**** THE SPIRITUAL POWER & WISDOM IS… COURAGEOUS, LOVE, BEAUTY, GENEROSITY AND TRUTH! ¡EL PODER ESPIRITUAL & LA SABIDURIA ES… CORAJE, AMOR, BELLEZA, GENEROSIDAD Y VERDAD! By Mr. Javier V. Maldonado, from Lima-Peru. Jan 21, 2015. *** = = = = SAVAGE GARDEN - TRULY MADLY DEEPLY (LIVE AT THE WORLD MUSIC AWARDS 1998) SG ARCHIVE https://youtube/watch?v=O26aEMwFzB4 THE SPIRITUAL TEACHING IN EVERYDAY LIFE (TRAILER) MICHAEL HORN https://youtube/watch?v=z_skAb1B9fo NELLY FURTADO - SAY IT RIGHT NELLYFURTADOVEVO https://youtube/watch?v=6JnGBs88sL0 = = = I HAVE NOT REALLY COME To bring peace, But to bring the Sword of Knowledge of THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH LIVES INSIDE OF THE HUMAN BEINGS. YO NO HE VENIDO A traer la paz, Sino a traer La Espada del Conocimiento del PODER DEL ESPÍRITU, EL CUAL VIVE EN EL INTERIOR DE LOS SERES HUMANOS. TALMUD OF JMMANUEL CANON 10:44 = = = There is NOT LIGHT like WISDOM, There is NOT DARKNESS like IGNORANCE, There is NOT POWER like THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT There is NOT TERROR like POVERTY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. “No existe MAYOR LUZ que LA SABIDURIA, No existe MAYOR OSCURIDAD que LA IGNORANCIA, No existe MAYOR PODER que EL PODER ESPIRITUAL, No existe MAYOR TERROR que LA POBREZA DE CONSCIENCIA”. TALMUD OF JMMANUEL CANON 26:27. JMMANUEL The 5th. Great Prophet of The Truth! ¡El 5to. Gran Profeta de La Verdad! (More known by the most of you with his false name, Jesus. Más conocido por la mayoría de Uds., con su falso nombre, Jesús) FIGU.org, TheyFly ENSEÑANZAS TALMUD JMMANUEL - ESPAÑOL 1 DE 6 RHAL ZAHI https://youtube/watch?v=uc_rYJ0yR4I = = = = “The Planet Earth, the Human Nations, must be guided, ruled and governed by WISDOM & RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. There is no other way in order to overtake and solve our most dangerous and serious problems on this world. Every single position of responsibility and charge of power in every State-Country on this planet must be delivered to the WISE & RIGHTEOUS Human BEINGS, who are among the People, the Human Nations of Earth. If this does not happen immediately, then all of you must prepare to the worst nightmare and for the Total Collapse of Life on this, still beautiful blue planet, our space-home mother ship, THE EARTH. Because current people, who are ruling this planet, to the Human Nations-States-Countries on Earth, the most of them are the worst scumbag. They are more incapable people. The most stupid, greedy, selfish and degenerated-vicious addicted, men and women, on Earth.” “El Planeta Tierra, las Naciones Humanas, deben ser guiados, gobernados y regidos por LA SABIDURÍA Y LA RECTITUD DE CONCIENCIA. No hay otra manera con el fin de superar y resolver nuestros problemas más peligrosos y serios en este mundo. Cada posición de responsabilidad y cargo del poder en cada Estado-País en este planeta deben ser entregados a los SERES Humanos SABIOS Y RECTOS, quienes se encuentran entre los Pueblos, las Naciones Humanas de la Tierra. Si esto no ocurre de inmediato, entonces todos ustedes deben prepararse para la peor pesadilla y para el Total Colapso de la Vida en este, todavía hermoso planeta azul, nuestra nave nodriza y hogar en el espacio, la Tierra. Porque las actuales personas, quienes gobiernan este planeta, a las Naciones Humanas-Estados-Países de la Tierra, la mayoría de ellos son la peor escoria. Ellas son las personas más incapaces. Los más estúpidos, codiciosos, egoístas y degenerados-viciosos adictos, hombres y mujeres, de la Tierra. = = = “The RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, And The TRUTH, they are NOT NEGOTIABLES. They should be Respected, They should be Defended. They should be Shared. Be HONEST and COURAGEOUS, No matter what! No matter whom! La RECTITUD DE CONCIENCIA, Y la VERDAD, ellas