THE SOUL POWER PRACTICE: UNLEASHING YOUR CORE STRENGTHS DEAR FRIENDS- Everything you need to flourish and love being alive is truly inside you. Beyond worry and anxiety, beyond doubt is the inner peace and serene confidence to meet and overcome every challenge on your path. And enjoy yourself while doing so! There is an unlimited source of strength in you that you can call upon to stay positive and creative in all situations. From time immemorial humanity has called this sacred Inner Power the soul. Your soul is the core of yourself. It is YOU, the essence of your unique being, and it dwells within you as your deepest intuition and knowing. Your soul/Inner Power is truly a spiritual genius, a wise and unerring guide. No matter how deep your pain- your soul knows how to heal it. No matter how lost or frightened you may feel- your Inner Power knows the way forward. Whenever you are stuck your soul has what you need to get you flowing and taking positive action. Through the ages people have learned to still their thinking and open their bodies to listen to the voice of their soul. As a psychotherapist who works with the body-mind-spirit as a unified whole, I see every day how peoples disconnection from their bodies and emotions makes it harder to hear their soul. The emotional stress stored in our bodies- anger and sadness, fear, guilt and shame- is a kind of static that stops us from recognizing that still, small voice. So here is some unconventional wisdom: the more you release your emotional pain and restore peace and good feelings in your body the closer you get to your soul. We need to wash the windows of our body and mind to let the light of our souls shine through! Wherever you are on the path to being grounded in your body and emotionally free and healed the practice I am about to describe will always connect you to the strength and wisdom of your soul. Think of your soul as a warehouse of all your spiritual strengths, talents and abilities. It belongs to you because it IS you! To call forth from your soul the powers and solutions you need to meet every challenge with inner peace and creativity, learn to use this simple but profound technique. THE SOUL POWER PRACTICE: 1. Take a few quiet minutes to slow down and connect to yourself. Whether you are sitting or standing, center yourself by feeling your feet on the ground and taking a few easy breaths. Let your body sag as you let each breath out, allowing physical tension to drain from you. 2. Next re-affirm this beautiful truth in your heart- your soul surely knows what you need to do, and has the strengths and solutions to enable you to do it! 3. Next consider the situation you are facing. What inner strengths, or new attitude, will help you meet that challenge creatively? For example: Do you need more confidence... more faith... more love ... more perseverance... physical energy ... clarity ... calmness ... patience ... new ideas ... an attitude shift ..? 4. See, as clearly and precisely as you can, the attitude shift/inner strengths etc. you need right now to feel better, act creatively and move forward. 5. Now put in your order to your storehouse of wisdom and strength - your soul/Inner Power. Remember, this is a part of you, so you are not asking or praying for what you need - you are demanding its delivery! 6. Say it like this: Send me what I need to deal with ___ wisely and effectively. Send me these strengths..... and list them one-by-one. 7. Now let go and trust that what you have sent for is already flowing into you. The more you let go and trust, the more quickly and completely your strengths arrive and go into operation. You will notice that you feel better right away (even if the improvement in how you feel is subtle, it will always be present ....) When you are the most worried/confused/uptight in your body and feelings, stop and repeat this process a number of times through the day. The more frequent the repetition, the faster and more completely your order will flow in and fill you with the strengths and attitude you need. In the hours and days after using this practice, you will frequently notice that you are indeed acting with an enhanced version of the very strengths and positive changes that you called for. In my own experience, I often stop with a sense of astonishment and say to myself- I really AM feeling more faith/seeing more clearly/adopting a better attitude etc. IT WORKS! I guarantee that if you use this practice regularly, you will find that the strength, wisdom and solutions to your challenges that you call for will flow to you from your core more and more easily and completely. My friends, always believe in life, believe in love and believe in YOU. And keep reaching for your own beautiful and amazing soul. It knows the way and will always guide you homeward toward your happiness..... without a doubt! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:12:45 +0000

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