THE SPIRITUAL EYE: TRUE STAR OF THE EAST Whatever celestial - TopicsExpress


THE SPIRITUAL EYE: TRUE STAR OF THE EAST Whatever celestial star might have indicated to the Wise Men the birth of Jesus, it was a star in the east of greater power by which they knew of the coming on earth of Christ Jesus: the all-revealing light of the spiritual eye of the souls intuitive divine perception located in the east of the body--in a subtle spiritual center of Christ Consciousness in the forehead between the two physical eyes. - Paramahansa Yogananda In the Hindu scriptures the forehead in man is called the eastern part of his body. Even as the earths directional compass points are derived from the north and south magnetic poles, and from the earths rotation on its axis which makes the sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west, so yoga physiology speaks symbolically of north, south, east, and west in relation to the microcosm of the human body. North and south are the positive and negative poles of the cerebrospinal axis. Life energy and consciousness are magnetically drawn either upward to the higher spiritual centers in the brain (north) or downward to the lower spinal centers associated with material consciousness (south). East and west refer to the orientation of mans life and awareness either inward (east) through the intuitive spiritual eye to perceptions of the subtle divine realms or outward (west) through the senses to interaction with the gross material creation. The star of the east thus symbolizes the spiritual eye in the forehead--the sun of life in the human body and doorway to the inner kingdom of God.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:41:01 +0000

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