NO son NEGOCIABLES. Ellas deben ser Respetadas, Ellos deben ser Defendidas. Ellos deben ser Compartidas. Sean Honestos y Valientes, ¡No importa lo que pase! ¡No importa quién! = = = THE GREATEST ACT OF GENEROSITY from a Human BEING is delivering to his fellow creatures of Creation, the best of him. TO GIVE FREELY, BY HIS OWN FREE WILL & INITIATIVE, HIS LOVE, HIS WISDOM, HIS KNOWLEDGE AND THE TRUTH. BECAUSE THESE ARE THE TRUE VALUES OF LIFE. Because they are the best gift, the best heritage and the greatest treasure that exists in the entire Universe. Because, in the true Human BEING, there is no place for selfishness or greed or stupidity. There is only a Life, in daily exaltation, in the True Love, in the True Wisdom, in the Truth, in CREATION herself. Because his outlook, perspectives, and Sense of Reality and Life itself, in Creation, go far beyond the apparent physical-material reality around us, and that seems to be truth for less evolved terrestrial humans. Because his outlook reach deeper inside in the BEING OF ALL TIMES-ERAS, in the eternity and omnipotence of Love, Wisdom and Spiritual Power of SPIRIT OF CREATION. “EL MAYOR ACTO DE GENEROSIDAD de un SER Humano es entregar a sus semejantes, a las criaturas de la Creación, lo mejor de el mismo. ENTREGAR LIBREMENTE, - DE PROPIA VOLUNTAD E INICIATIVA -, SU AMOR, SU SABIDURÍA, SUS CONOCIMIENTOS Y LA VERDAD. PORQUE ESOS SON LOS VERDADEROS VALORES DE LA VIDA. Porque ellos constituyen el mejor regalo, la mejor herencia y el más grande tesoro que existe en el Universo entero. Porque, en el Verdadero SER Humano, no existe lugar para el egoísmo, ni la codicia ni la estupidez. Solo existe una VIDA, en la diaria exaltación, en el Amor Verdadero, en la Sabiduría Verdadera, en la Verdad, en LA CREACION misma. Porque sus Perspectivas y Sentido de la Realidad y la Vida misma, en La Creación, van mucho más allá de la aparente realidad física-material que nos rodea, y que nos parece verdad. Porque sus Perspectivas alcanzan lo profundo del SER de TODOS LOS TIEMPOS, en la eternidad y omnipotencia del Amor, la Sabiduría y Poder Espiritual del ESPIRITU DE LA CREACION.” = = = “If only we, - the human nations of the Earth -, would love, respect, appreciate, worry and care for ourselves, such as a MOTHER loves, respects, appreciates, worries and cares for her children. Then terrestrial mankind could, may change towards goodness, and for a true progress and evolution. Because Mother’s Love is a NATURAL and truly CREATIONAL LOVE & WISDOM. That no, stupid and insane, religion has shown to naïve, innocent, defenseless and ignorant human being.” “Si sólo nosotros, - las naciones humanas de la Tierra -, nos amaríamos, respetaríamos, apreciaríamos, preocuparíamos y tendríamos cuidado de nosotros mismos, tal como una MADRE ama, respeta, aprecia, se preocupa y tiene cuidado de sus hijos. Entonces LA HUMANIDAD TERRESTRE podría, puede cambiar hacia la bondad, y por un verdadero progreso y evolución. Porque el Amor de Madre es un AMOR y SABIDURIA NATURAL y verdaderamente CREACIONAL. Que ninguna, estúpida y demente, religión ha mostrado a los crédulos, inocentes, indefensos e ignorantes seres humanos.” JAVIER V. MALDONADO = = = * * * * * * * **** THE SPIRITUAL POWER & WISDOM IS…(2nd. Part) ¡EL PODER ESPIRITUAL & LA SABIDURIA ES… GLOBAL WARMING... GUHPOL https://youtube/watch?v=PXvpDoGrRGU = = = LOVE IS A WONDERFUL FLOWER, But you need to have the courage to Go look for her, at the edge of A horrible precipice. “EL AMOR ES UNA MARAVILLOSA FLOR, Pero es necesario tener el valor de Ir a buscarla al borde de Un horrible precipicio.” STENDHAL. = = = “THE GREATEST DEMONSTRATION OF COURAGE I have known from some human beings on this planet, is the recognition of their own mistakes, lies, slander, evil deeds and/or crimes committed against innocent and righteous people; and