THE SPIRIT-FILLED NURSING STUDENT 2 (by Bro. Akingbade - TopicsExpress


THE SPIRIT-FILLED NURSING STUDENT 2 (by Bro. Akingbade Damilare) Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10 THE FEATURES OF THE SPIRIT-FILLED NURSING STUDENT 1)Fearlessness: The Spirit-filled NS is fearless.I was with God and he asked me a question,when did the Lion start roaring?. HE explained by the Word that the Lion had started roaring ever since creation,and in the presence of Adam,but he wasnt fearful.Adam could have even interpreted its roaring as Good morning Adam.He was fearless.The Spirit of God makes you fearless and bold as a Lion.Many things will arise.Many issues will surface that will want to cause you to be fearful. I Samuel 17:11 When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine,they were dismayed and afraid. The story explains how the Philistine foes of Israel and their Giant (Goliath) came up against Israel and caused them to be intimidated by the stature and boasting of their Giant.They therefore became afraid.Why were they afraid? Even Saul was afraid.Why was he afraid? Before this,something had happened to Saul.He had lost his position. There was however a young boy called David,and the Spirit of God was powerfully upon him.He got there and saw what got others afraid.Fear did not grip him.He was not seeing what they were seeing because any man who is filled with the Spirit of God sees like God sees,and hears like God hears because that which is in God has been poured inside him.I pray that from today henceforth,well be fearless in Jesus name.One of the things that will help you as you go through life is getting it right fast because outside there,the Devil will bring many things to shake you/make you afraid.David said,the Lord is my light and my salvation,whom shall I fear?,the Lord is the Strength of my life,of whom shall I be afraid?.He was a man that was filled with the all of God.When Adam was taking his position in the garden,he was not afraid of anything.Fear did not come into his heart at all. Many Christians do not know who they are.Your success in life starts from when you know who you are.Eve didnt know who she was.She didnt know that she was already like God. The Spirit-filled NS is the one that is filled with God and gives no room for fear. 2)Excellence: The Spirit-filled NS are excellent.One of the errors we commit in Christianity/Nursing Profession is believing that Spirit-filled NS are mediocres.ITS NOT CORRECT! I want to challenge all of you with incorrect CGPA,let your CGPA receive life in Jesus name.Ive met with Spirit-filled NS who are also excellent.That you are Spirit-filled doesnt make you a mediocre.I met with a Nursing Student in my service year who graduated with a First Class degree.Being a Spirit-filled NS should make you excellent.The Nurse Adam we have in the Bible was excellent.He hadnt seen those animals before but he named them correctly.He didnt score zero.So whenever you meet a question in the exam that is alien to you,it is not alien to the God that lives on the inside of you.The Psalmist said,I have more knowledge than my teachers,because your testimonies are my meditations.Somebody told me sometimes ago that if a person could understand the Bible,he could understand anything.It is wrong for you to read your book as a student and not understand.GOD told our Fathers that FCN LAUTECH will raise Giants and send them into the Nursing Profession.I pray that youll key into this Prophecy in Jesus Name.Im seeing people that are going far.Youll not cut your journey short like Eve did in Jesus Name.Youll not cut short heavens plan for you in Jesus name.Look at Daniel,the Spirit-filled NS who studied well and was excellent.He was not a mediocre.There was a giant inside him.I dont care what your results have been.Your best is yet to come.The plans of the Lord for you are great plans. 3)He/She gets it right: It becomes a normal thing for a SFNS to get it right in all aspects of their lives.Being Spirit-filled makes you right in everything,because God is in you.Financially,you are right.Maritally,you get it right.Change the way you think.That you are filled with God doesnt mean you should be low in life.It doesnt mean you should settle for the less. Why have I not been Spirit-filled? Acts 2:1-2 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,they were all with one accord in one place.And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind,and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Some peoples hearts are far away from God.The Psalmist said,one thing have I desired and that will I seek after....For many Nursing Students,there are so many things in their hearts.Their hearts are here and there.The one thing to seek after has not been their pursuits.The heart of man is a sacred temple in which ONLY GOD is allowed to dwell. Tell the Lord... My heart is far away Ive not been interested in you My desires are many My heart is divided/stiff Come into my heart,O LORD Song: Okan mi sipaya Oluwa.....Wole.....Wole.....
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:43:07 +0000

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