THE STUPID CUPID Chapter-37 - TopicsExpress


THE STUPID CUPID Chapter-37 [♥] --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------- Say that you’re lying. Myra gaped at Neil. No Myra. I wish I could lie in this situation. Neil clutched Myra’s hand. Myra pursed her lips nodding and they rushed inside the hospital. Finally they reached the ward where Kunal was kept. He was clad in white sheet till his chest. The syringes were still pierced in his body. He had oxygen mask covering his face. A thick white nursing was draped around his forehead. His hands expressed how much he was injured. They were caked in dried blood, congealed and cracked though much cleaned by then. Bhaiyya.. Myra’s eyes expressed complete breakdown of tears. How is he now doctor? Neil asked in a hoarse voice. We’ve done everything we could. He’s still alive but the accident was horrible. There are pretty much complications and I can’t say if he can walk out of the hospital healthy again. The doctor replied. Neil sighed in disappointment. This can’t happen. Neil muttered. Hi princess. No tears. Kunal muttered with a great struggle. Hi batman. Myra wiped off the tears from her eyes. my super girl. Kunal spoke with his every precious breath. I love you more bhaiyya. Myra mumbled entangling her fingers with his fingers. I want to talk to Neil for a minute. Can you please? Kunal spoke. Myra nodded and left the room for a while. She kept standing outside the ward watching Neil and Kunal. Neil’s eyes were bloodshot red. His puffy eyes were evident that he has been holding for too long. A single tear slid down from his warm, butterscotch eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed its way down his pale cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of him for all this time but still he did not make a sound. He had hooked his little finger with his Kunal’s finger. He released it softly just to bump it with Kunal’s fist. Myra knew that it was the sign of their brotherhood. And looking at Neil’s face he knew that he was at the brink of breaking down even she was feeling the same with every passing moment. Neil had never shown much of his emotions but today she knew that Kunal was really a brother to him. He really did care for him more than anything. After few moments, Myra was sitting beside Kunal on his bed. She has clutched his hands in her hands. A bizarre terror was seizing her. She could feel something being snatched away from her. Promise me... You will always.. be happy. Kunal spoke in a broken voice. I’ll bhaiyya. And you’ll be there with me bhaiyya. You will see me live each day happily. You are the best brother anybody could ask for. Myra replied blinking back her tears. You will never be alone my... baby sister. I promise you that.. I love you. And you’d never .. be alone. Kunal struggled to say and softly squeezing her hands he moved his hand towards her face. His hand was shivering though he placed it on her cheek wiping off the lone tear that struggled to make its way to her cheek and suddenly the hand dropped and his eyes went closed. Myra heard a sharp voice that froze on her feet. Bhaiyya.. She shouted. The nurses and doctors rushed into the room. They pushed her away. She tried to come closer to Kunal but just then somebody wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her away as the doctors tried an emergency procedure called as Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and pressed his chest to make him breathe again. And then she finally heard something which made her go numb. Note the time of death. These words rang in her ears constantly. Myra was unable to hear the rest of the thing. NO! She screamed. Neil was holding her snugly as Myra was breaking down and almost fell to the floor. He had his arms wrapped around her to support her weight. It’s going to okay Myra. Neil spoke and cuddled Myra against his chest. Tears and croakiness was visible in his voice as he struggled hard to be strong. He can’t DIE NEIL. Myra winced against his chest. He’ll always be with us. He whispered against her ear. Myra swallowed the lump in her throat and wrapped her arms around his waist. There was only person who can understand exactly what she was feeling at the moment and it was Neil. Because as much as Kunal mattered to him, it mattered the same to Neil. Kunal had finally closed his eyes that too forever. In his last moments of death, he collected all the happy moments he spent with Myra, Neil and Ishika. The smile on his face was inevitable. Even in his last moments, he was wishing that he could live more. He wanted to see his sister the luckiest and the happiest girl in the world. He wanted to see Neil a successful person in life. He wanted to complete his