to have the courage, dignity and integrity to recognize them openly and publicly, and to repent of them, and to try and have the determination to correct them for good. Thats what I call having balls or guts in life! Its easy to hide in the crowd and/or to follow evil and inhuman commands and orders, dutifully, to access to a comfortable and vicious material life. But few are brave humans who have the strength, richness of Consciousness, firmness of Spirit and Courage to stand alone against the majority, and to say, enough is enough! My conscience, my love and my life tell me to do the correct, righteous, and therefore I will face the consequences of my actions, because I am a son of our mother Earth, because I am a Creature of Mother CREATION. And every human being, every creature of our world, is my flesh, everyone is my Spirit, and I will never betray them again, and will dont damage them. Quite the contrary I will defend them, and will guide them towards through true Path of Life, Progress and Evolution. Those are the real brave Human BEINGS on Earth, Those are the Spiritual Leaders of this world. = = = LA MÁS GRANDE DEMOSTRACIÓN DE CORAJE que he conocido por parte de algunos seres humanos, sobre este planeta, es el reconocimiento de sus propios errores, mentiras, difamaciones, malas acciones y/o crímenes cometidos en contra de gente inocente y justa; y tener el coraje, la dignidad y la integridad de reconocerlos abierta y públicamente, arrepentirse de ellos, y tratar y tener la firme voluntad de corregirles para el bien. ¡A eso yo llamo tener bolas o agallas en la vida! Es fácil esconderse entre la multitud y/o seguir ordenes malvadas e inhumanas obedientemente, para poder acceder a una vida material confortable y viciosa. Pero pocos son los valientes que tienen la entereza, la riqueza de Consciencia, la firmeza de Espíritu y el Valor para pararse en solitario frente a la mayoría, y decir ¡Basta ya! Mi consciencia, mi amor y mi vida me dicen que haga lo correcto y lo justo, y por ello afrontaré las consecuencias de mis actos, porque soy un hijo de la Tierra, porque soy una Criatura de la Madre CREACIÓN. Y cada ser humano, cada criatura de nuestro mundo es mi carne, es mi espíritu, y nunca más les traicionaré ni les hare daño. Por el contrario daré mi vida y mi esfuerzo por defenderles y por guiarles hacia el verdadero Camino de Vida, Progreso y Evolución. Esos son los verdaderos valientes de la Tierra, Esos son los Líderes Espirituales de este mundo. NAMASTE! JAVIER V. MALDONADO = = = “LET US NOT SEEK The Republican answer, or The Democratic answer, But the RIGHT Answer! Let us not seek to fix The blame for the past. Let us accept Our own responsibility For the future.” NO BUSQUEMOS La respuesta Republicana, o La respuesta Demócrata, Sino ¡la Respuesta CORRECTA! No busquemos arreglar La culpa por el pasado. Aceptemos Nuestra propia responsabilidad Para el futuro”. JFK, JOHN F. KENNEDY = = = “RELIGION IS CONSIDERED For ordinary people as true. By the wise as false, And for rulers as useful.” “La religión es considerada Por la gente común Como verdadera. Por los sabios como falsa, y Por los gobernantes como útil.“ SENECA = = = That of god, It gives to think about. Nowhere in history, Nowhere on the planet, Religions have served to Bring Human BEINGS, To approach each other. All the contrary, They have only served To Separate them, To Burn them, To Torture them To Murder them. I do not believe in god, I do not need this, and I am also good person. “Eso de dios, da que pensar. En ningún momento de la historia, En ningún lugar del planeta, Las religiones han servido para Que los SERES Humanos Se acerquen, unos a los otros. Todo lo contrario, Solo han servido Para separarles, Para quemarles, Para torturarles, Para asesinarles. No creo en dios, No lo necesito, Y además, Soy buena persona.” JOSÉ DE SOUSA SARAMAGO = = = * * * * * * * **** THE SPIRITUAL POWER & WISDOM IS…(3rd. Part) ¡EL PODER ESPIRITUAL & LA SABIDURIA ES… “In THE TERRESTRIAL SOCIETY Dominated by Evil, Barbarism, Greed, Selfishness, Materialism, Consumerism, And Addiction to Vices... Its easy to lose, to “forget”, Sight of this following TRUTH… PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THINGS! “En LA SOCIEDAD TERRESTRE Dominada por El Mal, la Barbarie, la Codicia, el Egoísmo, El Materialismo, el Consumismo, y Las Adicciones a los Vicios... Es fácil perder, olvidar, La siguiente VERDAD... ¡LAS PERSONAS SON MAS IMPORTANTES QUE LAS COSAS!” = = = “If you don’t fight for What you want, Dont cry for What you lost. And It’s not a crime to Fight for What is yours. Si no luchas por Lo que quieres. No llores por Lo que has perdido. Y no es un crimen Luchar por Lo que es tuyo. FAZEKAS ILDIKÓ = = = “FREQUENTLY, THE TRUTH It is very hard, raw and difficult, As THE REALITY is. And both are difficult to be “ACCEPTED” by Human on Earth. However, it is his obligation, His duty and responsibility... To understand them, and Learn from them. Cowardice, wickedness and depravity Are characteristic of ignorant, Barbaric and primitive people. The wickedness and depravity are only The expression, result and reflection of Ignorance and Poverty of Consciousness From the vast majority of The inhabitants of this world. The wickedness and depravity are The negative consequences of The In-human and Enslaved Life System done by The insane religious Beliefs and Their false teachings. And yet it is the obligation of The more evolved Human BEINGS, in Consciousness and Wisdom on This planet, to try making from Our beautiful blue planet, EARTH, A worthy and truly human place Where to live in peace and harmony. And to grow in true progress. Aligning our Life with the True Love, Knowledge and Wisdom. LIFE is a matter of COURAGE, LOVE and WISDOM.” = = = “FRECUENTEMENTE, LA VERDAD Resulta muy dura, cruda y difícil, Como la REALIDAD es. Y ambas, son difíciles de ACEPTAR Para el SER Humano de la Tierra. Sin embargo, es su obligación, Su deber, y su responsabilidad… Entenderlas, y aprender de ellas. La cobardía, la maldad y la depravación Son rasgos característicos de la gente Ignorante, barbárica y primitiva. La maldad y la depravación no son más que La expresión, consecuencia y reflejo de La ignorancia y la pobreza de consciencia de La gran mayoría de los habitantes de Este mundo. La maldad y la depravación son Las negativas consecuencias de Un Sistema de Vida In-humano y Esclavizado hecho por las dementes Creencias Religiosas y Sus falsas enseñanzas. Y con todo ello, es la obligación de Todo SER Humano más evolucionado, en Consciencia y Sabiduría sobre Este planeta, tratar, intentar hacer de Nuestro hermoso Planeta azul, LA TIERRA, Un lugar digno y verdaderamente Humano para vivir, y progresar. En armonía con el Verdadero Amor, El Conocimiento y La Sabiduría. La VIDA es cuestión de CORAJE, AMOR y SABIDURIA.” JAVIER V. MALDONADO = = = “BEAUTY IS BEING The best possible version of Yourself on The inside and out.” LA BELLEZA ES SER La mejor versión posible de Ti mismo en El interior y hacia fuera”. TERRESTRIAL WISDOM = = = “BE SOFT AND GENTLE. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal Your sweetness.” SÉ AMABLE Y GENTIL. No dejes que el mundo te haga duro. No dejes que el dolor te haga odiar. No dejes que la amargura te robe o Suprima tu dulzura . KURT VONNEGUT – HRLYRIKZ.COM. = = = WHEN YOU BRING THE SUN INSIDE, No matter if its raining outside... “CUANDO LLEVAS EL SOL POR DENTRO, No importa si afuera llueve…” LETICIA ARIAS RUIZ = = = “THE BEAUTY OF WOMAN It is illuminated by A light that leads us and Invites to contemplate The soul (Consciousness) That such body inhabits, and If it is as Beautiful as she is, It is impossible not to