THEY NEED OUR PRAYERS! Wednesday, 4th December 2013 On 20th - TopicsExpress


THEY NEED OUR PRAYERS! Wednesday, 4th December 2013 On 20th January, 1953, precisely, the newly elected and sworn-in President of United States of America, Dwight Eisenhower, surprised the nation by opening his inaugural address, not with oratory words, but with prayer. “My friends,” he said, “before I begin...would you permit me the privilege of uttering a little private prayer of my own? And I ask that you bow your heads.” He then prayed: “Almighty God, as we stand here at this moment, my future associates in the executive branch of government join me in beseeching that Thou will make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people in this throng...Give us the power to discern clearly right from wrong, and allow all our words and actions to be governed thereby.” What a prayer from a godly national leader, the type we need today! I believe that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man, especially a church or national leader, avails much. Notice! The President was not ashamed of the Almighty God who is the Creator of the earth and everyone in it; the power and authority behind good governance! He acknowledged the majesty, supremacy, sovereignty and leadership of the Lord, his God. He communicated with Him and committed himself, the executive arm of government, the Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Governors and leaders everywhere in America; their character and integrity, their words and actions, their decisions and reactions to God. He asked God to give them the ability to discern right from wrong and to choose right because He knows that unless the Lord builds, leads or protects a city or a nation, the builders, leaders, security agents will work in vain! What a way to lead, to start an assignment, a project or a day! Have you prayed today? “Yes Greg, I have prayed!” My friend, is this your response? Have you prayed for your national, state, local government leaders and those in authority? Hear this! In his message to Timothy, Apostle Paul told Timothy that there is nothing more important than prayer in the life of the church or a corporate body, and in the life of individual Christians. He said just as true doctrine and teaching of the Word of God are essential for the church, so prayer is also essential. In that letter, Apostle Paul mentioned to Timothy the different kinds of prayer; and one of them is intercession, which is prayer primarily for others. Paul said, among all the people we should pray for are the traditional rulers, national and corporate leaders and those in authority. Paul put it like this: “I exhort first of all that supplications (requests), prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people every where; for kings, queens, other traditional rulers, national leaders and all those who are in authority” (1 Tim 2:1-2). Did you hear that? Listen! Presidents, Prime Ministers, Corporate leaders, Pastors; even Husbands and other leaders everywhere need our prayers. My friend, our Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Local Government Chairpersons, Members of Parliaments, Chief Justice of our nation, General Inspector of Police, Chairperson of every political party, Chief Executive Officers, Directors, Pastors and all our other leaders can be guided and influenced by our prayer. We must pray for them. And we must pray not only for our good leaders, but also for corrupt, greedy, selfish, evil, occult, wicked, manipulative, weak, lying, fraudulent leaders. We must pray that they will turn to God and begin to do His will, so that we may live peaceful, fruitful, successful, joyful, fulfilling and quite lives in all godliness and holiness. Did you heat that? My friend, lets ask God to give our leaders the ability to discern right from wrong and the integrity to choose and do the right thing always. Can I just say this please? The reason we should pray for ourleaders is not that we might live very easy, fast and too comfortable lives, but that we might live in all godliness and holiness. Look at how many of our leaders are tolerating sins and celebrating them forgetting the consequences upon themselves, their family and upon us equally. It was Achan, a leader in Israel, who sinned but the whole nation paid for it (Joshua 7:1-26). The sin of a leader is a leading sin. It makes others under the leadership or governance of that leader to commit the same sin; and also everyone will be affected by the sin, wrong choice or decision. My friend, this is one of the reasons we must pray for our leaders. Their decisions or legislations, either right or wrong, will affect all of us. Equally, even more greater, our prayers will affect their decisions. Our leaders and those in authority need our prayers. Lets pray for them, for our family members and for everyone in faith and in expectation that. It pleases God to do that because He wants everyone to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and the Leader of all leaders!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 10:46:18 +0000

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