THE WAY SEEMS TO BE TOWARDS PEACE AND AWARENESS. WHY THEN IS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING AROUND YOU IN SUCH A CHAOS? BECAUSE I AM A CHAOS! And only out of a chaos a cosmos is born; there is no other way. You are like old, very old, ancient buildings; you cannot be renovated. For millions of lives you have been here. First you have to be demolished completely, and only then recreated. Renovation is possible, but that won’t help long. It will be just a surface decoration. Deep in your foundations you will remain the old, and the whole structure will always remain shaky. It can fall any day. New foundations are needed – everything new. You have to be completely reborn, otherwise it will be a modification. You can be painted from the outside, but there is no way to paint the inner. The inner will remain the same – the same old rotten thing. A discontinuity is needed. You should not be allowed to continue. A gap... The old simply dies and the new comes out of it – out of the death. And there is a gap between the old and the new; otherwise the old can go on continuing. All modifications are really to save the old, and I am not a modifier. And the chaos will continue for you if you resist it. Then it takes a long time. If you allow it to happen, it can happen in a single moment also. If you allow it to happen, the old disappears and a new being comes into being. That new will be divine because it will not come out of the past; it will not come out of time. It will be timeless – beyond time. It will not come out of you; you will not be a father and mother to it. It will come suddenly out of the blue. That’s why Buddha insists that it always come out of nothing. You are something; that is the misery. What you are in fact? Just the past. You go on accumulating the past; that’s why you have become like ruins – very ancient ones. Just see the point and don’t try to continue the old. Drop it. Hence, around me there is going to be always chaos because I am continuously demolishing. I am destructive because that is the only way to be creative. I am like death because only then you can be born through me. It is right: there is chaos. There will always continue because new peoples will be coming. You will never find a settled establishment around me. New peoples will be coming and I will be demolishing them. It can stop for you individually; if you allow me to destroy you completely, for you chaos will disappear. You will become a cosmos, a hidden harmony; a deep order. For you chaos will disappear, but around me it will continue because new ones will be coming. This has to be so; this has been always so. It is not for the first time that you have asked me this. The same was asked to Buddha; the same was asked to Lao Tzu; the same will be asked again and again, because whenever there is a Master, that means he uses death as a method for resurrection. You must die; only then you can be reborn. Chaos is beautiful because it is the womb, and your so-called order is ugly because it protects only the dead. Death is beautiful; dead is not beautiful – remember the difference. Death is beautiful, I repeat, because death is a live force. Dead is not beautiful because dead is that place from where life has moved already. It is just a ruin. Don’t be a dead one; don’t carry the past. Drop it, and pass through death. You are afraid of death, but you are not afraid of dead. Jesus called two fishermen to follow him, and the moment they were getting out of the town a man came running, and he said to the fishermen, ”Where are you going? Your father has died. Come back.” They asked Jesus, ”Allow us few days so that we can go and do whatsoever is needed. Our father is dead and the last rituals have to be done.” Jesus said, ”Let the dead bury their dead. You don’t bother. You follow me.” What Jesus says? He says the whole town is dead – they will take care: ”Let the dead bury their dead. You follow me.” If you live in the past you are a dead thing. You are not an alive force. And there is only one way to become alive, and that is to die to the past, die to the dead. And this is not going to happen once and forever. Once you know the secret, each moment you have to die to the past, so no dust gathers on you. Then death becomes a constant reorientation, a constant rebirth. Always remember: die to the past Whatsoever has passed, has passed. It is no more; it is nowhere. It only clings in the memory. It is only in your mind. Mind is the depository of all that is dead. That’s why mind is the only block for life to flow. The dead bodies accumulate around the flow; they become the block. -Osho Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 2 CHAPTER 8. FROM CHAOS TO CHAOS WITH AUM
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:22:32 +0000

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