THE PROFITS AND POWER THROUGH WAITING UPON THE LORD: Isaiah.40:28-31. Waiting upon the Lord is the secret of remaining spiritually fresh and strength. Life is full of challenges and spiritual battles; it is through waiting upon the Lord we draw strength and spiritual energy to overcome life challenges and tests of faith. When we wait upon the Lord we receive the courage and stamina to withstand the temptation to compromise or sin against the Lord. Isaiah.41:10-14. Waiting upon the Lord banishes the spirit of fear from our heart and fills us with courage and boldness to stand for the truth. Ps.118:4-9. No man that ever waited on the Lord who put his confidence in the Lord only ever get defeated in battle. Ps.27:8-14. In whatever situation you are in life you need to develop the habits of waiting upon the Lord. The major problem lots of believers have is the problem of not waiting upon the Lord. No refreshing quiet time, no time to read and meditate on the bible, no time for fellowship with the Lord and even sometimes when they come to church maybe bible study they are too busy that they don’t gain anything. They dry up spiritually they will be full of activity but no spiritual strength to withstand the devil and his wiles. Let us be wise create time for God and be refresh don’t be busy helping other while you are dying. THE PRACTICE OF WAITING UPON THE LORD: Isaiah.40:28-31. Isaiah.8:17. Ps.59:9. Ps.62:4-8. Ps.130:5-6. Micah.7:7-8. All great men and women of God who made it in their generation were men and women that spend time to wait upon the Lord. Nobody can really go it all alone without the Lord’s assistance and support. John.15:5. The Lord said without me ye can do nothing. When we talk of waiting upon the Lord what does it entail? How do we wait upon the Lord? (1) It means spending quality time in the presence of the Lord in prayer. Mk.1:35. Ps.55:17. (2) Reading and meditating on the word of God. Josh.1:8. John.8:30-32. Ps.1:3. (3) Spending time listening to the word of God or inspiring message. Habak.2:1. (4) Relying on God in taking any decision. Ps.37:5-7. (5) Confessing your short coming to the Lord and consecrating your all on the altar of dedication. Ps.51:1-13. Rom.12:1-2. (6) Spending real time to sing praises to the Lord for His goodness and reflecting on His mercies and greatness. Ps.65:1-2. (7) Having a rich and refreshing quite time and devotion. Daniel.6:10. Ps.55:17. THE PROBLEM OF NOT WAITING UPON THE LORD: Isaiah.40:30. Job.21:13-17. Gen.33:9. John.15:5-6. Judges.14:120. Judges.15:1-20. Judges.16:1-31. The bible is filled with examples of the people who feel that they are all right without the Lord. They live as if there is no God, they never spend time to wait upon the Lord and such people paid dearly for it. Sometimes the young people and some rich and educated people feel that they can do without God and some even begins to question the existence of God. Such people that neglect waiting upon the Lord paid dearly for their negligence. Think of people like Esau you never read that Esau ever raised an altar to pray unto the Lord. Lot was another people that never wait upon the Lord. Rueben the first born of Jacob never spend time to pray to the Lord, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Harold, Ahab etc and their lives became so miserable at the end. Also people like Saul the first king of Israel, Solomon and Samson backslide the very moment they neglected waiting upon the Lord. The story of Samson is a sad one he never waited upon the Lord the only time he really prayer unto the Lord was when he got into the net of the enemy. Isaiah.40:30. Even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall. No matter how strong you may be you cannot do without God in your life. THE PROFITS OF WAITING UPON THE LORD: Isaiah.40:28-31. Lam.3:25-26. Gen.32:24-28. 1Samuel.1:9-12, 19. There are lots of blessings, profits and benefits for waiting upon the Lord. The benefits includes: (1) The Lord gives power to stand for those that wait upon Him. (2) He increases their strength from day to day to be able to face life challenges. (3) He renews their strength constantly. (4) They will mount up wings like the eagles to fly over obstacles, mountains, rivers and oceans. (5) They shall run never be weary. They will run in the work of the ministry and they will never be weary. (6) They shall walk and not be faint. They will walk by faith and in righteousness they will never faint. (7) They have the strength and nature of God imparted unto them. Isaiah.40:28, 31. The Lord will make us wise to wait on him always.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:41:51 +0000

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