THE WORLD WE LIVE IN RUDD’S WIFE EMBROILED IN UK UNEMPLOYED EXPLOITATION SCANDAL. “Wonder if Rudd & Hockey get together and compare notes on their wives” Kevin Rudd’s multi-millionaire wife Therese Rein is in the spotlight in the UK over her private job placement business, which is being accused of exploiting unpaid workers and failing miserably at finding real work. On top of it all, Rein filled out in official paperwork that her usual residence is in London near Tower Bridge, but since Rudd’s rapid return to power she is claiming that is a mistake, as of course she is the loyal and devoted wife of Australia’s prime minister who resides with him in Brisbane and Canberra. But it is in her private job placement business—which she started in the early 1990s in Australia with an out sourced contract from the Keating government—that Rein is getting the most attention. British advocates of workers’ rights have been shocked to discover that a company owned by the wife of a Labor PM in Australia is exploiting unemployed. Rein’s Ingeus company, and a number of others, have been exploiting a program called Workfare, by placing their unemployed clients into lengthy but unpaid work experience jobs at major corporations such as supermarket chains, with no prospects for a job at the end. The unemployed have no real choice, because they risk losing their dole payment if they don’t take up the work experience position. It has meant that the UK taxpayers have been paying the wages bill for thousands of people working for major corporations, but at dole rates. The SUPERMARKET CHAINS HAVE BEEN CAUGHT OUT LAYING OFF MANY ACTUAL WORKERS, BECAUSE FIRMS SUCH AS REIN’S KEPT THEM SUPPLIED WITH FREE LABOUR. Rein’s Ingeus even created taxpayer-funded work experience positions in its own branches. The Australian newspaper on 8 July quoted Joanna Long, a member of the lobby group Boycott Workfare, explaining how the unemployed had no real choice but to work for free with no job prospect at the end. “It is deeply concerning someone so closely connected to the Australian Labor Party is helping to erode labour rights in the UK,” she said. “Ingeus’s plans for their Work Program contract promised six months of forced unpaid work for unemployed people—a recipe for replacing paid work and undermining the minimum wage.” The other scandal surrounding Rein is that despite her company receiving a five-year, £727 million contract to deliver these job-placement services, it and other similar operations have failed miserably. Expected that they should find work for 30 per cent of job seekers they get paid to represent, they have instead only found jobs for 13.4 per cent. Political opponents of the privatised scheme say that it would have been cheaper to bury the billions spent on it, and pay the unemployed to dig up the money, and that in many parts of the country, taking part in the scheme was “worse than doing nothing”. FOOTNOTE Mass shortages of employment in UK, Europe, USA, and rising in Australia hidden at moment by part-time and causal figures being treated like full time when talking about unemployment (it’s that bad in Ireland their young people have had to leave in 1000,s every week ) and in Southern Europe and parts of the USA Youth unemployment is high as 80%. In all the counties that operate under the British Monetary System there is a loss of employment as manufacturing , Farming and any type of industry that is adding value to the materials they work with, Towards the end of the World War in Europe F.D. Roosevelt really upset Churchill and the British Oligarchs he told them of his plans for rebuilding the world after the War . He was going to teach and help all the counties move to a Credit System, he Was going to teach them and help them introduce Glass – Steagall Act. Plus he was going to teach them the benefits of having a National/Federal Bank and help them get started developing the countries own Bank. He was going to teach them what it means to be a Free Nation State. A few weeks later the British Agent Truman was President and Roosevelt was dead. Further down the track two brothers had mad politics their career and one of them became President and whilst in Office he realised things were not going as well as they should –they were going downhill and he was able to work out it was as a result of Roosevelt Policies being undone and dumped so he started changing course and working towards reinstating Roosevelt Policies one of Kennedy’s his big plans was for NAWAPA North American Water And Power Alliance (now being pushed for by LaRouche Movement) But like Roosevelt he was soon dead. His Brother started campaigning to become President to continue the work of Roosevelt and his brother and he was soon dead. media.larouchepac/larouche/videos/20111122-nawapa-1964.mp4 In Australia the CEC is fighting for a better Australia and its policies are based on Roosevelt wisdom and knowledge of the great founding fathers of the USA such as Alex Hamilton. The early greats of the Labor Party understood all this and tried to work towards these ideals and were blocked every inch of the way by the Royal families Party the Liberal Party and their coalition partner who Labor replaced as major opposition party. The last of this type of thinking in the Labor Party was truly ended when 2 British Agents took over the party Hawke & Keating. Now the CEC is fighting for many of the ideals of the old Labor Party and those of Roosevelt and other great USA forefathers (none of the many traitors over the years) and we are being assisted by a great man Lyndon Larouche and his organisation and through this organisation we are aligned with similar Organisations in 53 countries and one thing we all share in common each country has the same basic problems.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:30:42 +0000

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