dream of having his family with Ishika. He wanted to hug Myra, tease Ishika and scold Neil. He wanted to live a normal life again. *But destiny is cruel isn’t it? There are so many people in the world who are alone and willing to die but nothing happens to them but a person who has a great deal of responsibility on his shoulders meets death very soon. There are so many corrupted and evil persons in the world. But amongst all, the person with the purest soul is snatched. There are so many things we want to do in our life and wait for the right time to come so that we can accomplish them. And this way, we spend whole of our lives securing our future and worrying about it all the time that we forget to live in the present. And life has always its own way of making us realise these things. Tell me, can you guarantee me one thing that if you are not able to enjoy the present moment of your life then even after getting all the desirable things in future will you be able to enjoy them? Or who knows you would be there or not to see that moment.* Myra was unable to absorb the shock and got fainted right then. Neil knew that she won’t be able to cope with it. So heaving a deep sigh he decided to keep her away from the rest of the proceedings. Myra was made lie in her bed while Kunal’s body was carried out of the hospital. I want only you to give fire to my body. Kunal’s words were falling on his ears. Neil felt choked and was unable to think anything. But he knew he has to be strong. He has promised Kunal. He has promised him. The new spread like fire to all the relatives. Though they were never concerned about Kunal and Myra yet just to fulfil their roles of relatives they all gathered for the cremation of Kunal’s body. Kunal’s body was kept on the pile of woods. His face even after the accident bore a slight smile. Bloodless, breathless, soulless and stiff with cold fingers were the mere words that could now describe the merciful soul. He has always been an epitome of sunshine. Always being the positive one and always considerate of the people around him. A great brother, compassionate lover and an understanding person was now ready to be burnt to ashes. Neil was handed the timber of fire and as he moved towards Kunal, he felt his legs going paralysed. His body denied to move further. He broke down on the floor kneeling as the tears struck his face again. And then it began to rain heavily, as if the heavens were crying with him. In the downpour his tears lost their existence. Drenched in the cloudburst water, sorrow dripped from his face. He felt exhausted and empty devoid of will of moving further. His heart became heavy and his senses refused to accept the situation. Then somebody came and held his shoulders. He looked at the face. The person told him to quickly get up and cremate his body as it was raining heavily. Neil looked at him with dark eyes, unable to explain the tornado of myriad emotions in him. He nodded surrendering and got up. He put the fire to Kunal’s body. Smouldering, fire licked the bottom of the firewood with a crackle voice. The glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars in the chilled air and gulped Kunal in their embrace. Neil was unable to breath nor could he feel his heart beating in his chest. It was all frozen. Like the destiny has stolen a moment from his life and refused to ever gift it back to him. The weightless fire made a heap of weight in his body. Soon the bright turned black and ascended in the air in dark gray plumes of darkness, and misery. It carried away the dreams and life of Kunal to another place far beyond the stars. There was no escaping it, the pain, and death it caused, and the dreams it stole. The same person who can give you millions reasons to smile can render you in a pool of melancholy for the lifetime. Their smiles that once seemed impeccably beautiful can make you cry in thunders. There comes a time when person leaves you without except his memories to cherish along. *Tick, tick, tick the clock chimed, Click, click, click toes tapped in time. The time unleashed a captive, And snatched all of the disruptive. Death now guarded the liberated soul, For the life has hit its ultimate shore.