THE REPAIR OF THE - TopicsExpress


THE REPAIR OF THE MASJID: ---------------------------------------------- NANASAHEB CHANDORKAR’S heart was bursting with love and devotion. He was eager to renovate and repair the old and dilapidated Masjid. His only thought was “HOW WILL I GET PERMISSION TO MAKE THE MASJID MORE HABITABLE?” Baba however was quite content, and did not grant him permission. The next morning Nana was standing outside the Masjid and waiting for Mahalsapati, who had done to get his Bhiksha. Having received it, mahalsapathi was about to enter the Masjid, when Nana accosted him. Nana was eager to tell him of his plan. At that very moment Baba called out to Mahalsapati. Mahalsapti immediately went to Baba, who said, “ARRE BHAGAT, WHO IS STANDING OUTSIDE?”. Mahalsapti told him that it was Nana Sahib Chandorkar. Innocently Baba said, “IS THAT SO? BHAGAT I WANTED TO HAVE YOUR OPINION ON THIS MATTER. THAT NANA SAYS, “BABA I WOULD LIKE TO BUILD A NEW MASJID”. NOW DON’T YOU THINK OUR OLD MASJID IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR US?”. To this Mahalsapati replied, “BABA LET HIM BUILD A NEW MASJID. IT WILL BE VERY USEFUL FOR BOTH OF US, AS WE WILL HAVE A PLACE TO SIT, AND TO SLEEP WHEN THE TIME COMES”. Then Baba agreed and gave his consent.As soon as Baba gave his consent, Mahalsapati called out to Nana, and asked him to start the work. Nana immediately brought a coconut and broke it. Thus, on Mahalsapati’s advice Nana Sahib Chandorkar was allowed to renovate the Masjid. And Kaka Saheb Dixit was allowed to do the flooring. (Refer “Shiladhi” by Dr.Keshav B Gavankar). .
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:35:21 +0000

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