THE REASON FOR THE PAIN: EXPERIENCE ! ROMANS 5:1--5 Do not complain when it appears that your experiences are negative in life and ministry. Always remember the man called DAVID and the fact that most of the psalms were written in his season of pain, anguish and confusion! In psalm 35:17, psalm 74:10, psalm 94:3. Listen Thomas Edison said, No list of successes from failures would be complete without this man who gave us many inventions including the light bulb. He knew failure wouldt stop him. He said: If I find 10,000 ways something wont work, I havent failed..because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Do not allow past delays or failures to stop you. Todays scripture says experience is what you get when pain is allowed into your life! That means no pain in life is wasted! It is a learning process. EXPERIENCE makes you more confident. Confidence will make you exceptional in life--- ALL FROM PAIN AND FAILURE! I know you and your family will make it-- If you dont give up now. GOD CANNOT LIE!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:28:08 +0000

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