THE RULE OF LAW MUST BE FOR ALL. The laws to keep politicians - TopicsExpress


THE RULE OF LAW MUST BE FOR ALL. The laws to keep politicians honest Politicians have constantly promised the voters different things and then when they get into power, the issues of their promises go walkabouts. If questioned, they fall back on the excuse “the till was empty”, only on the last election the till really was empty. For any politician to leave a note actually saying the till is empty is criminal negligence at the least. For two political parties to take over parliament on a 5 year agreement without consultation with the voters is not lawful, its dictation. Because they made an agreement with EACH OTHER and removed the voter, neither wanted to ask the voters and both parties ignored the protestations of our voters. When that “hung parliament” seen the state of the true economy, they should have demanded at least an explanation from labour if not just arrest the dam lot of them for criminal negligence, they didn’t and still have not. Instead, years later labour has “got away” with helping those bankers rob our whole economy. The people of the United Kingdom are so far apart from our politicians, police and institutions that the politicians can dictate starvation, poverty and suicide to the population on one breath and on the next breath they will give professional EMPLOYED criminal bankers millions of pounds in “deserved income”. The police and the public are strangers because the police have chosen time and again since Thatcher not to investigate political corruption, but are happy arresting someone for taking food from a dustbin when the man was hungry. Police officers have not been shy in using violence to stop protesters, when someone dies on a protest (one he wasn’t even part of, but just passing bye) at the hands of a police officer, THE POLICE OFFICER GETS AWAY WITH MURDER, LITTERALY. Social services are so unfit for purpose it beggars belief, people die in care homes, abused by the CARERS, social services officers that have HUNDREDS OF CASES EACH are falling apart under the pressure of government cuts to pay, staffing and working conditions. Our government will pay over 9 billion pounds just for (AMERICAN) the aircraft for our 2020 carrier. Daybreak news goes with obese pets, fat dogs and cats while human children are suffering from malnutrition because working people can’t afford food and the news goes with over fed animals. IS THIS WHAT OUR PEOPLE ARE REALLY WORTH? WE COME BELOW OBESE PETS ON NATIONAL NEWS! POLITICIANS, THE MEDIA, BANKERS, ROYALTY, OUR COURTS, THE BBC, AND THE POLICE, ALL OF OUR INSTITUTIONS ARE ROTTEN TO THE CORE IN HONESTY, LACKING IN INTEGRATY AND HAVE THE GAUL TO DICTATE HOW MANY MUST SUFFER FOR POLITICAL SERVITUDE AND ECONOMIC ROBBERY BY BANKING PROFESSIONALS? So we need laws, but not more laws to oppress the people of our country, but to keep public control over our politicians. THERE IS NO LAWFUL CONTROL OVER THESE POLITICIANS, FINANCIERS, ROYALTY, THE SUPER RICH OR BANKING PROFESSIONALS STILL STEALING MONEY OFF OF PEOPLE AND DEFRAUDING WITH NEW TYPES OF PPI’S ETC. We have a banking system controlled by professional PEOPLE that have committed crimes and are still doing it today with no legal control. If we did have any control, these banking criminals would be in jail, they are not! So let’s be honest here, we do not have any PUBLIC control at all. Laws to stop politicians abusing the national psychology with austerity, for thieving criminals who robbed the nation. Laws to stop politicians persecuting the disabled. Laws to make politicians accountable and proper jail time and asset removal for offenders. Laws to force politicians to reveal the economy and the true figures from the banks BEFORE ELECTIONS. Laws to make politicians accountable for suicides directly connected to work programs. We need law and order IN PARLIAMENT. Jsa.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:30:24 +0000

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