love her.” “LA BELLEZA DE LA MUJER Se halla iluminada por Una luz que nos lleva y Convida a contemplar El alma (La Consciencia) Que tal cuerpo habita, y Si aquélla es tan bella como ésta, Es imposible no amarla.” SOCRATES (470 BC-399 BC) = = = “EVERYTHING HAS ITS BEAUTY, But not everyone can see it.” “CADA COSA TIENE SU BELLEZA, Pero no todos pueden verla.” CONFUCIO OR CONFUCIUS (551 AC-478 AC) = = = “BEAUTY IS NOT IN THE FACE. Beauty is a light In the heart.” LA BELLEZA NO ESTÁ EN EL ROSTRO. La belleza es una luz En el corazón”. KAHLIL GIBRAN = = = There are people that Creates their own storms, And then, they get sad When it rains. “Hay personas que Crean sus propias tempestades, Y después, se ponen tristes Cuando llueve.” RINCON DE ROMEO = = = “LA ESTUPIDEZ NO TIENE FRONTERAS, Pero al estúpido Hay que ponerle límites.” “STUPIDITY HAS NO BORDERS, But to the stupid We have to put limits.” PABLO HERNANDEZ GARCIA = = = = “STRONG PEOPLE Don’t put others down… They lift them up.” LAS PERSONAS FUERTES No desprecian Ni intimidan a otros... Ellos las levantan”. MICHAEL P. WATSON = = = NAMASTE! BELOVED FRIENDS, JAVIER V. MALDONADO = = = = RICARDO MONTANER DEJAME LLORAR CON LETRA LA VIDA ES UNA CANCIÓN https://youtube/watch?v=oknHWP-pNqk * * * * * * * ** * * THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF TRUTH *** UFO SECRET: THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF TRUTH – UFOS AND PROPHECIES FROM OUTER SPACE – HD FEATURE FILM UFOTV® THE DISCLOSURE MOVIE NETWORK https://youtube/watch?v=hoZO6CAXxsI CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL AÑO 2100 – DOCUMENTAL EN CASTELLANO DOCUMANÍA https://youtube/watch?v=TkaX5LNDVMQ = = = THE EARTH IS DESIGNED TO BE GUIDED BY WISDOM; then the ignorance and poverty of conscience will disappear, so love and peace and harmony will flourish.” DR. DIETMAR ROTHE. = = = “THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH IS THE ONLY THING WORTHY OF A HERO.” GIORDANO BRUNO = = = = LET ME MOURN FOR YOU! LEAKED VIDEO OF AN ISRAELI SOLDIER ARRESTING A PALESTINIAN CHILD FRUGAL BIZARRE https://youtube/watch?v=Y03VcNlZJlU LOSING THEIR SOULS: WHITE AMERICA HOOKED ON HEROIN (DOCUMENTARY) SANFORDWATCH https://youtube/watch?v=ZBIHKp5rOK0 “NEVER BE AFRAID TO RAISE YOUR VOICE For honesty and truth and compassion Against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world would Do this, it would change the EARTH.” WILLIAM FAULKNER = = = “Use your VOICE FOR KINDNESS, Use your EARS FOR COMPASSION, Use your HANDS FOR CHARITY, Use your MIND FOR TRUTH, Use your POWERFUL THOUGHTS FOR REALIZATION OF GOODNESS, And Use your HEART FOR LOVE.” WHY DO WE DO NAMASTE? NAMASTE is a combination of “NAMAH” and “TE” Which translates to “I BOW TO YOU”. The SPIRITUAL meaning of NAMASTE is deeper. This is an especially deep Expression of RESPECT FOR ANY LIFE FORM. The word “NAMAHA” Brings down all your egos When you are among others. NAMASTE suggests That a person extends you his FRIENDSHIP, honestly. In the same way Greetings, NAMASTE! Also represents THE RATIONAL RECOGNITION that ALL OF US, The Creatures of CREATION, Contain in their intimate TRUE BEING, The same LIVING SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT OF CREATION. The SPIRIT OF CREATION, Which unifies us in THE TRUE LOVE, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM AND TRUTH. • Because, THE TRUE HUMAN BEING OF THE UNIVERSE, He or She, is conscious of its role and purpose of his LIFE, as TRUE AND HUMBLE-NOBLE SPIRITUAL LEADER over all the other forms of material life. • Because, He or She is THE TRUE MASTER; the wiser, the fairest and the gentlest person among us. Because He or She is A WISE AND RIGHTEOUS HUMAN BEING. • Because, the true, wise and righteous Human BEING always is at end of the line for help and/or food assistance, by his own will and choice. • Because, the