THESE ARE THE REASONS OBAMA SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN RE-ELECTED: Mr. President, Your bowing before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is not a plan for countrys foreign policy or for U.S. energy independence. The United States economy is battered and drifting after 5 years of President Obama’s failed leadership. President Obamas politics of class warfare, fear, division and character assassination has been the dominant theme of Obamas failed presidency. The U.S. economic problems are too grave. This country needs strong leadership, which President Obama has not displayed. The Presidents running for re-election, run on their records. Not President Obama . Why not? Instead, team Obama has mounted a relentlessly negative campaign. Forget “Hope and Change.” This time around it’s “Fear and Smear.” U.S. has record high foreclosures, record high loss of middle class family income and twenty three million Americans are not able to find jobs or are underemployed. A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents that have signed up to collect federal disability since President Obama took office. President Obama supports the institutional redistribution of wealth in the USA. President Obamas taxing of the rich plan wont solve the deficit. President Obama could confiscate the entire wealth of Americas top 400 wealthiest people ($1.7 trillion dollars) and it wouldnt put much of a dent in our +$16.2 trillion deficit. President Obama unwilling to negotiate with the Republicans; President Obama unwilling to take responsibility for four American Deaths in Benzhazi calling it a ‘BUMP IN THE ROAD;’ Obama unwilling to take responsibility for the IRS Scandal. THE PRESIDENT IS A DISGRACE TO AMERICA !!!! President Obamas proposed solution to reducing the deficit, tax the rich plan will only fund the government for about 8 days. U.S. lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama. The U.S Nations National Security facing traumatic repercussions from Obamas policies. The U.S Southern border is a sieve, open as a gateway to the most violent criminals. The government takeover of health care, if left in place, will deprive millions of Americans of their present health insurance and degrade the quality of care provided for all of us. President Obamas preferred model is socialized medicine is along the lines of socialist countries. President Obama seems fundamentally out of touch with most mainstream Americans and sees main street America as something to be scolded. President Obama routinely villanizes the private sector and pushes policies that punish hard working Americans. As he chided successful Americans this summer, “You didn’t build that!”. President Obamas administrations ludicrous assertion that an obscure YouTube video in California sparked anti-American riots across the Middle East on Sept. 11 has now been proven a deliberate falsehood. HE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DUE TO HIS RE-ELECTION. HIS SECOND TERM WAS IMPORTANT TO HIM THAN TELLING THE TRUTH !!!!!! President Obama was going to unite the country, but all he has done is divide and pit one group against another. He pits the rich against the poor, blacks against whites, old against young, workers against management, unions against companies, and home owners against bank. By most measures, President Obama has failed the American people. Its time for real leadership and change in the White House. Time to Evict the Imposter living there !!!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:13:17 +0000

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