* [A dumb try to do some poetry ] Myra sprung up on bed unstrained flabbergasted. Tiny pearls of sweat coated her forehead. She felt goosebumps on her skin. Her stomach churned in fear. Her heartbeats escalated with the sudden impact. She pressed the sides of her forehead to let go of the dreadful nightmare. Nothing has happened to Kunal bhai. Myra murmured and threw the quilt aside. She quickly made her way downstairs just to receive disappointment. The foyer was crowded with all her relatives sitting in front of Kunal’s frame wailing and mourning. While the photograph bore a garland. NO !!!! Myra screamed again. And just then hearing the voice, Neil clambered up the stairs in a quick pace and held her shoulders. Holding her face against his chest, he carried her to her room. Sshh..Everything is going to be okay. I promise I’ll take care of you as long as I live. Neil mumbled softly. Myra sniffed against his chest wailing a loud cry. She felt Neil moving a little and picking up the photo frame from her side table. I’ll protect her with my life Kunal. You don’t have to worry. She’ll never be alone as long as I live. A tear dropped from Neil’s eyes and glistened at Kunal’s picture. Suddenly Myra realised that this was the thing Kunal asked Neil in the hospital. He asked Neil to take care of her because he knew that he would be no longer able to do that himself. She buried her face into his shoulders and cried silently in his arms. Neil kissed the top of her head and then leaned his cheek against her head. He was taking deep breaths once in a while and she knew he was crying too. But he still held her in his arms as he tried to be strong for both of them. Neil suddenly felt the warm gush of feeling on Myra’s forehead. He placed his hand on her forehead. It was burning hot. Myra! You’ve fever. Neil spoke slightly parting from her. Myra din’t reply anything. She was just crying and wailing. Neil held her in his arms and made her sit on the bed. He quickly rushed towards the kitchen and stuffing a plate with some snacks he tried to feed Myra. I don’t want to have anything. Myra jerked his hand away. Pumpkin please, don’t make it too hard for me. I’m also suffering the same. Please eat something and have your medicine. You’ll sleep after that. Neil spoke earnestly. Myra cried and softly opened her mouth. Neil fed her some snacks and gave her medicine she took with the suffice water. And soon Myra slumbered again. It was too hard for her to being awake and watching everything that was happening around her. Neil, you killed Kunal. It was all your mistake. You could have saved him. It would have been you instead of Kunal. He would have been here in this home taking care of Myra. You killed him. A voice echoed in Neil’s ears. As the dreadful scenario of Kunal’s car being thrashed recklessly against the trees flashed before his eyes. Neil’s eyes sprung wide open. He stared at the ceiling for a while. Tears brimmed his eyes and some drops made their way down his cheeks. Why Kunal? Why? Why you’ve to left us alone. Why you gave me the chance of living? Why did you save me? Nothing would have mattered much if I would have been died. But you? You owe three souls to answer! Look at Myra, she’s all shattered. And I can’t even imagine what would be Ishika’s reaction after hearing to all this. And me? I feel all lost. I’ve never felt this much worst even after dad’s death. Neil tried to voice his words but his throat was choked. He looked aside and saw Myra cradled around him. Her head rested on his chest and her arms were draped around his waist snugly. He can feel her warm breaths lingering on his neck. Her swollen face was expressing her dilemma. He knew very well how much hard it was to convince Myra to sleep. And he has to pat her back and caress her head to make her sleep. Neil sighed and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. **To be continued** Okay well. All the readers, I’m really sorry for ending Kunal’s character. Trust me I’m all in tears right now. You all read the story and are connected to it. But I? I’m the one who drowns herself totally in every character before making them emerge on the paper. Trust me, no one can feel worst than what I’m feeling today. It feels like a part of me died today. Kunal has been the tremendously wonderful character I ever thought of. It was NOT AT ALL EASY for me to write this. In the whole day, I cried several times when I thought of writing this. I can feel the pain. I’m totally immersed and involved with my characters. They are not just my fictional characters, they are a part of my heart, my soul. I don’t know what to say now. I’m really sorry for what I did in the story. But you all have to wait to know about all the things. Rest all the things you readers said that you’ll leave reading the story if Kunal dies, I leave that up to you. But if you decide to continue trust me, this is going to give you all a total different feeling. Rest, I’ve tried my best to pen the whole thing down. Please spare a few seconds to express your reviews. Stay tuned to know more. Author - #Payal_Kedia Page Link - facebook/ *copyright reserved* #shivS
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:36:22 +0000

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