...THE TRUTH MATTERS... ...I KNOW ITS FRIDAY; SO LET ME GET IT OFF MY CHEST, SO I MAY SLEEP A LITTLE BETTER TONIGHT... ...To all of those GOP-Teapublican, if you will listen-up!.. All of the news you people think you even remotely benefit from like any mis-statements President Obama made about the ACA... Those rules about the policies being reinstated? Well, be forewarned it isn’t gonna work out for you at all & let me tell you crazy ass folk something else... Come this time next year your party is going to be buried up to your necks in your own bull-crap. Most Americans arent nearly as stupid as some like Cruz & Palin or others in your Republican leadership... I mean just look at you people; as youve never cared before about our people or nor long after the ACA became law. Now that Democrats have taken the initiative to do something about the problem? Now here your silly asses come trying to make it appear as though you all give a dame about the average citizens well-being... You know many in the Republican Party have a very big problem... You can never share fully your real agenda with America & even when you try to our people see right through it every time. Just as we see your hypocrisy now; if I were you I’d stop screaming who’s a socialist & trying to make light of the Presidents good policy intentions an start treating all who never had any chance of even getting insurance with some dignity and respect? Now, if you dont believe what I’m telling you, just hang-on a spell here and see for yourselves... Your party of No aims are well known among even the least among us. You all just can’t believe it when we tell you America shall never forget how your party turned over every stone trying to block the ACA even after millions of hard-working Americans already spoken after the 2012 election an now after gaining access to Affordable Health Care you still want to deny them. Let me tell the GOP one more thing; you cannot kill the very thing which helps pull many of our people out of poverty, as we know that is your party’s main objective, but there’s one more thing you overlooked, God is on our Side. 2014 is coming; if Boehner & House Republicans won’t get out of the way. The American people will run their asses over if need be to have Jobs with a Livable Wages, Affordable Health Care, as well as passing comprehensive Immigration Reform. If you don’t believe our people have ultimate power not Lobbies or your Special Interest then do nothing, In time the GOP will pay the ultimate price & will not be able to afford the cost of being a party of ‘No’ regardless of all your gerrymandering of our election process.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:02:51 +0000

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