THE STATUS OF AFRICAN RUGBY SUPER POWER AT STAKE. The Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) rugby has turned more competitive in recent years. This is due to the master stroke played the by CARs executive body and the IRB. This tournament would be the path to the World Cup. This has brought out of the wood work the African rugby power houses to clash at arenas such as the one in Antananarivo. Many nations have fallen along the way, including a Nigerian side made up of players in diaspora, the fading power that is Morocco, Tunisia and even one of the three teams to have played at a World Cup, Ivory Coast. Even though Madagascar and Uganda live to fight another day, the quest for the African title 2013 has brought to centre stage Zimbabwe and Kenya. The two sides in the confederation with the most impressive rugby record recently. Both competing at the Sevens World Cup alas with very different results. While Zimbabwe struggled the Kenya team excelled as expected finishing overall third. The Kenya sevens impressive run in the World Sevens Series has seen them become the toast of a nation and of Africa. Making them synonymous with the name of their country along side their long distance runners and famous Safari Parks. Their XV side now managed by South African Paarwater, reclaimed the Elgon cup and went on to thrash bitter rivals Uganda 52 - 11 settling the East Africa issue. Zimbabwe on the other hand were a Super Power in the 80s and early 90s, making it to two World Cups. They have their reliable XV side, the Sables. Under the pupillage of Dawson they remain the only undefeated team in this tournament since its inception in 2011. Trampling in their path Madagascar twice, Uganda and Tunisia. They also were the last holders of the short lived Victoria Cup, in which they beat Kenya and Uganda home and away and finished the year 2011 undefeated. Namibia who are still in the picture, having made it to the last four World Cups are the only side for far who can claim the Super Power status (note there can be more than one Super Power.) But they slipped up at this very venue last year. This has left these two to pounce. This year one of either Zimbabwe or Kenya will ascend to such status. One of the two will rightfully transform from African rugby power house to African Rugby Super Power.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:18:09 +0000

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