THERE IS A UNDECLARED WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE WHITE RACISM IS RESPONSIBLE If a police officer in America decide to punch you in the face JUST BECAUSE! If he or she decide to choke you to pass out or to death. You the victim of this evil cannot fight back nor tried to protect yourself! Or you will be charged with resisting arrest” or assault on a police officer! If a police officer decide to chase you while he or she is shooting at you. You the victim of this evil must stop to be shot and killed! You the victim cannot shoot back! If you see a cop choking your child or beating your child or shooting at your child. There is nothing you can do to save your child!!! UNLESS there is a declared war against you your race your community! “Stop & Frisk” is totally illegal by the fourth amendment” It target black people” example Mayor Bloomberg statement when on a radio interview HE SAID” “ stop stopping white people and increase stopping black people”! THAT IS JIM CROW or a UNDECLARED WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE?????? A declaration of war is a formal act by which one nation goes to war against another. The declaration is a per formative speech act (or the signing of a document) by an authorized party of a national government in order to create a state of war between two or more states. SO BLACKS ARE AT WAR AND DON’T KNOW IT!!! The legality of who is competent to declare war varies between nations and forms of government. In many nations, power is given to the head of state or sovereign; in other cases, something short of a full declaration of war, such as a letter of marque or a covert operation, may authorize war-like acts by privateers or mercenaries. The official international protocol for declaring war was defined in the Hague Convention (III) of 1907 on the Opening of Hostilities. Since 1945, developments in international law such as the United Nations Charter, which prohibits both the threat and use of force in international conflicts, have made declarations of war largely obsolete in international relations. In addition to this, non-state or terrorist organizations may claim to or be described as declaring war when engaging in violent acts. These declarations may have no legal standing in themselves, but may still act as a call to arms for supporters of these organizations. Is there an undeclared war against black males? Should all black males be armed to walk the earth to get from point “A” to “B”? By not declaring war are black males at risk of attack and unable to protect themselves? Is it right or cowardly to not declare war and give blacks the opportunity to arm themselves and protect their community and families? Is it fair to shoot an UNARMED human being six times twice in the head never giving the opportunity to surrender???? Was Michael Brown at war with Officer Wilson? Was Officer Wilson justifying in firing upwards of 12 bullets at an UNARMED human being running away? Officer Wilson “DID NOT” follows protocol by shooting Mr. Brown in the head twice! The rule is center mass!!! Stop & Frisk that target blacks is that a declaration of war? WWB: Walking While Black and DWB: Driving While Black. Is both A declaration of war? Laws against Saggy Pants is that A declaration of war? Sentencing blacks unfairly and at a higher rate than whites for the same crime. Is that a declaration of war? Shooting “UNARMED” blacks is that a declaration of war? Incarcerating black people for crimes they “DID NOT” permit .Is that a declaration of war against black people???? There should be a coalition of black people that travel to the “United Nation” to ask that the United State declare formerly war against black people. This way blacks can negotiate arming blacks and fighting back protecting themselves!!! BOTTOM LINE: Blacks are seen as the white man Boogie Man” so they can be treated as less human. The Scary People” The Monster” The Animals” The Bad People” …That who Michael Brown was seen as!! So he was executed!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:46:09 +0000

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