THE WISCONSIN DNR’S SILENCE ON WOLF SLAUGHTER IS SPEAKING VOLUMES November 25 Over this past weekend and through the next hundreds of thousands of people will be on Wisconsin lands looking to kill a deer. Two of the areas where thousands of these people will be are in what the DNR calls Wolf Zones 3 and 6. To date the DNR has listed 145 “reported” kills of a wolf by the great white hunters of Wisconsin. This tally does not include the countless numbers of illegally killed wolves that DO NOT count toward the DNR’s 150 wolf kill quota. In fact over the past two weeks only three wolves have been “reported” as killed by the DNR. There are multiple reasons to find this accounting of wolf kills highly suspicious and very concerning. Here are some theories as to why “only” three wolves were “reported” killed this past weekend despite hundreds of thousands of hunters being in the woods: *POACHING IS RAMPAD AND ENCOURAGED BY THE ANTI-WOLF HATE SITES THAT INFECT THE INTERNET. Therefore wolves are being killed but not being reported. Considering that poaching citations and investigations are way down this does not seem all that implausible that the DNR is turning a blind eye to wolf poachers. Even the kill everything and anti-wolf group, the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, has raised alarms about the lack of poaching citations and investigations being conducted by this DNR. At least for deer. *THERE ARE FEW IF ANY WOLVES LEFT IN THESE AREAS. Last year Zone 3 was the last area to close and hounders made sure to kill as many wolves in this area as possible and exceeded the kill quota. Couple this with the rampant and hate group encouraged poaching and there is a strong chance that there just aren’t many wolves left in these areas to kill. *HOUNDERS ARE HOARDING TAGS AND WAITING UNTIL DOG VS WOLF SEASON STARTS NEXT WEEK. This is what I find to be the most likely of these scenarios. Hounders despise wolves and they are the ones that are most often at the center of any talk concerning the killing of wolves. The Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association even hired lawyers to write the bill that now allows dogs to be pitted against wolves. You just know that these bloodthirsty sadists are hoping that the 150 kill quota isn’t reached before next week so that they can publicly pit their dogs against wolves, legally “report” their kills, and share their snuff pics on the anti-wolf hate sites. Currently they only get to pit their dogs against wolves under the guise of 24/7/365 “training.” *THE DNR IS NOT REPORTING THE KILLS TO THE PUBLIC. This theory has been gaining ground in recent weeks due to the complete and total silence from the DNR concerning the mass overkill in two zones and the blatant anti-wolf stance of the so-called “leadership” at the DNR. This document outlines a meeting that occurred a few years ago while Jim Doyle was still governor. Included in the meeting organized by the “Hunters Rights Coalition” were many familiar names now in DNR or state leadership positions. Most notably was then state representative Scott Gunderson the current “number two” at the DNR. These were Gunderson’s comments from that meeting: The “out of control” wolf population was the focus of Gunderson’s remarks. “If anyone thinks that projected wolf number is right – they are wrong,” Gunderson said. Gunderson said we need to continue to work to be able to get the wolf population under control.” Does it seem so far fetched that the modern incarnation of the DNR would ignore wolf kill numbers? Let’s not forget that the “Hunters Rights Coalition” was started by current Natural Resources Board member and Scott Walker campaign advisor, Greg Kazmierski, and is made up of of the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association and other rabid anti-wolf groups. It wouldn’t be so out there to assume that the fix is in and wolf kills are not being made public, would it? *THE DNR IS TELLING THE TRUTH AND HUNTERS ARE JUST NOT FINDING WOLVES TO SHOOT. -Yeah I don’t buy that one either READ MORE HERE: ourwisconsinourwildlife.wordpress/2014/11/25/the-wisconsin-dnrs-silence-on-wolf-slaughter-is-speaking-volumes/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:36:17 +0000

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