THINGS I LEARNED FROM MY NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE By Eben Alexander, III, MD 1. We are each eternal beings – our essence is eternal – we are temporarily wearing this “costume” (our physical body) in this “act of the play.” When the act is over, we drop our costume and reunite with our “higher soul” which has always known the truth and purpose of our existence. 2. The single most important force or principle in the Universe is unconditional Love – It is at the core of all existence, as the unconditional love of the Creator for all of Creation – It provides the infinite energy for healing self, others and the whole world. 3. We are all One, all joined energetically, manifestations of Om – One Consciousness, or Creative Essence, gives rise to our sense of individual consciousness – the apparent boundaries between individuals are an illusory, emergent property, and these ultimately give rise to our notion of “self” and “ego” existing in this realm, along with all of our perceptions of “physical reality.” 4. That Creative essence IS our conscious awareness – the spark of Divinity within us all, temporarily/partially veiled from our incarnations, so that we can judge ourselves on our proper decisions based on free will when reconnected with our higher souls. 5. This truth is cleverly veiled from us to enable our souls to manifest expression of that unconditional love from the Creator based on faith and belief, even in the face of all of the moral evil and injustice so rampant in this imperfect physical realm.  6. The purpose of all existence is to allow our souls’ manifestation of free will – Love serves as the perfect moral compass in all decisions made in this imperfect physical realm – offering our ascendance in the Spiritual Realm, by manifesting that love of the Creator to all fellow beings. 7. The Creator is behind the numbers, the perfection of the universe that science measures and struggles to understand. But – perhaps paradoxically – the Creator is also every bit as “human” as you and I are, understanding and sympathizing with our human nature more profoundly and personally than we (as humans in this physical plane) can imagine. 8. All together, we form all aspects of the Creator – becoming Oneness. During our passage through the physical (dualist) realm forcing half-truths to be absolute truths is the cause for much angst* Absolute truths exist only in the spiritual (non-dualist) realm, yet our ascendance as souls is towards the Oneness, the acknowledgement that all of existence is the One Consciousness. Experiencing a sense of self and of the Oneness simultaneously is the “new duality.” 9. Hardship and difficulties in life are opportunities for our spiritual growth here in “soul school.” 10. Our souls “travel in packs” helping each other to set up and learn the lessons necessary for our progression in the Spiritual Realm, ie. in choosing these lives. 11. Some of our soul partners may manifest as what appears to be our nemesis in this incarnation, helping us learn certain lessons.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:45:10 +0000

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