THE WORD FOR LIFE First JOHN 2:12-17 By the late Pastor L. - TopicsExpress


THE WORD FOR LIFE First JOHN 2:12-17 By the late Pastor L. Peterson Paul in writing to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:2) said that his ministry should cover three distinct areas. First, it should be a word for encouragement - Preach the word the apostle declares. This always is encouraging as the believers see the promises of God come true. Secondly, it should be a word of warning. The apostle adds reprove - rebuke. Thirdly, it is a word of exhortation. The text referred to above declares exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. This portion in our study of 1st John covers these three areas. Verses 12 through 14 covers the area of encouragement. Verses 15 through 16 covers the area of warning and the 17th verse covers the area of exhortation. In our lesson for this writing we shall consider verses 12 through 14 or the subject of encouragement. The aged apostle encouraged his readers by addressing them as a one family unit. All the Christians are called by the family name Teknia or little children. This is a term of endearment. Regardless of their spiritual maturity they all belong to one family and being born in the bloodstream that flows from Calvary they have a common Father, our Heavenly Father. After resurrection morning and the giving of His shed blood the Savior called the disciples brethren (John 20:17). This declares them as all in one family. How helpful it would be in our Christian circles if we all realized this. It would help all of us who are truly Christians to better appreciate the entire family. Our denominational differences would fade into insignificance if we fully realized this wonderful relationship. How grateful we should be to God our Heavenly Father for addressing us with such an endearing term as children In the 13th and 14th verses the inspired writer gives credit and acknowledges their spiritual maturity. First, he addressed the fathers. Who are these so addressed? These no doubt were those who had been with from the beginning as we read in Acts 1:21 These men who have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us. The emphasis should be upon ye have known Him, from the beginning. Some interpret the text that these fathers knew Him that was from the beginning. The context and a proper translation will show that they were called fathers because they had known the Lord for many years. John was an aged apostle when he wrote this letter and some of the fathers addressed were of his acquaintance and fellowship for many years. They were strong and stedfast in their faith and were looked upon as mature in the Lord. Next the Apostle John addresses the young men. They are addressed as such because they were young in years but strong and mature in the Lord. They are complimented because they were over-comers. John in another portion of this letter declares that the spirit of antichrist was already in the world but these young men had overcome the wicked one. This is certainly an encouraging word to these young men and to those that observed their living. It is encouraging for us even today to know that we may even today be more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For, if in that early day with so little of the then known world being Christian, young men would step out against the course of the age to stand and be strong in the Lord, how much more we who find great numbers following Christ and the gospel of salvation so well propagated as it is today. The word over-come is nikos which means conquered and is from the noun nike which means victor. These young men living in those days in the very heart of paganism were victors. In the 13th verse John addresses some again as little children. These are a different group or a group in a different spiritual category as those called little children in verse 12. Here they are paidia little children. They were children of the Lord but not mature or spiritually strong. Nevertheless they have known the Father and were His children. How great, tenderhearted and good God is to His children. He does not cancel our relationship with Him because of immaturity. If this had been His way of dealing with us today, most of us would now be lost. However once born into His family we are His forever. This too is a word of encouragement to every sinner saved by grace. Verse fourteen seems to be a reemphasize of the preceding verses. In the next lesson we shall consider the word of warning and exhortation. This lesson which we have just considered prepares us to receive the following lesson. May we therefore daily rejoice in Gods good word of encouragement and consider carefully other words or lessons to build us up in our faith. Amen and love, Pastor Peterson If you are blessed by this devotional, please forward it to your friends Wise people realize how little they know and how much they need the great wisdom of God. —Joe Stowell WEB SITE graceandthetruth
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 08:03:27 +0000

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