remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is right there with us and will never leave nor forsake us. My grandmother once told me Son we have to stay in the boat and we can make it to shore AT ALL COSTS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO QUIT, JUMP OUT OF THE BOAT AND BECOME A DELIVERANCE DROPOUT. If you think that by walking away from deliverance the pressures will cease the reality is that yout tombstone is already being engraved and the enemy will circle back around and eat you for lunch as satan does not forgive and anyone who has once used the keys of the kingdom are his mortal enemies and he will work to take you out so you can never fight him again. Will you be part of the army that the Lord Jesus Christ uses to defeat the enemy or will you quit or have to be sent home? The enemy will try to divide and conquer and destroy relationships but understand that this is part of his strategy as a house divided against itself cannot stand. If someone offends you forgive them, pray for them and leave the door open for reconciliation. Rise above the situation and understand what is occurring and forgive and help others to get back in the battle. If a soldier is wounded you want to dress those wounds and get them back in the battle so they can fight the enemy. Remember who the enemy is here - it is satan and his demons and if they can get you to quit or give up on restoring others then the devil wins and you lose. RESOLVE IN YOUR MIND NOW THAT YOU ARE IN THE BATTLE TILL THE END Be quick to forgive, allow God to restore relationships, help those who you can IN retrospect after four years on the front lines I have been thru more battles than I can remember but once the devil has thrown everything he has at you and you dont quit then the going gets easier and the enemy knows that when they come against you there will be demon scalps taken in Jesus Christ Name. Cowards and the fearful dont make it into heaven - man up and woman up - there are people to set free and demons to defeat in Jesus Christ Name. Will you answer the Lord Jesus Christ - The Commander in Chiefs call - and report for duty?
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 19:04:37 +0000

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