THE SECRET OF ACCEPTANCE OF DUA IS IN THE MANNER OF ASKING AND THE FAITH IN THE ONE YOU ARE ASKING FROM! Follow the steps below and believe with conviction that Allah will grant you what is best for you. 1.Make a lot of salah alan nabi (prayer on the Prophet SAW) as it is the opener of all closed doors. 2.Unite your heart to Allah with complete contentment to Him SWT and say: Indeed we belo ng to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return. (Al-Baqara 2:156) 3.Beseech Allah SWT with the following dua: Oh Allah, choose for me and dont make me choose except what you have chosen for me; make me content with what you choose for me; and put barakah (blessing) in what you choose for me, Ya Allah. Renew your oath to Allah by making dua in the following words: Oh Allah, if this trial is to elevate, prepare and cleanse me, I am content, Ya Allah. And if there is any way to change this condition, please Allah dont make me unite my heart except to You; dont make me rely except on You; dont make me trust except You; and open for me in a way and time you want Ya Allah. Oh Allah, I believe in qadr (destiny) and know that nothing can happen without your will; make my condition a cause of elevation in this life and the hereafter Ya Allah. 4.Call on God with the following prayer : Allahumma Imad oil la Imad whoever seeks; Who Sanad oil la Sanad whoever seeks; Zahra oil la Zahra whoever seeks; ghaayatha oil la ghaayatha whoever seeks; Kareem al afw, PUT at tajawwuz Kashif al Bala Azeem A. Raja Said ad duafaa munqidh al gharqa, munje al Divine, attract mujmilu munimu Mufaddal; Antal visit Lenin mud Sawada al laylee noor Naharia to take ul qamari shuaaush Shamsi dawwiyyul maaee hafeef ush shajaree; Ya Allah! la shareeka mud rabbi! Rabbi! Ya Rabba! Imamarrusli, Azeez jabbaru, Fattah, sameeu, baseeru, qareebu, Mammutty! 5.Conclude your dua with a lot of Salah alan Nabi (prayer on the Prophet SAW).
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 04:17:52 +0000

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