THE STORY OF NABII SOLOMON Ive read this story once in a - TopicsExpress


THE STORY OF NABII SOLOMON Ive read this story once in a story book, where it foretold most stories about wives of the Prophet (Chosen ones) and their life. In this story is the love story between Prince Sulaiman and his wife Princess Balqis. I remembered roughly of the story and how it begin, but I will try my best in remembering it again. This is a true story, happened on this very Earth sometime in the very distant past. The story started when Allah have granted Prophet to Sulaiman, whom was a noble King. One of his gift, was to be able to speak the language of animals, and also able to command humans alike as well as jinns. He has commanded them to find rare pearls in the deepest oceans, giving out treasures not known to man, built buildings that is unable to be imaginable by a human thoughts, travels distances in matter of seconds. This is the gift from Allah to him, and Prophet Sulaiman is a very humble servant of Allah taala. One particular day, there was a certain bird called Hoopoe whom went lost in one evening after given a task by Prophet Sulaiman to find a source of water, and then had to report in to Prophet Sulaiman, the Hoopoe has been wondering in some place and have seen some things, the Hoopoe was scared that he will be punished by Prophet Sulaiman for not following the orders of Sulaiman and flying circled around in his throne. Animals sometimes does this showing their regret when doing a mistakes to their master. Prophet Sulaiman asked on why he was late, and told that Hoope that he will be punished, unless he gives a valid reason. In panic, the Hoope remembered something (in which as I understood, Allah have given a thought to the Hoopoe) and told Prophet Sulaiman, the Hoopoe said Prophet Sulaiman, do not punish me.. because I will tell you something of your interest. In the Hoopoes defense, Prophet Sulaiman is willing to hear the Hoopoes defense, and the Hoopoe said that in a distant civilization there is a princess that is so beautiful with a strength in army and numbers in people, but their beliefs are praying to the sun, which in Prophet Sulaimans view is a sign of people whom have not seen the akidah (true way of life). Listening so, the Prophet said that the Hoopoe is lucky because this piece of information caught his interest and he wanted to deliberate her and her people by marrying with her. Prophet Sulaiman wrote a letter, puts the letter on the bird and told the bird to send this letter to Princess Balqis. Upon some time, when the letter has reached the attention of Princess Balqis, as she opened the letter as it read.. In the name of Allah, the most loving and caring, this letter is from me Sulaiman. Do not ever be arrogant towards me or even considered yourself more than me. Come to me in a peaceful surrenderance She consulted her ministers for advice, and as they are negotiating, they have come to a final decision and replied with a messenger, a man from her civilization was sent as a scout with gold and silvers (seen as a gift / tribute) to see Prophet Sulaiman and the reply said We have come to give you this token of tribute, if we ever cross any lines. as Prophet Sulaiman replied That what Allah have gave to me is far better than what He has gave to you, but you feel that you are better with your gift. Return young man to your civilization, and we will come to you with an army in which you will never survive fighting it, and everyone will be sent away from that country of yours (Saba) and will become prisoners that has of no value. In fear, the young man quickly get onto his horse and return back home. While the counsil were discussing with each other, many of the military officers were backfired and wanted to attack, they said to Princess Balqis that their armies were seen strong enough to fight Prophet Sulaiman. Here is where Balqis show her inteligence, and said to them that a peaceful approach must be found. She then told her counsil of her wishes to see Prophet Sulaiman herself, which opens up many questions to the counsil people. In the end, the elders of the counsil agreed to her wishes, granted that she brings a small army along with her. Upon leaving her country, Prophet Sulaiman was instantly informed by the creatures of the winds and he was also preparing himself to receive the visit by the Princess. Hence he commands the people, animals and Jinns to form an army, lined up well to show his apparent power given by Allah to the princess. When the princess is halfway there, Prophet Sulaiman asked his most cunning creatures on weather they can do a hard task for him, the first one whom answered was the Ifreet Jinn, and he said Before you even stand up from your throne, I will bring you whatever you wish. Ifreet being the most smartest among the Jinns, agreed to the task. Prophet Sulaiman wants to take Princess Balqis physical castle, and place it beside his. In this event, a man of the books whom stood beside Prophet Sulaiman interrupted and said, Oh Prophet Sulaiman, I can do such a task in just a blink of an eye hence that man is one whom is with knowledge. Prophet Sulaiman said to that man to fulfill his wishes, and as he read a few words, the castle where Princess Balqis lives now resides beside Prophet Sulaimans Castle. (In my opinion, the man with knowleadge is one whom studies the old books, gifted also by Allah a certain knowleadge which is high in level) When the princess arrived, Prophet Sulaiman greeted her and accompany her to her own castle which he said was his on purpose. When she looked at it, it feels like she knows this castle arhitecture, and when she enters the castle it feels like dejavu, and looking confused back to Prophet Sulaiman. The prophet said, Is it not like your castle? The princess replied, Yes it is.. similar like my castle but she knows inside it is definitely her castle. Even as her emotions were filled with fear and confusement at that moment understanding that man, prophet Sulaiman. Then as they walked around the castle, He then asked gently to visit his own true castle. As Princess Balqis went inside, she seen that it is very-very beautiful because it is made out pure glass. As she wanted to step in, she sees like a pool of water, and held up her skirt until her legs can be seen. Then when she stepped on the water, it is not water, but actually glass. Prophet Sulaiman said to her this castle is slippery which is made out of glass.. and Princess Balqis among other thing felt ashamed of herself as she has shown a part of her to Prophet Sulaiman, My God, I have made a grave mistake upon myself, and I now surrender myself to you Sulaiman and to Allah, the creator of this Universe, she felt very vulnuerable that almost like crying, but Prophet Sulaiman was a kind man towards her, forgiving her. Prophet Sulaiman then tells her of his interest in marrying such a woman like her, and she accepted the offer as she was amazed by prophet Sulaimans ways. When their marriage started is when both civilization were joined up together, and their old beliefs is now embraced with Islam, the true way of life, beliving in the One supereme creator Allah taala. Princess Balqis, is half Jinn, whereby her father was a human being and her mother is a Jinn. She has the beauty of her mother.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:24:37 +0000

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