THE SEAL OF THE BELIEVERS FIRST BIBLE LESSON: 2nd TIMOTHY 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth firm, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: 1ST TIMOTHY 6:11 But thou, O man of God flee from these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. GOLDEN TEXT: 1ST JOHN 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? THOSE WHO OVERCOME THE WORLD This gospel is a simple one and straightforward. Who is he who overcomes the entire world, apart from he who believes that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God? Beloved, if you actually believe frequently that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you are bound to overcome this world. In addition, you will move majestically in the world without being afraid of anything. How then can someone who believes in Christ as the Son of God be identified? Anyone who does not have anything to do with sin and is virtuous is a person who believes in Christ as the Son of God. And so, anyone who has nothing to do with segregation, medication, eating of meat and fish immorality among other unwholesome acts, is the one who believes in Christ as the Son of God. All those who do not commit any form of sin but rather embrace the virtues of God at all times believe in God. And these are the set of people who actually overcome the entire world. All those who are sinful do not believe in Christ and do not have eternal life. You profess that Christ is the Son of God but you are still indulging in fornication, stealing, falsehood, eating meat and fish among other vices. This proves that you are not a believer but a liar, deceiver and a child of perdition. All those who call on his name and believe in him have nothing to do with sinful act. Equally, this set of people do not worship God through burning of candles, incense, perfumes, long prayers, medication and consulting soothsayers. They trust and hope in God, because they believe that he will supply their needs gratis. Whoever believes that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God has nothing to fear and has overcome the entire world. This is because such a person has no concern with sins and ungodly behavior. It is such a person who always possesses love for one another. The world does not believe in Christ. The people of the world refer to Christ as the son of Mary and Joseph. That is why they indulge in all manners of sinfulness; ranging from stealing, immorality, theft, murder, etc. This explains the reason why things are not well with them. Some people do claim that our Lord Jesus Christ is yet to come down on earth. While others believe that he is still in the sky. But those who believe in him say boldly that he has come in a big way. And that he is the Son of God who has come with water. This explains why we the believers except baptism. The things we are doing here depict that he has come. Therefore, we need to refrain from all manners of sin and embrace love and righteousness alone. Anyone who comes into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star without confessing all his sins and except baptism is yet to be a member of this kingdom. Your position as a Bishop, Pastor, millionaire, poor, young and old notwithstanding, once you confess all your sins and except baptism by immersion, you are forgiven. You have overcome the whole world. Christ died but once and forsook all sins by saying; it is finished. And so, when you are immersed in water in the name of baptism that should mark the end to your indulgence in sinfulness. And once this is done by you, you are indeed greater then the entire world. But if you do not believe and are not baptized, you are condemned. One who shuns baptism is an unbeliever and does not believe that Christ is the Son of God. This constitutes the cause of the problems and difficulties that abound on earth. If you believe frequently that he is indeed the son of God, why then do you still indulge in sinfulness, instead of purging yourself of them, for it is written in Mark 16:16-18 He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak in new languages; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Sequel to the above biblical excerpt, the signs are bound to follow all those who believe and are baptized. As such, if you lack these signs, it means that you are an unbeliever. Re-examine the first lesson. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: 2nd TIMOTHY 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth firm, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. THE IDENTITY OF BELIEVERS: Beloved, if it is true that you believe in Christ as the Son of God, why then do you not except baptism and purge yourself of sins? What the Scripture says above is what is used to identify those who believe in him and except baptism. All those who believe in Christ as the Son of God have nothing to do with sins and they are not afraid of anything. They rather move majestically and are capable of accomplishing great spiritual works with that wonderful name. Even if you come here every day, if you are not aware of this truth, you will still be wallowing in sins. All the people of this world who fail to believe in Christ are those who indulge in sins. And such people cannot be saved. All of those who believe in the existence of ghosts, mermaid, juju, witches, foes, etc., have proved that they do not believe in Christ. While those who believe in him are always on top of the world and have no belief in the existence of enemy, ghost, juju, mermaid, witches etc. Those who do complain of being attacked and harmed by another person and are overwhelmed with fears on hearing about witches, ghost, juju, etc., do not believe in Christ. For those who believe in him cannot be harmed or attacked by any evil force, since they are above the world because of their belief in Christ as the son of God. Christ has said thus; in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than this shall he do because I go unto my Father. With particular