•THE SHOCKING TRUTH The Catholic Mass is entirely BIBLICAL. - TopicsExpress


•THE SHOCKING TRUTH The Catholic Mass is entirely BIBLICAL. You dont get to notice it but do you know that the words spoken by the priest and the people during the Mass are not only based loosely on the Bible? 99.9% of them are DIRECT QUOTATIONS from particular biblical texts. For instance, right at the VERY BEGINNING and VERY END of the Mass: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19; cf. John 14:13-14; Acts 2:21). And then, the greetings by priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Cor 13:14); Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 1:2; Eph 1:2; The Lord be with you. (2 Tim 4:22; cf. Matt 1:23; 28:20);And then the Peoples Response: And with your spirit (cf. Gal 6:18; 2 Tim 4:22); ...All Prayers concluded by Amen (Neh 8:6; Ps 41:13; Rom 16:27; Heb 13:20-21; Rev 7:16)... at the end of the Mass, the Dismissal: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord. (cf. Mark 16:15); Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life. (cf. Ps 115:1; 1 Cor 10:31; 2 Thess 1:12). Also, Go in peace. (cf. Exod 4:18; Deut 10:11-13; Judg 18:6; 1 Sam 1:17; Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; 8:48). And the people will answer: Thanks be to God! 1 Corinthians 15:57. Aint this brilliant!? And Ive only covered the tip of the iceberg here. For a more complete analysis, check out Fr. Felix Justs catholic-resources.org. In addition, do you know that day in and day out, theres a Mass going on around the globe? Typically, an estimated 386,000 Catholic MASSES are celebrated EVERY SINGLE DAY CONTINUOUSLY on planet Earth (see Masstimes.org). The Holy Mass is celebrated in every nook and cranny on the planet, by every race, size, and nationality; and using EVERY LANGUAGE. And each of these Masses is celebrated (generally) using THE SAME EXACT prayers and THE SAME EXACT Scripture readings which is systematically arranged to vary every day all year round. The daily weekday Masses Bible readings are usually consists of: (1) a chapter from the Old Testament; a (1) responsorial prayer from the Psalms; and then the (1) Gospel. And on Sundays, there is an additional second Reading usually taken from the 27 Books of the New Testament. One can never be more biblical than this. And in fact, tell me if this is not amazing: the uniformed Bible readings like the Gospel reading that weve just had this Sunday about Jesus healing the 10 Lepers is observed throughout the whole entire Church. So a catholic in Seoul, Korea could call his friend in London, England and totally relate and share their thoughts on the same Gospel reading if both attended Mass this Sunday. Now, heres the deal: Ideally, if a catholic religiously attends regular DAILY Mass for the whole year, without missing one single Mass, he or she would have read and covered pretty much 80% of the ENTIRE BIBLE. And Continue going for another year, and he or she covers more than 100%! (Oh, and by the way, if he or she is not fond of giving away money for the Churchs mission, no worries, the Catholic Church ONLY asks for proposed collection on Sundays-- 1 Cor. 16:1-2). I think we Catholics owe it to ourselves the proper title Bible Christians which weve lost these past three decades or so. Its about time we take it back.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 08:44:04 +0000

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