WISE & RIGHTEOUS PERSON are those who have suffered most in this world, not because they are not able to be wealthy, but because in their hearts lie there sadness meanwhile exists the extreme degree of material and consciousness poverty among the creatures of this world, our beloved people on EARTH. GHEORGHE ZAMFIR EINSAMER HIRTE THE LONELY SHEPHERD TANVIRRAHMAN333 https://youtube/watch?v=syLQMwidJGQ = = = = EXCERPT TAKEN FROM THE OM BOOK, THE BOOK OF TRUTH OF LIFE, written by Billy Meier, FIGU.org, it reads: OM CANON 53:26. “WHO DO NOT COMPREHEND THE TRUTH WITH YOUR UNDERSTANDING, but only with your belief or faith, CANNOT HARVESTING THE FRUIT OF IT. LOVE is the absolute certainty that we live and exist in all; i.e. in everything that exists: in the fauna and flora, in other fellow human beings; in all forms of material and spiritual life of whatever nature, and the existence of the whole Universe and beyond. Therefore, Love, in its actual definition means: Love is the absolute certainty and absolute sense and absolute conceive that all Life is a Piece of Life itself, because everything together is a collective form of We in the TRUE BEING OF ALL UR- TIMES OF ALL EXISTANCE and it is able to exist only in the knowledge and perception of Love as collective existence. No life can be without Love, because it would be defeated from the start and with no chance to live, because to live, LOVE prevails over all. OM CANON 32:58, “Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge.” 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. IF THERE ARE NO MIGHTY ONES, RATHER ONLY SPIRIT LEADERS AMONG THE PEOPLE, THEN THE HUMAN OF THE EARTH LIVES INWARDLY AND OUTWARDLY IN TRUE PARADISE. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. BILLY MEIER THE 7TH GREAT PROPHET OF TRUTH! THE NEW AGE PROPHET! FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = JMMANUEL TJ 10:44 says: I have not really come to bring peace, but to bring the sword of knowledge of the power of the spirit, which lives inside of the human beings. There is not light like wisdom, There is not darkness like ignorance, There is not power like the power of the spirit There is not terror like poverty of consciousness. TJ 26:27. JMMANUEL THE 5TH. GREAT PROPHET OF THE TRUTH! FIGU.org, TheyFly ENSEÑANZAS TALMUD JMMANUEL - ESPAÑOL 1 DE 6 RHAL ZAHI https://youtube/watch?v=uc_rYJ0yR4I = = = = BILLY MEIER, FIGU.org,TheyFly = = = = BILLY MEIER PREDICTION - JOHN PAUL 1 MURDERER RHAL ZAHI https://youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE “RELIGIONS AND SECTS correspond to organizations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org = = = THE CASE OF MR. BILLY MEIER from Switzerland, FIGU.org, TheyFly, is THE MOST IMPORTANT CASE OR HUMAN EVENT OF EARTH HISTORY. But, unfortunately, it is simultaneously the most censored and suppressed case from the web by the POWER ELITES who disastrously rule this world = = = = MR. BILLY MEIER, his mission, writings, wisdom and knowledge are fully supported by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado: ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE HUMANKIND ON EARTH & DERN UNIVERSE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION. IN SEARCHING OF INTELLIGENT, CONSCIOUS, AND SPIRITUAL LIFE ON EARTH! LA EVOLUCION HUMANA UNIVERSAL. ¡EN BUSQUEDA DE VIDA INTELIGENTE, CONSCIENTE, Y ESPIRITUAL EN LA TIERRA! By/Por, MR. JAVIER V. MALDONADO https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 https://facebook/javiervmaldonado Email: javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail, javiermaldonado1957@yahoo Mobile phone (0051) 9970 24 006 (24 hours) LIMA-PERÚ = = = = TOP-IMPORTANT LINKS-SOURCE OF WISDOM: FIGU.org, TheyFly futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:08:17 +0000

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