reference to the biblical excerpt above, what do you think is the cause of your inability to do greater work than the ones Christ did? This is because you do not believe in him as the Son of God. Once you believe in him as the Son of God, you will be able to overcome the entire world. Once you kneel down, and knock your fore head and pronounce let all powers in the world will be subdued. Hence, you have no problems as long as you believe in him. All those who believe in him can only make a statement and a mountain moves from one place to another. The spoken words of those who believe in him can also make a city to move from one place to another. Therefore, all those who believe firmly in him have no cause to worry, for the one in them is greater than everything. The Muslims, the Bahai faith, Eckankar and the rest of the people of the world who do not believe in him have problems. This is the reason why they find it almost impossible to discard sins. Because if they were to believe in him and know that he died and washed away all sins, they would not have been indulging in sinful acts. THE TURE CHRISTIANS The true Christians are those who emulate Christ. They are those who forsake sins and walk in accordance with the dictates of the Holy Spirit. Ipso facto, they live a life free of problems and are capable of carrying serpents with their hands and drink poison without being harmed. They are above all things and could be termed a pearl in the entire world. While those who believe not in him always entertain fears, for the things they think can adversely affect ones life. And when I see such people, I pass them by for their deed has proved that they are unbelievers. Recently, it was testified hear that Biakpan sent four representatives to come and find out the reason why all the neighboring villages had rainfall but Biakpan was without rainfall. When the representatives came, I did not even pray for them. But I asked them to go back for the father has sent rain to Biakpan. And before they got to Biakpan, the land was flooded with water as a result of a heavy downpour, which the father sent to them. The Scripture tells us that work accompanies faith. And so, if you believe in Christ as the Son of God, you will be virtuous. Since he has pronounced that there is no more sins, you must refrain from all manners of sinfulness burning of incense, beating of the drums, segregation, immorality, preparation of diabolical substance and charms, and once you put a peg to these unwholesome acts, the sign that we talked about in this gospel will follow you. It is there and then that you will be capable of healing the sick with ease. I have come to realize why you do seek for Biakpan water, the holy oil and special oil, and why you want to be prayed for, this is because you have failed to believe in him. But whoever believes in him as the Son of God is beyond distraction. And his prayers are effective. THE MEANING OF BAPTISM The act of being immersed in water depicts Christ death, while emergence from water depicts his resurrection. And so you have no cause to fear, for the father will place you above all things. All those who continue to confess a particular sin every day are unbelievers. If they were believers, they would not have gone back to the sins they have already confessed. If the members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star work to take cognizance of this fact, they would not have been having problems any longer. And they would not have looked for someone to pray for them because they are the right people to pray for others, since they are above and greater then the entire world. No matter how diverse your problems are, the moment you come in here, imbibe and practice this sermon, your problems are gone instantly. Re-examine the second lesson: SECOND BIBLE LESSON: 1st TIMOTHY 6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee from these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. TOTAL POWER IN BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR: Beloved, the above biblical excerpt has enjoined all those who are Gods people to refrain from sins, and imbibe the good virtues of God mercy, goodness, love, patience etc. So this is what is left for us to do at all times. The entire world is eluded of the power that exists in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. That is why the people of the world attribute the power to Beelzebub. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star believes in Christ and that is why members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star have un-quantified love for one another. Hence, we are on top of the world and our power is greater then that of the world. There is no segregation in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star because we are one. And we do not believe in the existence of ghosts, mermaid, witches, elementary spirits, etc., rather we believe in the existence of the Son of God (Jesus Christ) alone. That is why we do not fear death or worship anything other than God. We are likened to a stone, which cannot be removed by windstorm. Today, the father has indeed strengthened your faith through this gospel. THE IMPORTANCE OF FAITH Some people do believe in Christ while others do not. Brother Ime Akpakpan believes and has faith that is why he lectures people on faith. Brother Solomon Ette is doing a similar thing among many other brethren. Faith is an important ingredient we need in this kingdom. And all those who have faith equally have love, mercy, patience and cannot indulge in sins. And the signs which one of the reference texts for this sermon talks about will follow this class of people. The reports from Cameroon about full-time workers posted there were not encouraging as the (full time workers) where accused of being dupes and crafty. But right from the day the father posted Christ servants, Christ students and Christ witnesses to them, the reverse is now the case in Cameroon. For they no longer look for vision again since