THE UNPLEASANT STORY OF NIGERIA AND MANY OF ITS CITIZENS MAY CHANGE IF… Daily I am troubled by the number of Nigerians who are wallowing in abject poverty in the midst of the plenty resources which God has deposited therein. I am disappointed to hear that many Nigerians go to Benin Republic for Higher Education and go to Ghana for student tour. Without any bad blood for these Countries, I feel it should be the opposite or at best some sort of mutual thing but this is not the case. As I continue to ask myself what is cause of the big problem of our nation and our people. I got an answer within my spirit and I have pondered on it and I think it is instructive for me to share same. To me, I perceived that, the main cause of Nigerian problem is the absence of ‘LIGHT’ or call it ‘Electricity’. Our fight against poverty and unemployment is a sham until we fix our power sector. Nigerians will forever be grateful to any administration that succeed in this area but it is a pity that all the money OBJ/ATIKU administration claimed to have pumped into the power sector have yielded no viable result. Come to think of it, though am not unmindful of the fact that, not all people believe in the creation story as recorded in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. If you go and study that portion of the Bible, you will find out that, for GOD to start doing the great works he did, HE first CREATED LIGHT: GENESIS 1:3 says: ‘AND GOD SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT’ AND THERE WAS LIGHT’ The above caption shows clearly that the first agenda for every genuine progressive and serious Government is to create light. Hence, it is a misplacement of priority for any government to play with the needfulness of LIGHT. Existence of Light will make our economy grow, technologies improve and educational sector better, as a matter of fact, students will become better graduates when we have light. If we all truly want better life for all Nigerians, let’s invoke what I call the ‘FIRST DIVINE COMMAND RULE’, which is ‘let there be light’. if God recognizes the paramount importance of light, then a country which has not given light to its people is doomed to fail…….NIGERIANS DESERVE LIGHT! Nigerians and Nigeria will change if and only if there is light, sorry stable lights for the avoidance of doubt please! ‘LET OUR GOVERNMENT GIVE US LIGHT AND THE NIGERIANS BURDEN WILL BECOME LIGHT AGAIN’
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 16:24:45 +0000

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