THESE FOLKS ARE NOT DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Note to Glenn Beck about Gandhi He might have been a peace loving man but he was not a pacifist! His tactics of Satyagraha was created because of necessity and strategy and not because of a unilateral disarmament. THE BRITISH HAD DISARMED INDIANS. READ UP ON HISTORY PEOPLE.. Glenn Beck called for Peace and Love and asked if the ends Justified the means in the Cliven Bundy case when the Patriots came prepared to fight for Justice!! My answer to Glenn Beck Mr. Beck.... I wish I could ask The Founding Fathers if the Ends justifies the means Ask George Washington as he crossed the Potomac if The end Justified the means Thomas Jefferson said it best... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. Glenn I have followed you from the days at CNN and have a lot of respect for the depth of information you have shared with your audience. But you are wrong to preach a Gandhian path which will NEVER work today. You need to search deep into your soul and know the truth. America is doomed if we do not fight and win. They are taking us along slow path to imminent destruction. Remember you showed that frog in the boiling water experiment. Well thats us.. and you are keeping the water on slow boil when you preach a non violent approach as we careen towards end of America as a Constitutional Republic. You have acquired great wealth and I understand that you would like to keep it as long as yo can and that a REVOLUTION would upset your apple cart.. but the common tax paying hardworking people do not have it as good as you. They are the ones being destroyed. They are the ones who will pay the price . I HOPE YOU WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN... STEEL YOUR SELF AND CALL FOR THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS MESS.... You preached about the greatness of the Founding Fathers who swore with their Lives , the Fortunes.. ( YES MT. BECK.. THEIR VAST FORTUNES) and their sacred honor.... DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE AND THE SELF RESPECT TO DO THE SAME ??? SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS ! PS .. ID BET ON GEORGE WASHINGTON AND PATTON AND PEOPLE LIKE THEM WHEN IT COMES TO SAVING OUR COUNTRY!! HOW ABOUT YOU ??
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:21:36 +0000

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