THE TRUE PICTURE ABOUT GEJ ADMISTRATION PLEASE TRY TO READ ALL AND SHARE TO OTHERS: Resume of Presidential Candidate 3 Meet GEJ Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (Age: 56) Jonathan has been a Deputy Governor, a Governor, a Vice President, an Acting President and a President. He’s been in power for almost six years now, having served out the remaining two years of late President Umaru Musa Yar’adua and now about to complete his fourth year in office after his swearing in as President on May 29, 2011. Some of the good things Jonathan did in the last six years include: 1). Repainting of several airports 2).Provision of air-conditioned 3).Trains in Lagos as well as light rail in Abuja, 4).Construction of railways to link cities and states, and fixing of Benin-Ore Expressroad. Also, Jonathan 5).Privatised electricity generation and distribution, 6).And he sent some Nigerian students abroad to study on government scholarship. 7).He claims to have created a million jobs and reduced poverty by 50 per cent. Unfortunately, both claims remain spurious and unverified. No one has really seen where those jobs are, and there is no substantial evidence that he actually reduced poverty by anything above five per cent. With Jonathan’s agricultural transformation, Nigeria’s food import bill has reduced from about $7 billion to $4.3 billion annually, he set aside N50 billion for agriculture mechanization and Nigeria now has Africa’s largest rice mill. Lastly, Jonathan’s Government announced that it has reached a ceasefire with Boko Haram and promised that the abducted Chibok girls were on their way back to reunite with their families. Unfortunately, though, the unilateral announcement soon turned out to be an April fool’s joke. Now let’s peruse some not so good things about GEJ’s résumé. He has shown quite an unbeatable tolerance for corruption, which has been the second biggest challenge of his administration, after Boko Haram. Not a single public office holder has been successfully prosecuted since Jonathan became president. On the contrary, a lot of evidently corrupt people are actually been celebrated under his watch. For example, former Aviation Minister, Stella Oduah, allegedly spent $2.5 million on bullet-proof cars. She was eased out of office four months after but was never prosecuted. Instead, she was honoured with a chieftaincy title in her home town, and she is currently vying for a seat in the Senate on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party. Likewise, “Honourable” Faruk Lawan and Femi Otedola got away with $600,000 bribe scandal despite audio and video evidences. And those who embezzled the police pension fund amounting to billions of naira are still enjoying their loot. Only one of them, John Yusuf, was given a two-year jail sentence with an option of fine in the sum of N750,000, in what seemed more like a pat on the back after conniving with others to defraud the pension office of N27.2bn. The main suspect in the scandal, Abdulrasheed Maina, is still at large and no one seems to be on his trail. President GEJ pardoned DSP Alamieseigha, the former Governor of Bayelsa State, who was convicted for stealing millions of dollars of tax payer’s money. And he sacked the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, for blowing the whistle over the missing $20 billion from the federation account, which the government explained away as “only” $10 billion used for kerosene subsidy. Jonathan is the first Nigerian president to own up to ten presidential jets. He has so far refused to make a public declaration of his assets in the spirit of transparency and accountability as exemplified by his predecessor, Umar Yar’adua. In fact, he publicly proclaimed on national television that he doesn’t give a damn about asset declaration. Under the watchful eyes of President Jonathan as Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, Boko Haram has killed more than 13,000 Nigerians and displaced over three million. And more than 200 girls were abducted from a secondary school in Chibok, North-East Nigeria, and have remained in captivity for about 6 months and still counting. Nigeria has borrowed about 10 billion dollars since Jonathan became president – from China and others – and he is the first Nigerian president to budget a billion naira for food alone in the presidential villa, whereas 75 per cent of our graduates are unemployed. Jonathan removed oil subsidy, hiking the price of PMS overnight by more than 200 per cent, which caused a national protest in January, 2012. His petroleum minister, Deziani Alison-Madueke, has been fingered in several probes and accused of diverting oil wealth for her personal use and for renting private jets. President Jonathan is yet to do anything about her. Before becoming the president, GEJ allegedly diverted $1 million from Bayelsa State’s poverty alleviation fund into entertainment, using it to pay the famous American singer, Beyonce, when she performed in his home state. President Jonathan publicly endorsed “stomach infrastructure”, a new parlance in Nigeria which is used to refer to sharing rice and kerosene to the impoverished masses in order to buy their votes during elections. Finally, under President Jonathan, a number of journalists have been summoned, harassed and even arrested by the Department of State Service. This is the summary of the three main candidates applying for the number one job in Nigeria. By their records, we shall sort them out and decide who gets the job. God Bless Nigeria
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:33:35 +0000

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