THE SUBVERSIVE & SYSTEMATIC DUMBING-DOWN OF SOCIETY: The degradation of education is THE greatest downfall of civilization. It started with removing The Trivium from public education. Now, when proficiency in writing & language is marginalized, the degree to which we can linguistically understand, conceptualize, encapsulate, creatively express, and efficiently communicate concepts is equally diminished to the demise of ourselves and the evolution of society. “Cursive is increasingly becoming obsolete.” said Patricia Granada, principal at Eagle View elementary in Fairfax County. The benefits of handwriting goes beyond whether people use it for life. How many people use Algebra or Geometry every day? Barely anybody. Does that mean we should remove it from the curriculum? ABSOLUTELY NOT, because its necessary in creating a well-rounded, highly-functioning mind capable of problem-solving, abstract thinking, and quantitative analysis. With handwriting, children not only learn to read more quickly when they learn to write by hand, but they also remain better able to generate ideas and retain information (see first article in the comments section below for further information). Sadly, nowadays most people cant spell very well without auto-correct on the computer. I cringe in horror when native English-speakers dont know propar punctuation, grammar, or the difference between words like their/ there/ theyre, to/ too, witch/ which, horse/ hoarse, affect/ effect, capital/ capitol, principal/ principle, etc... And now, the crucial development of communicative dexterity is further subjugated due to the superficial opinions of financially-incentivized bureaucratic administrators who think that showing kids videos in class and following a by-the-book standardized curriculum is whats best for the multifaceted development of children. TRUST ME- Do your children a favor and either home school them, or take them to an accelerated private school. Unless your child is a unique autodidactic polymath who intrinsically questions and loves to learn, they will just be grist for the mill of an exploitative society run by psychopaths. It may be more expensive in the short term, but its much more costly in the long run. Education is the best investment for the future. “The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. ~H.L. Mencken washingtonpost/local/education/cursive-handwriting-disappearing-from-public-schools/2013/04/04/215862e0-7d23-11e2-a044-676856536b40_story.html
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:40:07 +0000

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