they have been made to have faith in that name. Their leaders representative also does a good job. All the members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star who have faith and are righteous have no problems in their lives. Previously, when I used to pronounce that Cameroon and Nigeria or one, people used to underrate the pronouncement. But now the reverse is the case, for the statement is vindicated. The faith, which prevails now in Cameroon, is very great. And their faith is accompanied with good works, love, and mercy among other virtues. And as many as believe in him are saved, and have overcome the world. The Scripture has it that the Lord is that spirit and where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty. Have you not seen the kind of love that is sweeping across this kingdom? Have you not also seen the extent to which oneness is prevailing today in the kingdom? Note from this that, oneness which prevails here connotes the existence of the spirit of the Lord in the kingdom. Previously, the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members in Cameroon used to complain about lack of freedom of worship by the government of that country. And when I heard this, I told them that if they have the zeal, the governments intervention would not be a constraint. And this statement has manifested today, for the government and the people of different parts of the world have accepted Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. But the problem now is that you do not want to serve God and to have love, faith, hope, mercy among other virtues. If you possess all the virtues mentioned above, you will have peace in your life and will not lack anything. There is one brother, who is a Hausa man. Although he is very new in this kingdom, his faith is very great. This is so because he knows very well that, in spite of the numerous violent riots that have taken place in the northern part of Nigeria, no Brotherhood of the Cross and Star member has ever fallen victim because they are Gods children. No matter where we are, we stand to live a problem free life since the faith in us is greater then everything. And this applies only to the real Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members, for the unbelievers who claim to be Brotherhood of the Cross and Star still have problems. The children of God have no concern with juju, Secret society, division, witches, theft, falsehood, vices and sinfulness, rather what concerns them is oneness. This is the era of the Holy Spirit. In this time your problems and difficulties have been eroded since you all believe in him. And the position of the sons of the soil has been bestowed on you. God is the embodiment of all things; why then are you in lack, defeated by others, entertaining fears, etc. when you are gods children? You are not supposed to lack anything; since what belongs to the father equally belongs to his children. A brother once testify here that once a person believes in God and is capable of doing marvelous works, people would want to know the source of his power. But the veritable truth about this thing is that it is through the belief of the person in God. Re-examine the golden text: GOLDEN TEXT: 1st JOHN 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? I AM NOT GOD Anyone who believes fervently that Jesus Christ is the Son of God will have nothing to do with sinful acts and would work hard to be virtuous. This type of a person does not mind what ever happens in the world. You should stop preaching to people that Olumba is God. I am not God or spirit. I am OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. The only thing that you should preach to people is that they should practice the injunctions of God in order to overcome the earth. The people of the world only shout on Jesus name with their lips without believing in him in their hearts. And this goes in line with the statement of Christ in Mark 7:6 He answered and said to them, well hath Isaiah prophesied concerning you hypocrites, as it is written, this people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. No one among the people of the world believes in Christ as the Son of God and that is why they are not over comers. For whoever believes in Christ as the Son of God is an over comer. Right from today, the father has strengthened your faith and has also sent away the spirit of doubt and faithlessness from you. This is how you can be to overcome the world. People do complain of being worried by immoralities, doubt, lack of money, etc. but I am telling you that, none of these things worries you. For it is your failure to believe in Christ as the Son of God that constitutes your problems. And right now that you have believed in him, your problems are solved by the father. Have you not read the golden text very carefully? No matter how rich you may be and how numerous your parents guardians and relations may be, if you do not believe in Christ as the Son of God, you cannot overcome the world. But whoever believes in Christ as the Son of God, not withstanding ones status and position is an over comer of the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ alone has overcome the whole world. Therefore, his followers should overcome the world too. Christ does not indulge in sins, burning of candles incense, drumming among other frivolous things, and as such the children of God should avoid such unwholesome acts if they need Gods glory. It is a veritable truth that the whole world is waiting for the time, which the true children of God will be revealed according to the Scripture. Have you not seen the children of God being revealed? Have you not seen the changes (oneness and common purse), which are being practice in earnest in this kingdom today? It is said a stroke of cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the whole world. May God bless his holy words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:12:50 +0000

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